
7 Science-Based Benefits of Milk Thistle

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Any text you add should be original, not copied from other sources. However, the results from studies have been mixed, and not all have found milk thistle extract to have a beneficial effect on liver disease. Thus, more studies are needed to determine what dose and length of treatment are needed for specific liver conditions 2 , 11 , Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties mean that it is possibly neuroprotective and could help prevent the decline in brain function you experience as you age 14 , In test-tube and animal studies, silymarin has been shown to prevent oxidative damage to brain cells, which could help prevent mental decline 16 , These studies have also seen that milk thistle may be able to reduce the number of amyloid plaques in the brains of animals with Alzheimer's disease 18 , 19 , Amyloid plaques are sticky clusters of amyloid proteins that can build up between nerve cells as you age.

They are seen in very high numbers in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease, meaning that milk thistle could potentially be used to help treat this difficult condition However, there are currently no human studies examining the effects of milk thistle in people with Alzheimer's or other neurological conditions like dementia and Parkinson's. It usually develops slowly over a number of years and causes weak and fragile bones that break easily, even after minor falls. Milk thistle has been shown in experimental test-tube and animal studies to stimulate bone mineralization and potentially be protective against bone loss 22 , As a result, researchers suggest that milk thistle may be a useful therapy for preventing or delaying bone loss in postmenopausal women 24 , Some animal studies have shown that milk thistle could be useful for reducing the side effects of cancer treatments 26 , 27 , It may also make chemotherapy work more effectively against certain cancers and, in some circumstances, even destroy cancer cells 9 , 29 , 30 , However, the studies in humans are very limited and have yet to show a meaningful clinical effect in people 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , More studies are needed before it can be determined how silymarin might be used to support people undergoing cancer treatment.

One reported effect of milk thistle is that it can boost breast milk production in lactating mothers. However, this is the only clinical study available. More research is needed to confirm these results and the safety of milk thistle for breastfeeding mothers 38 , 39 , Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition.

A Gift of a Thistle ("Brave Heart" OST)

While not dangerous, it can cause scars. People may also find it painful and worry about its effects on their appearance. Nowadays the thistle is still the official symbol of the city of Nancy , as well as the emblem of the AS Nancy football team, and the Lorraine Regional Natural Park.

How Thistle Works

Carduus is the Latin term for a thistle hence cardoon , chardon in French , and Cardonnacum is the Latin word for a place with thistles. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Thistle disambiguation.

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Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation and Livelihood Security. Parsons; Eric George Cuthbertson Noxious Weeds of Australia. Chemical and microbiological characteristics of ewes' milk cheese manufactured with extracts from flowers of Cynara cardunculus and Cynara humilis as coagulants.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 2 , — Am J Health Syst Pharm. Not Bot Horti Agrobo, , 41 2: Marina Marchese; Kim Flottum 4 June Vulgare in North American Tallgrass Prairie".

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