Did Jesus Call God “Papa”?

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Musician and reality star Papa Penny Penny has got this TV thing on lock and after Wednesday night's episode of his hit reality show, fans think he might just have parenting down too. It was all too much for fans who claimed the star had written his own bible, the "Papa Penny Bible". Papa Penny is no stranger to making statements about God that have left fans confused. A week after claiming that God came from gold, Penny told viewers that God wanted children to respect their parents before they even respect him.

He announced recently that he was going to only put the children in his will if they took his surname. He brought it up again in a conversation with his son Bafana on Wednesday but Twitter was only interested in the eye-candy on screen.

Can we discuss the son of PapaPennyAhee.. Papa Penny had fans in stitches when he decided to start a search for another of his children, speaking about his role as a father he said that he was not fake and could not fake his children. Three parenting gems out of the 'Papa Penny bible'. Papa Penny Penny has some parenting advice for viewers.

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