Troubles de lattention chez lenfant: Prise en charge psychologique (French Edition)

Psychologie interculturelle du développement

The impact of postnatal depression on infant development. The impact of postnatal depression and associated adversity on early mother-infant interactions and later infant outcome. Social contingency effects on subsequent perceptual-cognitive tasks in young infants. Infants of depressed mothers. Negative affect, emotional expression, and forgetting in young infants. Resolutions of control episodes between well and affectively ill mothers and their young children.

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J Abnorm Child Psychol. Kuczynski L, Kochanska G. Preschool follow-up of infants of dysphoric mothers.

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Available for download now. We used a cross-sectional design to examine ToM skills in 4—16 year-old children. Auguste Ambroise Tardieu Sex Research and Sex Therapy: Seven articles were selected which included five agents: Because maternal depression itself carries risks for the fetus, the benefits of prenatal SSRI use should be carefully weighed against potential harms.

J Clin Child Psychol. The socioemotional development of 5-year-old children of postnatally depressed mothers. The cognitive development of 5-year-old children of postnatally depressed mothers. Impact of maternal postnatal depression on cognitive development of young children. Children of parents with a major affective disorder: Downey G, Coyne JC.

Children of depressed parents: Comparison of children of depressed and nondepressed parents: Maternal depression and child adjustment: Maternal affective disorders, illness and stress: Children of depressed parents. Increased psychopathology and early onset of major depression. Psychopathology in children of parents with recurrent depression.

Onset of psychopathology in offspring by developmental phase and parental depression. Children of affectively ill parents: A review of the past 10 years. Association with maternal mental health and use of health care resources. Intellectual problems shown by year-old children whose mothers had postnatal depression. Psychosocial adjustment of adolescent children of a depressed, arthritic, or normal parent. Cyclothymia in the adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar affective disorder.

Longitudinal study of diagnoses in children of women with unipolar and bipolar affective disorder. Incidence of psychiatric disorder in offspring at high and low risk for depression. Offspring of depressed parents: Psychiatric disorder in adolescent offspring of parents with affective disorders in a non-referred sample.

The impact of parental affective disorder on depression in offspring: A longitudinal follow-up in a non-referred sample. Cicchetti D, Toth SL. The development of depression in children and adolescents. Infants at social risk: Maternal depression and family support services as mediators of infant development and security of attachment.

Hay DF, Kumar R.

  1. Torre Bermeja, Serenata in E Major, Op. 92, No. 12?
  3. Ghost Milk: Calling Time on the Grand Project;

A critique and re-analysis. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. Maternal depressive disorder and contextual risk: Contributions to the development of attachment insecurity and behavior problems in toddlerhood. Infant Ment Health J.

Social and emotional competence in children of depressed mothers. A longitudinal model of maternal self-efficacy, depression, and difficult temperament during toddlerhood. Beardslee W, Podorefski D. Resilient adolescents whose parents have serious affective and other psychiatric disorders: Importance of self-understanding and relationships.

Depression in mothers and fathers of children with intellectual disability. J Intellect Disabil Res. Feelings of depression and parenting competence of mothers of handicapped and nonhandicapped infants: Am J Ment Retard. Treatment guidelines for depression in pregnancy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet.

La parole de l'enfant en pédopsychiatrie sur TV28 (extrait).

Pregnancy outcome following maternal use of the new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: A prospective controlled multicenter study. Birth outcomes in pregnant women taking fluoxetine. N Engl J Med. Prolonged prenatal psychotropic medication exposure alters neonatal acute pain response. Child development following exposure to tricyclic antidepressants or fluoxetine throughout fetal life: A prospective, controlled study. Follow-up of children of depressed mothers exposed or not exposed to antidepressant drugs during pregnancy. A comprehensive review of assay methods, pharmacokinetics and of safety of breast-feeding.

  • You Never Know: Tales of Tobias, an Accidental Lottery Winner;
  • Antonio Rosmini di Niccolò Tommaseo (Italian Edition).
  • Letters to His Children [with Biographical Introduction].
  • La dépression de la mère et le développement de l’enfant.

Drug therapy for breast-feeding women. Fluoxetine in breast-milk and developmental outcome of breast-fed infants. In fact, this can be explained by controverse, by its difficulty to be diagnosed, by a lack of consideration of developmental aspects… Diagnosis is based on clinical aspects, developmental and familial histories, adaptative strategies and functional alteration. Clinical interview put forward particularities in adulthood: Several domains can be impaired: Although some authors Wender, Hallowell and Ratey have developped criteria based on more specific features of adulthood than those described in DSM-IV, criteria have still to be discussed: This evaluation should be completed by neuropsychological testing.

The results can confirm the diagnosis and guide the treatment according to the neuropsychological profile. The more salient tasks for the diagnosis of adult ADHD seem to be: It is thus extremely important: So, one of the purpose of our article is to enable a better consideration of adult ADHD in our country.

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