Nuclear Autumn (H-Force (The SAS Missions) Book 2)

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According to military planners, some of Britain's remoter regions could also be blasted. A radar station at Saxa Vord , now a holiday resort on the UK's most northerly populated island of Unst in Shetland, was down to be hit by a three-megaton bomb. Another target was Orford Ness on the Suffolk coast, which was involved in an experimental US radar system known as Cobra Mist and is now a nature reserve. Nuclear submarine bases on the Clyde near Glasgow were on the list, along with nuclear airfields like those at Greenham Common in Berkshire and Machrihanish on the Mull of Kintyre.

Other high-level memos from said that the target list was drawn up for military planning purposes and to help "contingency planning particularly in the field of home defence". Home defence meant protect and survive measures such as shelters to help civilians under nuclear attack. But according to the researcher who found the documents, former nuclear weapons design engineer Brian Burnell , the real aim was not to defend civilian targets.

Military planners wanted to try to ensure that UK-based nuclear bombers survived to launch a counter-attack against the Soviet Union, he said. He argues that the Whitehall planners were confused about Soviet military intentions. A nuclear historian from Aberystwyth University, Kristan Stoddart , said Britain was a priority target for the Soviet Union in the s because it was the only state in western Europe that was part of Nato's military structure. France had left in Whitehall knew this and most of the population knew it.

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A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defence said: How far should Iran go to resolve concerns over past weapons research to reach a comprehensive deal? West's hunt for alternative oil and gas helps Tehran with one official saying 'Now Russia is the bad guy. Time is on our side'.

Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. It is intended for promising young professionals from the nuclear industry and academia, including those from developing countries. Over 30 experts from the IAEA and the nuclear industry deliver more than 70 presentations and case studies. Technical visits to nuclear facilities form an essential practical element of the curriculum and students are asked to work on special projects relevant to the development of nuclear energy programmes.

Participants will be selected based on an online pre- training course and a test. Elizabeth Brancaccio Cosponsor s: These pressures, combined with climate change and variability, have many environmental impacts.

List of SAS operations

Regional climate models include now capabilities such as interactive coupling with oceans, surface hydrology, atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemical cycles. Combined with process study and observation analysis, such systems are interesting frameworks for impact assessments over West Africa. This point has motivated the recent development of a supercomputing center at the University of Abidjan. In this context, the school proposes theoretical and practical computing sessions on regional climate and environmental modeling.

English will be the spoken language during theoretical and practical sessions. Federica Delconte Organizer s: Riccardo Farneti Cosponsor s: The event will focus on fundamental and applied research on functional materials, on devices and on their application.

Operation Orchard: Israel's strike on the Syrian reactor

To cope with increasing global energy demand, solar energy is one of the best alternatives. The feasibility of solar energy technology in Africa, where the sun is available throughout the year, is not questionable. This huge energy can be used as photo-thermal and in photovoltaic forms. For efficient conversion of solar energy it is very important to have a clear understanding of the photo-physical and opto-electrical properties of materials. Since solar energy is collected only in the day time, it is also wise to develop alternative technologies such as storage for renewable energy forms.

Current photovoltaic systems, new technologies; Promise of nanostructures and technology in this field; Wind and geothermal energy: Materials, System Design, and Applications smr Secretary: Doreen Sauleek Organizer s: Ralph Gebauer, Nicola Seriani Cosponsor s: Reliable evaluated nuclear structure and decay data are of vital importance for basic nuclear physics and astrophysics, as well as for nuclear applications such as power generation, material analysis, dosimetry and medical diagnostics.

This workshop belongs to a series of ICTP workshops that started in and have been crucial for attracting young nuclear scientists to nuclear structure and decay data evaluation and for providing them with the basic tools to pursue this activity.

Please upload a one-page abstract directly to the on-line application. There is no registration fee. Theory, Experiment and Evaluation smr Address: Petra Krizmancic Organizer s: Claudio Tuniz Cosponsor s: As part of the festivities, we are organizing a two-day workshop 17th and 19th of October which is aimed at reviving the African Physical Society with a focus on discussing about all the great science that is currently going on in the African continent, promoting networking amongst African scientists and setting out a roadmap for the future of science in general in Africa.

This activity will begin with a tribute to Prof. Francis Allotey who passed away last year. Because of citizens like you, we continue to grow each year. If you haven't already, join us to share ideas and engage with open data to address real-world problems, on Earth and in space.

Work alone or with a team to solve challenges that could help change the world. Don't let the name fool you Tackle a challenge using robotics, data visualization, hardware, design and many other specialties! Inspire each other while you learn and create using stories, code, design and, most of all, YOUR ideas.

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Show us your problem-solving skills and share your talents with the world! Find out more at https: The event starts Saturday morning at 8: Space-Apps Challenge smr Address: Erica Sarnataro Organizer s: Enrique Canessa, Carlo Fonda Cosponsor s: The African School series on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications is planned on a biennial basis from to The School will also cover basic and advanced topics and applications of these methods to the structural, mechanical and optical properties of materials.

The School will include hands-on tutorial sessions based on public license codes including, but not limited to, the Quantum Espresso package.

ICTP - Scientific Calendar

During the second week, students will be asked to split up in teams and work on specific projects under the guidance of the lecturers and mentors. Knowledge transfer will be facilitated between the international experts as lecturers, and young professonals and engineers, as participants through discussions and hands-on learning with the goal to gain a comprehensive understanding about science of the physical, chemical and radiological phenomena specific to severe accidents in WCRs, advancement in scientific methods, approaches and simulation tools, fundamentals on various interrelated scientific phenomena associated with in-vessel and ex-vessel phases of severe accident progression, and the role of technologies required to control and prevent progression of such accidents in WCRs, including mitigation of the resulting severe consequences.

Fred Kucharski Cosponsor s: They can also be used to provide climate change information for impact and adaptation studies. With the aim of enlarging and strengthening the RegCM user community, the ICTP organizes a series of training workshops in different regions of the World. This workshop represents the second of a series of RegCM training activities in Southeast Asia, and includes the following lectures: Pandora Malchose Organizer s: Filippo Giorgi Cosponsor s: This public event, originated by the ICTP Science Dissemination Unit SDU , aims at bringing together science, technology and the community of resourceful and creative people for the benefit of all.

Maker Expos indeed bring together design, engineering, creativity and enthusiasm to showcase projects at the intersection of science, art and technology.

This event focuses on open source, open hardware, citizen science, do-it-yourself solutions and innovative approaches to local problems empowered by collaboration through the Internet. GOALS Besides bringing science and technology closer to the public, this Maker Expo aims to be a platform where designers, engineers, inventors or "Makers" meet in a single place to exchange ideas and resources, make contacts, meet proactive people to form working groups and collaborations. As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be borne by their home institution.

The event is free of charge for participants and visitors. For further information in Spanish regarding the event please visit http: Margherita Di Giovannantonio Organizer s: Applications to magnetic fusion theory, experiments, design and simulation. Magneto-genesis and generation of cosmic flows. The physics of laser-generated plasmas fusion, high energy density matter and laboratory astrophysics.


Maker Expos indeed bring together design, engineering, creativity and enthusiasm to showcase projects at the intersection of science, art and technology. Please regularly check this page for official announcement and updates. Virgin, , pp. Performative posturing using intelligence and special forces creates ambiguity as much as it shows resolve. Andrew Mumford, Proxy warfare Cambridge:

Milena Poropat Organizer s: Lectures and hands-on sessions on these tools applied to climate change studies will provide a background for regional climate modelling focused on the South America region SA. Erika Coppola Cosponsor s: Elizabeth Brancaccio Organizer s: This is the case, for instance, of systems with an odd number of spins with periodic boundary conditions.

Such new phase is extended, gapless, but not relativistic: Locally, the correlation functions on the ground state do not show significant deviations compared to the non-frustrated case, but correlators involving a number of sites or distances scaling like the system size display new behaviors. In particular, the von Neumann entanglement entropy is found to follow new rules, for which neither area law applies, nor one has a divergence of the entropy with the system size.

Such very long-range correlations are novel and of potential technological interest. We display such new phase in a few prototypical chains using numerical simulations and we study analytically the paradigmatic example of the Ising chain. Through these examples we argue that this phase emerges generally in weakly frustrated systems with discrete symmetries. At the basis of this performance is the ability to understand the sensory input from the external world and to associate it with effective strategies to achieve the desired goal.

This advanced school aims to combine different yet strongly coupled perspectives: The topics covered include: Lattimore DeepMind, London M. Pelillo Ca' Foscari U. Peters Technische Universitaet Darmstadt L. Learning and Artificial Intelligence smr Address: Antonio Celani Cosponsor s: The aim is to raise national capability in the vulnerable countries and increase their resilience, through an ad-hoc advanced training and also favor international cooperation among the school participants also in the framework of the North African Group for Earthquake and Tsunami studies.

The programme will involve a series of lectures, seminars, exercises and discussion sessions in Earthquake and Tsunami sciences. For those interested in presenting their research work during the conference oral and poster an abstract should be uploaded directly to the online application. Earth System Physics Earthquakes and Tsunami: Modeling and Observations smr Address: Susanne Henningsen Organizer s: Abdelkrim Aoudia Cosponsor s: Systems-on-Chip SoC based on FPGA and dual-core processors are characterized by its low-cost along with a huge versatility to implement different concurrent tasks and critical activities such as hard real time hardware control and high performance multichannel data acquisition, processing and transmission.

These remarkable features make SoC devices very attractive for frontier scientific applications. The workshop will consist of about 65 hours of theoretical lectures and assisted hands-on activities. The laboratory sessions will count on state-of-the-art software tools and development hardware platforms.

The selected faculty will be composed by lecturers and speakers from prestigious universities, hi-tech companies and research institutions. The workshop will be primarily addressed to researchers, teachers and engineers of various disciplines who need to master cutting-edge technologies for their scientific, academic and professional activities. Adrian Tompkins Cosponsor s: Combining such laser systems with extremely bright X-ray sources, such as X-ray free electron lasers, allows for studying exotic physical processes in real-time. This includes diamond precipitation, which has been predicted to happen deep inside Neptune and Uranus, and many other interesting phenomena.

Investigating Planets and Stars in the Laboratory Room: Rosanna Sain Organizer s: Baldereschi, University of Trieste, Italy R. Kresse, University of Vienna, Austria J. Finnis, Imperial College, London, U. Botana, Arizona State University K. Burke, University of California, Irvine M. Cocchi, Humboldt University, Berlin G. Csanyi, University of Cambridge R. Eder, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology J. Kunes, TU Wien N. Miranda, University of Sao Paulo B. Monserrat, University of Cambridge S. Pavarini, Forschungszentrum Juelich C.

Quek, National University of Singapore A. Vanderbilt, Rutgers University C. Total Energy and Force Methods smr Address: The number of theoretical physicists and applied mathematicians migrating into biology has dramatically increased throughout the world, but South America still lags behind. The school is intended for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the physical and biological sciences. Candidates may apply either for one or both schools, and preference will be given to PhD students in South America.

There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for travel and local expenses. Population genetics and evolution — Luca Peliti SMRI, Italy Understanding how genetic information is transmitted across generations is at the basis of evolutionary theory.