Looking Down at the Sky (Time and Again Trilogy Book 1)

List of time travel works of fiction

As the book is, it isn't bad - the prose is fine, the plot works pretty well although it could use some focusing , and there are some very interesting thematic ideas. But I wish I could've seen what this book could've been like with some more structural editing. Jul 30, Marjolein rated it liked it Shelves: Full review to come! I received this egalley from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, I was in no way compensated for this review. I mean look at that cover!

It's simple, yet the colors are so stunning! Especially with the moon so close to the cityscape, as you might know, I'm a sucker for a moon on the cover--have yet to figure out why either, lol! This read was an interesting one, I won't lie, there were times when I received this egalley from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, I was in no way compensated for this review. This read was an interesting one, I won't lie, there were times when I was pretty confused over things.

Mainly when it got into the time-traveling and scientific talk. It just got a little over my head, because it just got explained so fast and I'm struggling to figure out what the heck was just said! Luckily, this only happens a small handful of times. The information we got though, was necessary to the story because it helped to understand the reasons behind their mission and what not. Skylar has the occasional weird feeling; a sense of wrongness. It's never easily explained, not even to herself. But then one day when she has one of these feelings, she also sees this strange guy she's never met before.

He appears to be a student like herself, maybe a year or two older. Something about him strikes a different chord with her. And all too quickly she learns, he's not from around here. Try being from the future from another world! Yes, we have aliens and time-traveling!! Turns out aliens have been watching the Earth and playing a role in certain things for all too long.

Win is apart of a rebel group who thinks humans and the Earth should be left alone and they work on finding themselves a home of their own.

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For the meantime they all live on a space station of sorts. Win has come to Earth to begin looking for clues to the pieces of a device meant to put a stop to the aliens' monitoring device. And he needs Skylar's help, for she has the ability to sense the "wrongness" of time. Such as changes made in the past that had an effect on the future. This is what Skylar's feelings have been leading up to.

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Anica said: I enjoyed reading this book, it was not boring, it didn't drone on about facts but it d. Guests of War Trilogy: The Sky is Falling / Looking at the Moon / The Lights Go On Again. (Guests of War # omnibus) . Pearson's writing breaks down complicated emotional and topical stories in a way .. A Handful of Time. Megan Crewe There's a fairly general common element (aliens watching people . first book in what promises to be a phenomenal science fiction trilogy. .. Time traveling can be so complex and go right over my head, but I think Skylar compensates for her occasional feelings by multiplying by three to calm herself down.

Skylar and Win now begin the torrential task of traveling through time trying to find the clues their leader has left behind. But the enemy is hot on their trail. The journey is filled with danger at every turn. I have to say, that despite a few moments of confusion when it came to time-traveling lingo, this read was quite enjoyable! It was exciting and kept you to the edge of your seat! Even when I thought of questions, like Skylar when it came to her being missing in her time to go time-traveling, Win has an answer. So I liked that Megan did provide answers to the simple things that you would think of.

The action to this one was well paced. There were a few downtime moments in the beginning and throughout the time-traveling experience, but once the action got started, it was pretty much an incredible feat! As far as romance goes, you'd expect Skylar and Win to have a connection of sorts, and while one begins to form it hits a few bumps in the road. I'd say it's a safe bet that somewhere down the line these two will wind up together completely, in spite of the whole human and alien thing.

Of course, Megan could surprise us all and throw in another dude to make it a love triangle situation. And that will definitely put a damper on my feels for this one. But who knows, Megan could surprise me in that area should things change! The ending to this, while not unexpected, was still not predictable either. It definitely sets the precursor for the next book, and that one will likely set us up for the finale as well.

There's still quite a few questions I have running through my head after reading this, but I don't begrudge Megan that. It's only the first book after all! There's still more to come and I am so diving into the next book right away! I can't say I ever read a book like that before, but I am glad I can say that now!

Oct 06, Farrah rated it liked it. An interesting YA read about a looming presence that saw Earth as an experiment, Earth and Sky was an enjoyable read. It had a couple of issues but, overall, it was a good read. First, let me start with what I liked about the book. I liked Skylar's character. She was perceptive and braver than she gave herself credit for. Overall, I liked her. Win was also great. He was charming and I liked how he learned to respect humans as fully capable people as he spent more time with them. He was sweet and l An interesting YA read about a looming presence that saw Earth as an experiment, Earth and Sky was an enjoyable read.

He was sweet and likable as well. The romance was light, more like a potential for romance, as Sky and Win got to know and mutually respect each other. I really liked the overall idea for the book. The idea that an alien group would use the whole of Earth as an experimental zone was interesting and it definitely had me curious enough to stay interested throughout the story and be interested to see what happens next. However, the were some problems that brought down the book. First, I didn't feel like I fully got to know the characters. The book was so focused on the action that I didn't get enough of the characters.

Also, it was a little unbelievable that Sky would so quickly agree to become a renegade time-traveler. Maybe it was because I didn't know her character well enough to believe it but it just didn't strike me as realistic. The biggest problem, though, was that there were too many holes in the world building.

It was a great idea but the explanation just didn't convince me. For example, apparently this had been going on for many years. While the aliens had originally intended to colonize the planet and just do a few experiments to make sure it was stable, they decided against it when their experiments started to have consequences. But, they continued their experiments.

Why did they continue to poke around at humans? What purpose did it serve? The only explanation I got for that was that the Kemyans the aliens were very set in their ways and didn't like change. But, I didn't feel like that justified why they would continue pointless experiments for many, many years.

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Jul 22, Andrea O'Brien rated it it was amazing. Rick Berman , Brannon Braga. He appears to be a student like herself, maybe a year or two older. I am sure it might get better but I had no reason to stick it out to see if this is true. The Morlocks from H. The Justice Society of America uses a time ray to travel years into the future to secure an effective defense against bomb attacks.

And there were a lot of other plot holes that just didn't quite fit. And that really brought down the book because I wasn't able to fully believe in the situation.

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Though I liked the story, I didn't believe in it. Despite this, I did enjoy the story overall. I was curious enough to keep going and I'm still curious to want to know what happens next. I hope that we'll get more solid explanation and characterization in book 2, because I think this story had a lot of potential and I hope it meets it.

Earth and Sky was an overall good book. There were issues that brought it down but I was still able to enjoy it. I don't know if I would recommend it but it is worth looking up.

Oct 05, Jenny rated it liked it Shelves: Thank you to netgalley. I was not otherwise compensated. I seriously Thank you to netgalley. Anyway, to be brief: I have to say, though — I never really felt connected to the characters — although the author certainly tried to bring them to life and had some interesting details and definitely had an interesting premise for the book. Awkward pacing — the first half is sooooo slow, and it only gets marginally better in the second half of the book.

Elements in their lives that should have made the characters act one way, but they acted completely the opposite for no good reason. Oh yeah, and at the end when view spoiler [ Bree is gone, I had to struggle to remember which friend that was in the first place. Wow, how could I have forgotten that name, especially given the title? Still, it was a fairly original YA book premise and there were some promising bits. Overall, 3 out of 5 stars. Is this the new in thing in YA? Although my friend in high school had the same name and was a he, not a she.

I really loved her desperate need to know what happened to her brother and kept pushing for things. This was the most genuine and emotional part of the book which I thought was done well. I did enjoy the story for the most part as it was fast-paced with engaging enough prose. The book had lots of tension and excitement to drive the plot forward and the chapters were quick and short. After that the romance or infatuated feelings sort of simmered down and remained a small reminder in the narrative. However, one thing that did not sit well with me was the end.

You would think after the experience of her losing her brother in such a painful and abrupt way would make her think twice about doing the exact same thing to her parents but no! She runs off anyway! Tandem being an example. Aug 02, Selena Yukino The Lioness: Time travel, aliens, sci-fi, oh my! The concept was interesting and I was looking forward to reading this one!

Skylar is a teen who gets powerful feelings of "wrongness" and starts OCDing by doing math in her head until the feelings pass. She gets stalked by another teen, Win, who eventually whisks her away in his time traveling "cloth" to help save the planet and Thank you to NetGalley for providing a copy of an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

She gets stalked by another teen, Win, who eventually whisks her away in his time traveling "cloth" to help save the planet and all human life as she knows it.

This book felt a bit like a cheaper version of Doctor Who with a time traveling cloth rather than a Tardis. I guess a cloth is much easier to carry around and whip out so I could buy into that concept. I could even accept that Skylar would just go off with a stalker to go back in time, because, well Who wouldn't want to see if they could really go back in time. Once I got through those parts, the story got very slow and I struggled a bit hoping it would get me invested again. The times spent in the past just didn't give me quite enough for me to picture and feel each historical place and time.

I would have liked more in each era to really get a feel of that time period. I wanted to thump her from the beginning to remind her of that fact! The story then finally caught my attention and kept me intrigued. I could have used more world bulding as there are a lot of holes with the story and the time travel bits. I hope we get more in book 2 that will fill in the blanks.

Overall, this was a decent read and I will probably continue on with the series to see what happens next. She manages to hide it from those she loves but she thinks she is crazy until she meets Win, and she discovers the truth, that for thousands of years earth has been an experiment of alien scientists who manipulate history. However, I felt the world building was not the best, for example, the reason why the Kemyans are still experimenting was not the best explained.

I liked Skylar as she struggled for a long time with knowing she is not like everyone else and she was nice, but I did struggle a bit to connect with her. I really struggled to get on with Win, cannot put my finger in why because he was meant to be a nice and charming guy. There is potential for romance in the next book and I like that is was not a big part of the plot in this book.

Sep 21, Kathy rated it really liked it Recommends it for: I received this book as part of a Goodreads First-Reads giveaway. The story captured my attention from the moment I picked up the book to start reading. Ms Crewe's writing and ability to depict character emotions and scenes is amazing. I was on the edge of my seat through most of the story I received this book as part of a Goodreads First-Reads giveaway.

I know when I finished the book, I was left wanting more Kudos to Ms Crewe on writing a book that, I believe, will capture the attention and imagination of all who read it.

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Nov 30, Cheryl rated it did not like it. Another book that I was looking forward to reading. I did see a quick glimmer of hope with this book. Yet I can't remember what it was now. I barely got into this book before I put it down. The characters are uninteresting and the story is boring as well. I am sure it might get better but I had no reason to stick it out to see if this is true. Again I already stated the obvious reasons why I did not like this book. Which I will say it again for this type of story to work it has to have action an Another book that I was looking forward to reading.

Which I will say it again for this type of story to work it has to have action and inviting characters all at the same time of being believable or it does not work. Apr 07, Gabi rated it liked it. Aliens and time travel? I liked the story I enjoyed it. I like the characters I enjoyed reading about them. The whole concept though is a little "out there" I mean they mixed aliens and time travel together. Yet in moving forward I liked the story enough that I'm so going to read the second book.

Don't know where it's heading but let's just hope that it doesn't start off with love drama. Videos About This Book. Like many authors, Megan Crewe finds writing about herself much more difficult than making things up. A few definite facts: She has been making up stories about magic and Like many authors, Megan Crewe finds writing about herself much more difficult than making things up.

She has been making up stories about magic and spirits and other what ifs since before she knew how to write words on paper. These days the stories are just a lot longer. Her books have been published in translation in several countries around the world. She has also published short stories in magazines such as On Spec and Brutarian Quarterly. Also just found out my copy is signed????

Surprises happen when you buy things used Review as an omnibus: If you haven't read this one, rectify that immediately. Jul 20, E. Marcon rated it it was amazing. My absolute faves when I was eleven. Jul 22, Andrea O'Brien rated it it was amazing. I loved this trilogy as a teenager. It was a nostalgia bomb so I picked it up to read it again.

Kit Pearson is one of my favourite authors. Her descriptions appeal to all five senses to really draw the reader into her story and make it come alive. The historical setting of the book is VERY well done. Pearson obviously did her research on the lifestyle of the time, the physical geography and how Canada fit into World War 2.

Details such as the titles of popular radio programs or popular comics of the time really add to its air of authenticity. Guests of War is both a heartwarming and heart breaking trilogy. Pearson navigates not only the trials and tribulations of young adulthood through her two characters but also the added stresses that war guests would have been under as they waited for telegrams and letters from home.

The plot is very much alive and constantly moving, the central conflicts are emotional ones. Norah and Gavin deal with the typical adolescent problems while also facing more complex ones. They live in Canada with their foster family for five years and while Norah, who was ten upon arriving, struggles to fit in and cannot shake her homesickness Gavin, who was five when he arrived, is able to settle in well but forgets what it was like to live in England.

These conflicting viewpoints come to an head in the final book. Norah and Gavin are two very different characters. Norah, without an interior monologue, would be very hard to get to know. She is never able to shake off the feeling that she does not quite belong in Canada. She loves to explore and have adventures but her cold shoulder could give someone frost bite and she generally runs either hot or cold with very little in between. Still I greatly enjoyed her voice because it was so definitive and everything she felt was so acute.

Gavin, who gives the POV for book three, is very different from his sister. He spends a lot of the first two books as a background character, probably due to his young age, so that is is quite a shock when the third book is from his point of view. Gavin has completely assimilated into Canadian culture and does not remember England. He is more anxious than Norah and often waits for someone else to take charge of the situation.

I did appreciate that the characters recognized their own flaws and strengths as well as the flaws and strengths in one another. I have recommended this book to many people, especially those with an interest in historical fictions. I have recommended it to students as well as teachers and sometimes just to my friends! Sep 13, Yumi rated it it was amazing. A truly amazing story One of my most favourite stories I have ever read A historical fiction book that had an important message.

It really stayed in my heart even after I finished reading it. Her parents think living in England is gravely dangerous and sends them away to far away Canada. Norah finds out that living in Canada is challenging far more than she thought. As she experiences more things, she discovers A truly amazing story As she experiences more things, she discovers a surprising responsibility. It is not only Norah who encounters problems. They travel through many adventures and they change a lot through the book.

Near the end, her brother Gavin has to make the hardest decision in his life I really recommend it to everyone, especially girls aged May 09, Maryn rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Young teens, anyone really. This was my favourite series as a child and I read it many times growing up. I just recently picked it up and re-read it over a couple days, and it had the same wonderful feeling to it now as it did then.

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The stories of the life of these two children have a brilliant way of sticking in your head and seem so real and memorable. So of the anecdotes seem more real to me than memories of my own childhood. Maybe it's just because I read it some often and became so familiar with it, but really I've ex This was my favourite series as a child and I read it many times growing up.

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Maybe it's just because I read it some often and became so familiar with it, but really I've experienced this with much Kit Pearson's works, even when reading one the first time, that it is like spending a day with an old friend. Always an enjoyable read, quick moving and simple it is a children's book after all but beautiful and sad and just all around excellent. Jan 21, Marie Soleil rated it it was amazing. I could not put this book down at all it was so realistic but so sad!

It gave me an idea for my own story. How does Kit Pearson do that! I hope I can do that!