Configural Frequency Analysis: Methods, Models, and Applications

Configural Frequency Analysis: Methods, Models, and Applications. Alexander Von Eye

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Development and Psychopathology, 9, - Pattern discovery and detection: A unified statistical methodology. Journal of Applied Statistics, 31 8 , - The individual as the organizing principle in psychological inquiry: Introduction to Configural Frequency Analysis: The search for types and antitypes in cross-classification. Google Scholar , Crossref.

Edited by Todd D. Little

Version program for 32 bit operating systems. Methods of Psychological Research: Online, 6, - Antitypes are interpreted as patterns of variable values that do in general not occur together.

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We explain the basic idea of CFA by a simple example. Assume that we have a data set that describes for each of n patients if they show certain symptoms s 1 , We assume for simplicity that a symptom is shown or not, i.

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Principles of Practical Psychology: Applied and or person-oriented researchers, statisticians, and advanced students interested in CFA and categorical and longitudinal data will find this book to be a valuable resource. Science, , - Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis. This page was last edited on 13 November , at Now f c and e c can be compared by a statistical test typical tests applied in CFA are Pearson's chi-squared test , the binomial test or the hypergeometric test of Lehmacher. Would you like us to take another look at this review?

Each record in the data set is thus an m -tuple x 1 , Each such m -tuple is called a configuration. Let C be the set of all possible configurations, i.

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The data set can thus be described by listing the observed frequencies f c of all possible configurations in C. The basic idea of CFA is to estimate the frequency of each configuration under the assumption that the m symptoms are statistically independent.

Let e c be this estimated frequency under the assumption of independence. Let p i 1 be the probability that a member of the investigated population shows symptom s i and p i 0 be the probability that a member of the investigated population does not show symptom s i. Now f c and e c can be compared by a statistical test typical tests applied in CFA are Pearson's chi-squared test , the binomial test or the hypergeometric test of Lehmacher.

If there is no significant difference between f c and e c , then c is neither a type nor an antitype.

Configural frequency analysis

Thus, each configuration c can have in principle three different states. It can be a type, an antitype, or not classified.

Types and antitypes are defined symmetrically. But in practical applications researchers are mainly interested to detect types.

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  4. Book Review: Configural Frequency Analysis: Methods, Models, and Applications - Eun Young Mun, .

For example, clinical studies are typically interested to detect symptom combinations that are indicators for a disease. These are by definition symptom combinations which occur more often than expected by chance, i. Since in CFA a significance test is applied in parallel for each configuration c there is a high risk to commit a type I error i.