The Power of Three: Discovering What Really Matters in Life

Talks to help you focus on what really matters

Then he sets out the need for our collective life to be driven by some equally important core principles, putting People before Process, so that we do not allow our systems to crowd out our humanity; prizing Wisdom before Knowledge, ensuring that we understand the point of what we're doing, not just learning facts; and seeking Integrity before Politics, ensuring that in our work and public lives we put values first, not short-term results.

What Matters Most in Life?

Finally, drawing on the strong biblical example he urges us all to unite in seeking Faith, Hope and Love as the three virtues that will drive a transformational community and enable all to benefit from what each has to give. Why you need to stop what you re doing to really start living.

Norman Drummond is founder of Columba , a charity specialising in helping young people from underprivileged backgrounds to become leaders. He is also chairman of Drummond International, a life coaching, personal and presentation skills and media management company. Formerly a headteacher and BBC governor, Norman Drummond's skills as a coach are in great demand with top politicians and business figures worldwide.

He is currently a chaplain to the Queen. He is married with five children. The Stories in Our Genes. My Life with Wagner.

The Dumpling Sisters Cookbook: The Second World War: Guide To Better Acol Bridge. With an Introduction by John Miller.

1. Make every moment matter.

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Only then will you be free. Free to be brave, to blaze your own trail and say what you feel without conforming to the ideas of others. Look to your values: Begin by loving yourself.

Only when you know your true worth can you truly love anyone else. Practice self love daily. Treat yourself to nice things. Look in the mirror and say good things about yourself. It may feel a little weird at first, but you will get used to it. Self love allows you to love others. You have a calling, and your job is to find out what that calling is.

Search for your purpose in life as though your life depends on it, because it does. Your purpose will give you meaning and the confidence to reach your dreams, so you can truly shine bright! The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.

What “Debate” Really Is (And Why it Matters)

Your experiences in life truly do matter. What are the experiences you create for yourself? Make time to experience wonderful situations that light you up. You are here for the ultimate experience of life, so make it count.

2. Be happy now. Because happiness is not a destination.

Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny. What are your values? Identify them and follow them every day. Not only will they allow you to make the right decisions, but out of your values comes authenticity and confidence to shine and be who you are with integrity. You can be true to yourself and true to others.

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Anna is a communication expert and a life enthusiast. She's the editor of Lifehack and loves to write about love, life, and passion. Your relationship is no different. Remember all those things you discovered about yourself when you first got together? The way your partner made you feel when you met that made you fall in love with him or her in the first place.