Cult Fictions: C. G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology

The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche. The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. The Erich Fromm Reader. The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche.

Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science by Sonu Shamdasani

Freud, Alder, and Jung. The A to Z of Wittgenstein's Philosophy. The Edge of Words. The Cambridge Companion to Paul Tillich.

Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science

Voegelinian Readings of Modern Literature. Historical Dictionary of Schopenhauer's Philosophy. The Philosopher and the Storyteller. The Early Wittgenstein on Religion. The Crisis of Psychoanalysis. The Foundation of the Unconscious.

Jung on War, Politics and Nazi Germany. Cassirer and Langer on Myth. A Confusion of the Spheres. Positive Psychology In A Nutshell: The Science Of Happiness. Denying to the Grave.

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Jung, Faust and the Devil. A Companion to Schopenhauer. Freud and Jung on Religion. The Tempo of Modernity. Nothingness, Metanarrative, and Possibility. The Philosophy of Edith Stein. A More Beautiful Question. Philosophy, Religious Belief and Descriptivist Methodology. Introducing the Freud Wars. The Palgrave Schopenhauer Handbook.

C.G. Jung Concepts: The Ego, The Shadow, The Anima/Animus

Interdisciplinary Working in Mental Health. Barnett Newman and Heideggerian Philosophy. The Child and His Family. Common Sense And Its Cultivation.

Also by Sonu Shamdasani

The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference. The Pursuit of Human Well-Being. Body and Mature Behaviour. Grandparents of Children with Disabilities. Lament of the Dead: Psychology After Jung's Red Book. Come scrivere un'ottima recensione. One of these items ships sooner than the other. Buy the selected items together This item: Ships from and sold by Amazon. Customers who bought this item also bought.

Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The Secret Life of Carl Jung. Origins Of A Charismatic Movement.

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Start enjoying a happier life that you deserve as a healthier person inside and out. Use the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga for Relie Calm your depression with the ancient wisdom of yoga. Review "[Shamdasani] deploys his unrivaled mastery of Jungian sources Routledge March 11, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.

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Please try again later. Jung and the history of analytical psychology. Shamdasani's work is a short, scholarly work, honestly practicing a hermeneutics which one has learned to appreciate in his earlier works. It is a pity that Mr. Noll has demonstrably turned himself into. This seems a terrible waste of time, yet it needed to be done, for Mr. Noll's scholarship is ingenious, but simply wrong!

I refer to Paul J. The Haunted Prophet, George Braziller: Such unkind and unscholarly practice may be due to Noll's own unchartered career in a science which must be new to him. During this process, unfortunately, he seems never to have heard of a science of hermeneutics nor the epistemological uncertainty. To show with what broad brush Noll paints: In his Aryan Christ, page 71, he says in reference to Otto Gross: As he Jung revised his published works over the course of his life, Jung carefully removed references to colleagues, who fell prey to scandal or suicide.

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Sonu Shamdasani is an historian of psychology, and currently a research fellow at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London. He is the editor of. Cult Fictions follows the trail that led Jung to found the Psychological. Club in Zurich in Leading Jung scholar Sonu Shamdasani recounts the.

Otto Gross was certainly one of them. Nevertheless, Jung's cataclysmic encounter with Gross is a critical episode in the secret history of his life. Yet, Noll would like his readers to believe that Jung banned Otto Gross from his scholarly works. It is simply not true.

What smoke screens is Noll trying out here? Obviously, this remarks refers to J. Honegger, an early associate of Jung's, while at the Burghoelzli mental hospital in Zuerich. Now, it is true, that in the Collected Works, Jung took out the reference to Honegger when he rewrote his seminal work 'Symbols of Transformation' in Rewriting a book is any author's prerogative, and Jung has, in a lengthy foreword to the rewritten work, stated clearly why he felt he had to rewrite that work.

Again, here, it is clear that Noll is guilty of cryptomnesia, or plain lying, or whatever one wants to call his ingeniously devious method. The critical reader is taken aback noticing how Noll charges Jung with just the kind of obfuscation that Noll himself is practicing on nearly every page.

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There are several other dubious scholarly things Noll does, but let this suffice for the time being. But at that time, Noll's methodical madness had not truly come into the open. Now, after two books by Noll on Jung it is patently clear: To anyone having even an inkling of the scholarship on Jung and Freud as well as the scholarship on literary and artistic developments in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the turn of the century, Noll is practicing a method last known to have been practiced by Senator McCarthy during the anti-communist Witch Hunt in the USA.

Noll's misuse of the term 'volkish' and 'aryan' in reference to Jung - geared specifically to an American audience - is blatantly racist in its own terms - but it will sell books. Sonu Shamdasani outlines in a point-by-point account his particular answers to Noll as regards his imagined existance of 'cults' and 'secret lives', none of which ever existed when viewed in the clear light of reason while practicing a responsible 'history of science'.

Sonu Shamdasani is to be congratulated for his excellent scholarship into Jung and the early years of analytical psycholgoy. We can only hope for others to continue.

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I cannot add much to the prior customer review of this volume, which is comprehensive. Let me just add that, as a practicing attorney, I found this volume a delight to read. The author demonstrates a proper scholarly indifference to the outcome of his study, and seems content to deal with whatever the evidence actually shows about Jung. This book lacks the sensationalist "juice" of Noll and McLynn, but who needs the latter?