A Spark of Heavenly Fire

Awake Unto Me 2. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about A Spark of Heavenly Fire , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about A Spark of Heavenly Fire. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jan 29, Agirlcandream rated it it was ok Shelves: I received a copy of this book from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I didn't realize this was a sequel to Awake Unto Me. There are mentions of the struggles Beth and Kerry endured at the hands of Addison's wife Laura in the former but A Spark of Heavenly Fire can be read as a standalone book.

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This novel follows the young women as they move on with their lives as a couple. When Beth has the opportunity to go to medical school, Kerry supports her dreams but the cha I received a copy of this book from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. When Beth has the opportunity to go to medical school, Kerry supports her dreams but the challenge of securing enough work by fair or foul means to pay for Beth's education puts a strain on their relationship.

I'm not the biggest fan of historical fiction but when done well an historical romance can transport the reader back in time and educate and inspire while showing that love in its purest form is timeless. There were moments in this novel where the writing was heartfelt. It was always like that, always the same but always a little different somehow.

Sadly I found this book to be lacking in depth, passion, and emotion.

A Spark of Heavenly Fire

There were true expressions of love between the leading ladies in the opening chapters but as the story developed the scenes between Beth and Kerry became increasingly formal and their conversations became often wooden and too formal for a couple in a loving relationship. I found myself enjoying the scenes involving Esther and Addison more because theirs was the more interesting love story and the characters were more at ease with each other.

The very formal, stilted language of the oh-so-proper era pulled me out of the story. I recognize that this is a reflection of the manners and thoughts of those living in turn of the twentieth century but I found the stiff conversations a bit too drawing room stuffy. Yes, the year is I expect the characters to have an old timey speech pattern. What I didn't expect was to see old fashioned words used in the narrative.

Words like awaken, alit, and apprise in the narrative made me feel like the author was trying too hard to transport the reader back in time. It just didn't work for this reader. I recognize the author had good intentions and I did learn what same sex couples could face trying to live authentic lives at the turn of the century but this book did not hold my interest.

There was little spark and no heavenly fire that I could find in this novel. May 08, Darlene Vendegna rated it really liked it. I liked this book. I loved that story and everything about it. The characters were just as compelling and believable. The facts of the time ring true and the authors attention to detail is wonderful. I must admit to being a little less enamored with this one; the story just didn't grab me I liked this book. I must admit to being a little less enamored with this one; the story just didn't grab me quite as much.

It may have been the excessive typos, mispelled words and duplicated words that kept pulling me out of the story that caused this though, and not the actual story itself. I'll continue to read this authors work, because what she creates is excellent, but I just wish the proofing could be better. Nov 27, Susan rated it it was amazing. Beth Hammond and Kerry O'Shea are in love and both have dreams they want to come true.

Beth wants to become a doctor and help the poor. Kerry wants to give the poor a home yet she is committed to have Beth's dream come true. Kerry makes a decision that has consequences. Will Beth become a doctor? Why did Kerry make her decision? This is an excellent historical and fiction novel. I received a digital galley of this book free from the publisher from NetGalley. I was not obliged to write Beth Hammond and Kerry O'Shea are in love and both have dreams they want to come true. I was not obliged to write a favourable review, or even any review at all.

The opinions expressed are strictly my own.

Ratana rated it really liked it Nov 01, Tani Nick rated it really liked it Jan 12, Kelly m rated it did not like it Jun 08, BookingforTrouble rated it really liked it Dec 10, Coming up behind the jogger was a man in a cropped tee shirt and skimpy nylon shorts, a rapturous smile on his face. He passed the jogger, moving so swiftly and lightly his feet barely touched the ground.

As he neared Kate, he stumbled, and his smile faltered. He held out his hands, a beseeching look in his bright-red eyes. All at once an impossible torrent of blood gushed from his mouth, deluging her, and he toppled into her arms. She tried to steady him, but she slipped on a patch of blood, and they both fell.

Kate turned her head so she could look out of the one clean spot on her glasses.

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The elderly couple peered down at her, their faces creased in concern. Catching a glimpse of gray fabric, Kate realized the voice belonged to the disreputable-looking jogger. After rolling the body off her, he extended a sturdy hand. Clutching it, she lumbered to her feet. She reached into her coat pocket for a wad of tissues, wiped her face, hands, and glasses the best she could.

Then, squatting next to the runner, she checked his pulse, listened to his chest. No sign of life. Her knees creaked as she pushed herself upright. Four or five people, still breathing heavily from their exercise, stopped and gawked at her. A redhead in a pink and lime green warm-up suit jogged by while pressing buttons on a cell phone.

Kate cocked her head to listen. Off in the distance, underlying the sounds of the wakening city, was a cacophony of sirens. She tried to hug herself to ward off a sudden chill, but the freezing blood stiffened her coat sleeves. Besides, she had to wait until the police or the paramedics arrived. Her hands and feet felt cold, and her heart beat too fast. He fell into step beside her. She slanted a glance at him. The compassionate look and the hint of mischief in his brown eyes warmed her, and she gave him a flicker of a smile.

They set out for her house on Elizabeth Street.

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She concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, and after a few minutes, the worst effects of the shock wore off. I take medical histories, deal with any grievances patients might have, and listen if they need someone to talk to. Do you work for a living, or do you hang around parks all day rescuing women who have men fall on them?

Kate stopped and slapped herself on the forehead with the heel of a palm. Here I thought you were being nice, and all you want is a story. He smiled at her. I go to a bar downtown—The Lucky Star. I used to try to imitate their stare, but I looked ridiculous. Kate shifted uneasily in her seat. I never feel well, you know that. Kate studied the elegantly dressed woman sitting across from her.

With a rosy glow brightening her normally sallow cheeks, Rachel did indeed look healthy. Or she would have if not for her twitching muscles and blood-shot eyes. Kate made a quick notation on the medical form: Patient seems unaware of muscle spasms. When she looked up, she saw Rachel bending forward, clutching her midsection. Kate hit the panic button to summon a doctor. Hart looked Kate up and down. She was staring at the white tiled floor, wondering how she could have seen two people die in the same manner within such a short time, when she heard a familiar voice.

An attractive clean-shaven man in his early thirties lounged in the doorway. Dressed in dark slacks, a tan trench coat belted at the waist, and a battered fedora perched rakishly on his chestnut curls, he bore little resemblance to the scruffy individual who had walked her home a few hours earlier. I need to get my coat. Hart studied Kate for a moment. Apparently deciding the preposterous story was true, she flicked a wrist. He ushered her toward a battered red Honda Accord that looked as if it could have been one of the first models off the assembly line.

They headed down the long sweeping driveway and waited for a break in the unusually heavy traffic. After several minutes, Greg slipped his car between a Volkswagen and a Porsche. Kate glanced ruefully down at her beige suit. Kate stared straight ahead, trying to imagine so many people dying the same horrific death as Rachel Abrams and the runner in the park. The driver of the green Jeep Grand Cherokee behind Greg edged closer, revved his engine, and honked his horn. It had no effect on the stalled traffic, but the driver of the white Subaru ahead of Greg thrust an arm out the window and extended a middle finger.

Any minute now, it seemed, the two drivers would be resorting to violence, and he had enough problems.

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He glanced at his watch. Half an hour late.

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A Spark of Heavenly Fire has 9 ratings and 3 reviews. Agirlcandream said: I received a copy of this book from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchang. Kathleen Knowles grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but has lived in San Francisco for more than thirty years. She finds the city's combination of history.