The Second Option

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She quickly ran to the training room. She had just slammed and locked the door when a rage filed scream escaped her mouth, the shock wave was intense. Training equipment laid in tatters as the girl's scream had them in shreds. Another scream bubbled up.

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This time a thin layer of the chakra enforced wall was cracked. Tears dripped to the ground, as she dug her growing nails into the wall.

This is what she became when she was enraged. A demon, no, she merged with the demon already inside her. Around her, black mist was starting to gather, almost as if protecting Sakura.

What It Means To Be A Second Choice

Sakura yelled in her mind. A panther materialized in front of her, purple chakra was oozing from every pore on it's sleek black fur coat. A taunting Cheshire grin made it's way to the demon' s mouth. The demon then noticed something amiss, she was crying.

Yami's eyes widened, never had he ever seen the girl look more disgruntled and angry than she did now. It was rare enough that the young girl got angry In the past, every time something would bother her enough to feel threatened or angry she had bottled it up for later use. He nodded, "Of course my adorable Cherry Blossom.

Sakura tried to give one back but it was useless, it only came out as a grimance. Yami's own killing intent was rising, but he ignored it and gave her the ok signal. It's not like the girl could actually produce that much killing intent Sakura smiled at him before releasing the killing intent she had so graciously held in. Yami did a double-take. The KI was similar to his own, which is bad enough, but the malice and amount of it startled him greatly. I'll have to look through her memories later He thought with worry.

He then heard her thoughts like a blaring alarm. Usually it's near impossible to read her mind since she likes to keep her privacy, but this time, it was to strong of a thought.

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If another group comes along and is interested in the same dates, they can request a second option contract and, once signed, the hotel will. To the ones who have treated me like a back-up plan, an afterthought or even a runner-up: thank you.

It hurts so much Please make it stop I don't want to feel like this anymore. It all sounded well and good at the be ginning of the last time I took him back, which was a total of three times.

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Wondering if you should hold out for someone better. You have to wake up earlier to make that phone call at 5 am. Posts by topic Event Marketing Another scream bubbled up. She enjoys travelling and meeting new people. Story Story Writer Forum Community. When you are excited to spend the day with them, they will either cancel at the last second or spend the entire time with you on their phone.

I thought I had finally found the man I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with. So I thought that I was finished considering the prospects of other guys; because in reality, I chose him over everyone else and hurt someone else in the process, which wasn't fair.

However, six months later, shit hit the fan, hard. I had a sinking feeling that he was secretly in love with his 'best friend'… Now, a girl's gut feeling is always right… and that time, mine was.

An Open Letter to the Girl who Always Becomes the Second Option

He had cheated on me, which he had only barely admitted to, afterwards. It led to me breaking up with him 2 months prior to me moving country to live with him! I had given him money for the house and furniture and he cheated anyway. Cue 12 months later, he did in fact do all of those things. Rest easy in knowing you are not an outcast, but suffer silently knowing you will always have to try harder than all the number ones.

It means when your sister gets married the same year you graduate college, that relatives who only visit once a year will only visit for her wedding. You are the second choice, and you are overlooked. Being second choice means when you try to make plans with someone they will already be busy. But they will still invite you along. Sometimes you will see yourself as best, and others will also see you as the best for your goal, but the place you want to reach will see you as subpar.

This is essential to remember in jobs, relationships, decisions, etc. Even if you are second to everyone else, you are first in being you, because no one can be you the way you can.