Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung (German Edition)

Little Numbers

You are falling into the trap laid out carefully by German Gender Mainstreaming throughout the years. No, in German a noun does not have a gender.

Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung Ganzer Film auf Deutsch

It has a genus. This genus is a purely grammatical property defined by tradition.

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By default, it has nothing to do with biological sex or sociological gender. The word der Student is a masculine noun describing people who study regardless of their sex or gender. A group of these people is described by the plural form die Studenten regardless of their sexual or gender composition. Studenten , but in a university setting, i. Since that participle is a verb form used as a noun, it inflects just like an adjective i. The plural is always fine. Please note that such words — although used like nouns — do not bear inherent gender.

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In non-formal contexts, e. Studierende is one of the red flags that reliably spawn an emotional discussion of the merits of exactly the thing you want to do, i. In Indoeuropean languages, genus is the property of the noun, and there is only one "correct" grammar gender to refer to that noun. English is a special case, where that concept is reduced. The nouns has no genus, a dog, for example, can be "he", "she" or "it".

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There are some exceptions, like "waitress" or "actress", but they are not commonly used nowadays. There are artificial attempts in German to introduce pseudo-gender-neutral nouns like "Studierenden" but they are only pseudo-gender-neutral. In Singular, you have "der Studierende" or "die Studierende". Another problem is, that semantically, they have similar role to adjectives, so the constructs like "ehemalige Studierenden" makes not much sense. People also don't like when someone regulates what words should be used.

Often for large groups of people of unknown or mixed gender the plural of the masculine form is used: This is known as the "Generisches Maskulinum". Of course, just using the masculine form is problematic as it ignores the women and there is an ongoing discussion about what a better alternative should be. Also often used, especially when talking to them directly is using both, the plural of the masculine and feminine form: Other possible forms are the "Gender Gap" yes, the english term is used in german, that's why it has the capital G, see http: There is not one standard way to use now as there are many arguments pro and con each way see for example the arguments on the Binnen-I wikipedia page: There are even more options than the ones described: Other, but very rare suggestions include just using the feminine form or switching between pure feminine and pure masculine forms between paragraphs.

So sadly, there is not one way to go but multiple alternatives to choose from and you will always find some people who don't like the way you have chosen Trying to include everyone and not using the generic masculine is the best way to go as long as the text stays readable. Most of this is also true when referring to one specific individual but when you address him or her directly e.

If you go for the grammatically correct version, use "die Studenten". That's the generic masculine form. If you speak to a crowd, you can't go wrong with "Studentinnen und Studenten" you usually have to use the female version first. There are stronger forms of that as well like e. While the Binnen-I is rather generally accepted the latter ones are not. There is even a very left-leaning university in Germany that went as far as to stop using the male version at all, so male students are addressed as "Studentinnen". In German we often use the male form of the job titles although we don't mean explicitely one gender ein Student.

In plural this is used really often Studenten. But both uses depend on the context. You can use it this way if it's a general statement. If you refer to certain people then use exact expressions.

Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung

The word der Student is a masculine noun describing people who study regardless of their sex or gender. By the way, we had a bit of a technical hitch with the registration for the newsletter lately. Rock , Soft Rock , Adult. Music infoboxes with Module: Sonja Glass Valeska Steiner. Lyrically, "Little Numbers" depicts its protagnost waiting for a call of her love interest , while killing time with daydreaming.

In the ages of feminism there came a few alternatives to this. There are also examples where we use the female version although it could include male persons too e.

Kein Sex Ist Auch Keine Losung by Mia Morgowski (Paperback, 2008)

Here you'll find more to that topic. If you want to say something about a person whose sex you don't know for example they've sent you an email , just say. Er oder sie hat mir 'ne Email geschrieben. If you smile apologetically and make it obvious that you're not maliciously trying to challenge anybody's gender identity or whatever you will never run into serious problems.

Just, you know, relax: It's not like talking to a computer, where forgetting a semicolon will result in carnage. Students and of course all sexually reproducing creatures don't have genders, they have sexes male and female are different sexes ; masculine and feminine nouns are different genders. The word you want is Studenten , which refers to both sexes, male and female, collectively. It is the plural form of both die Studentin and der Student. After his Abitur he completed an apprenticeship as bank teller. She is an archetype of literature and art.

Her ability to entrance and hypnotise her victim with a spell was in the earliest stories seen as being literally supernatural; hence, the femme fatale today is still often described as having a power akin to an enchantress, seductress, vampire, witch, or demon, having power over men. The phrase is French for "fatal woman". A femme fatale tries to achieve her hidden purpose by using feminine wiles such as beauty, charm, and sexual allure.

In some situations, she uses lies or coercion rather than charm. She may also make use of some subduing weapon such as sleeping gas , a modern analog of magical powers in older tales. She may also be or imply that she is a victim, caught in a situation from which she cannot escape; The Lady from Shanghai a film noir is one such example.

It is one of the gentler songs of the album, coming as a direct contrast to the previous, abrasive song, " I'm Waiting for the Man ". Verfilmung des gleichnamige Bestsellers um Them Sex ja, Beziehung nein! Auch auf seine Freunde scheint kein Verlass mehr zu sein. Wen wundert's, dass Tom unvorsichtig wird und seine Beziehungsvermeidungsregeln auf der Strecke bleiben.

Dezember Kinostart USA: Black Rite by Mandingo. Vince Oliver Fleischer findet seine Frau in Toms Ich finde Corinna Harfouch einfach klasse!

Bel Ami (Blu-ray) (2012)

1h 44min | Comedy | 1 December (Germany) Stephan Luca in Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung () Stephan Luca, Alexx Grimm, Oliver Fleischer . Kein Sex Ist Auch Keine Losung (German Edition) [Mia Morgowski] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Sie gibt sichtlich stets alles und bereichert selbst mit der kleinsten Nebenrolle jeden Film. Ihre Filmografie weist nur wenige eher durchschnittliche Filme auf, doch selbst in diesen holt sie noch alle Radio Free Europe 17 Sep The Guardian 17 Sep Create your page here. Tuesday, 18 September , Please tell us which country and city you'd like to see the weather in.

Kinowelt Filmverleih Kinostart DE: Als Werbefachmann Tom Stephan Luca glaubt er, viel von Frauen zu verstehen, auch wenn er nichts versteht. Keine Verpflichtungen, keine Moral , keine Reue. Wer soll sich in dieser verkehrten Welt noch zurechtfinden? Michael Gantenberg, Hartmut Block Produzent: Wolfgang Braun , Senta Menger Buchvorlage: Ihre Filmografie weist nur wenige eher durchschnittliche Filme auf, doch selbst in diesen holt sie noch alles aus ihrer Rolle raus.

Daher macht sie meines Erachtens jedes Projekt in dem sie mitwirkt sehenswert.

Corinna Harfouch Kein Sex Ist Auch Keine Lösung

Sie besitzt eine enorme schauspielerische Bandbreite. Ihre Rollen sind sehr abwechslungsreich. Das macht im Prinzip jeden ihrer Filme einzigartig und daher sehr sehenswert. Sie hat in ihrer ganzen Erscheinung einen unaufdringlichen, nicht diesen typischen gewollten Sexappeal, der dennoch nicht minder wirksam ist. Sondern einen als Zuschauer nachhaltig in ihren Bann zieht. Auch, dass sie nicht diesen typischen, zb. Life and work Harfouch was born in Suhl in Thuringia. Awards 43rd Berlin International Film Festival: The House on the River Treffen in Travers The Last Chapter The Tango Player Zwischen Pankow und Zehlendorf Die Spur des Bernsteinzimmers Read more.