Carry The Message

Public Information is worth doing, because newcomers are our lifeblood. Giving service is part of recovery. If PI activity appeals to you as a form of service, take some small, manageable steps to grow in confidence with it. If you lack time or energy for it — you could wait until this feels manageable in your life and recovery. Alternatively, is there a place you currently go to, or pass, say on your way to work, where you could ask to put a poster up? It may only take 5 minutes — a quick and easy bit of service in your day!

We can choose whether or not we speak about the spiritual aspect of the programme when we do public information activities. Skip to content Tradition 5: Plan where to go Start local — near your meeting venue, even a noticeboard at the meeting venue. We found something like this worked well: I have spoken at treatment centers, but I make it very clear that I am an alcoholic and I will only talk about recovery from alcoholism as outlined in Alcoholic Anonymous.

I have spoken at Speaker's Meetings and Roundups and Conventions. I address the meeting as a whole, but at the same time I try to make eye contact with the newcomers in attendance. When they call for newcomers, I try to remember who raised their hands and what they have said. When I reach an appropriate point in my talk, I will make that eye contact. Try to address a point they have made. Make them feel welcome and that we really do care. I work one on one. I carry the message. Thank you all who shared before me for being a part of my sobriety today Bill..

Hi my name is Joanne and I am an alcoholic. I have ignored yhe teachings of AA for many years and although abstainent for nearly 20 odd years I now know for me AA is the only way and on a regular basis. I am now one day in recovery and life is calm. Of the different ways to carry the message, I believe the judge is the best 12 stepper in or around AA.

Tis he that keeps the newcomer coming back. Don't think there is any need for ought else seeing that more now than we can handle. Sad it may be to some and even I get a bit compassionate toward them but we must all come to believe sooner or later in the sobriety thereof. The legal system has so many coming and going out of AA nowadays I can't but think it will continue if things stay the way they are. Court paper after court paper do I see as the main source of carrying the message that can and will make a difference if they begin to understand that God could and would ifin He were sought Well here Iam trying to get sober, sobered up for almost 30 days, last night drank some wine.

Im very angry about that,went to treatment 12yrs. My name is Mike, and I'm an alcoholic.

Lord Huron - The Night We Met

WOW, there's alot of newbies on the boards this week As for sharing the message, I think Drew is right - our actions are important. I think we share not only our experience, strength and hope in these meeting rooms is this still a "room"? Whenever someone reaches out, the hand of AA should be there, extended through you and me. Tnt, you are carrying the message- to me. Thank you for reminding me of the pain, misery, and suffering that goes along with this disease. I need that reminder periodically daily? Six years out and I think "maybe it wasn't so bad.

I couldn't have been that miserable could I? Thank you for being here for me. And please get to some meetings. If you are a problem drinker like me then you are right, YOU can't stay sober for any length of time without help. Please read the first few paragraphs of the third chapter in the Big Book of AA and see if any of it applies to you. That's when the light kinda came on for me, when I first read this chapter a few weeks dry. I didn't really get "sober", the thought that maybe I can actually lick this thing, until about the 9th step with my sponser.

You will be in my prayers. Everyday we don't we carry the message that by the grace of GOD and this program we are a walking talking miracle. Keep coming back, follow the suggestions like 90 meetings in 90 days, get and utilize a sponsor, work the steps with your sponsor. Get a home group, register and get a job in your home group. Things won't get better, but you will. Take these suggestions from someone who had 8 years dry time and made a conscious decision twice to do it my way.

Just celebrated 13 months of quality sobriety because I took all the suggestions I just suggested and to me thats carring the message. Email me if you like, love to communicate with other alkies at: This is a great topic carrying the message. I want to welcome all the newcomers and say, keep coming back! That was the best message I got in the beginning. I also heard this on an AA tape - self - esteem comes from doing esteemable acts. A few days ago, I was working and someone I was working with and I started talking.

She reminded me a lot of where I used to be before I got sober. I was able to tell her, you can be happy, joyous and free. And she was able to remind me of what I used to be like. I had some tears of sadness about how I used to be but a lot more tears of gratitude. I felt that I carried the message and it felt good. Thanks everyone for helping me stay sober. Just take one day at a time , don't get overwhelmed. Stay involved with god people that give you stregnth. Keep fpcused and keep company with people who are a positive influence in your lives.

Take one day at a time. Reuters - Trading in Internet media company Yahoo Inc. YHOO - news was halted on Wednesday as investors awaited a company announcement, with speculation ranging from a possible earnings warning to an acquisition, a partnership or a management shake-up.


There was no shortage of speculation, however. Like most Internet media businesses, Yahoo has seen its stock price collapse in recent months while facing a tougher market for online advertising, the biggest source of its revenues. Because the online advertising market continues to deteriorate, some analysts speculated Yahoo could be about to lower earnings or revenue guidance like so many of its peer companies have done.

However, they said it would be unusual for such a routine announcement to be delayed for so long. Four hours after the stock was halted, investors were still awaiting word from the company. Speculation also remained strong that Yahoo could be about to announce some changes in its management structure. The company has recently lost a number of top managers in its overseas operations and there have long been rumors that one or more of its top U.

Some sources speculate that one of the most likely candidates to announce a departure was Yahoo President Jeff Mallet, one of the company's earliest hires. Hi I'm Joy and I am an alcoholic. I attend a morning daily reflections meeting and am looking for a particular answer This morning someone shared about carrying the message to other alcoholics. They said that as members of AA we should always introduce ourselves as alcoholics not addicts or having the desire to stop drinking.

They stated that this concept is the foundation of the program and any variance to this concept will KILL the program. I am here because I have the desire to live life on life's terms without drinking. I attend meetings and listen to what other alcoholics have done good and bad and try to live carrying concepts that I have learned through meetings, reading, and asking questions.

A newcomer left the meeting this morning saying that AA has two many rules and will probably not return. How can I carry the message to other alcoholics without turning them off just as this newcomer was turned off this morning?? Hi everyone, My name is LeAnn and I am an alcoholic. I like the topic of carrying the message. I have read a lot of wonderful things. I agree with many of you that there are so very many ways to carry our message to those still suffering. I also, am a firm believer in the Responsibilty Declaration.

I also believe that for our actions to speak clearly we need to first be true to ourselves. Only by being true to myself can I show you by my actions this wonderful program, that by God's Grace I have been given a chance to live. To those of you who are new to sobriety, regardless of whether or not you are new to AA, Thank you for sharing. Please, Keep coming back. Read The Big Book.

And lastly, what I was told when I first came, Don't drink, even if your ass falls off, and if your ass should fall off, pick it up, take it to a meeting and someone there will glue it back on. There ain't nothing a drink is gonna make better. To Joy; In my opinion,there isn't a perfect way to carry the message. There is always going to be someone who leaves a meeting or a discussion because something angered them or they don't agree with.

Those times are sad, but the bottom line is that is their stuff. I am not responsible for how anyone interprets my message or anyone elses. The very best I can do is, once again, to be true to myself. I carry the message to the best of my ability. Somedays it's great, somedays it ain't. But it is always the best I can do today.

Sometimes you feel that you done that too long, too much without really meaning it in your heart.


Rich R, slowly recovering compulsive person: I have done public relations things like newspaper and TV interviews, attending college classes that were about addictions, even posting on the Internet. He has now been sober for 18 years. It may be one fellow alcoholic at a time, one day at a time. What ever it is.

It's easy to say the words, both in meetings and in contacts with other AA people, but sometimes I feel that I fool myself, that I'm not honest with myself. I have therefore returned to basics, and after some heavy relapses, I've gone back to treatement. However, the treatment, even if it is based on AA philosophy, it takes so much time so I can't go to regular meetings. It is therefore good to be able to sit here in the dark and communicate with others in the same situation.

If anyone is looking for sober, roll back up,and read it, it's worth it. I just get so tired of the bull shit that come from some of these self rightous, do gooders with egos that need a drink. Being sober is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Black Horse please "Go Forth". Oh yes I would be the last to say that I was a copy of the Big Book, a lot of other things maybe, but not the Big Book. Remember you smug hypocrites, no preachers. Sounds like some of you may need to listen for a while. We already have plenty bleeding deacons,and getting away from preachers was just one of the wonderful things that comes with getting sober. I may have some misplaced anger, but not anymore. I'm Pitsy I am a alcholic. It takes alot of work but each day gets a little easier.

If you don't think you need a meeting then you most likely do so go. Talk to someone before you drink. I can't He can Let Him. I have been drunk for 21 years. Life was the shits and wasn't getting any better till I decided to get help. Or lose my job plus my life. It was the best thing I can say I've done and not regret it. There is alot of us out here.

And so many more that is still suffering and we need to pray for them. Good Luck Mike and A. You can do it. God Bless you all and thanks for being here for me. My name is Linda and I am an alcoholic. Different ways to carry the message is a good topic. Since the program was given to me freely,I am responsible to carrying the message to the still suffering alcoholic. I do this by being at the meetings and sharing, welcoming newcomers and visitors, helping with setting up and cleaning up after a meeting,doing 12 step work, answering phones,and doing other service work in A.

I also believe in carrying the message outside of A. I try to apply the 12 traditions and 12 steps to the best of my ability,in my personal life and with all people. HI everyone my name is Gene I am new to the program but I do have 6 months sober. I would like to thank everone for all the comments It's made for some very good reading.

Thank you for your time. Reading these posts have been a tremendous help to me this evening. I was going to go to an earlier mtg tonight but I thought it was more important to spend time with my 4 small kids. Sometimes I get lost in trying to balance AA mtgs and my responsibilities at home. Thank you all for carrying the message to me tonight. How relaxing it is to sit back and read such positive thoughts. When I came into AA, I was a screwed up mess. A few women I met would give of themselves and listen to me go on and on and on at the most desperate time in my life.

They would reassure me that everything was going to be allright if I didn't drink. They used to say situations may not get betterbut you will. If you want what we have you will do what we did. They did not demandjust made suggestions. Whatever I was going through, they always referred back to the steps or the Big Book. Unconditional love is what they gave me and they loved me until I could love myself. So I try to do exactly whats been done for me. Thanks for being here. I'm glad I find this on-line meeting. I wasn't able to get to a real meeting tonight; too much business.

But this on-line format makes me feel I'm conntected to all of you. I have to carry the message because it was given to me freely; no strings. And I feel when I'm talking to other AA's that's the only time I'm doing something that's not selfish. But the meetings and you people keep me sober. Tomorrow I have to present a technical paper to a big conference; over people and the old fears are still there. But I also know I've studied and I'm well prepared; as long as I leave it in God's hands it will turn out the best.

Speak to get well. The message is carried in meetings, as long as you show up. Plus, you just never know when you will get a chance to carry the message outside meetings. Last week, I was in the hospital a couple of days, and the guy in the next bed was really hosed up by cancer of the throat. Couldn't eat, had to "insert diet". Admitted it was aggravated by drinking and cigarettes.

We talked about it a lot, and he had freinds in The Program. Left him a copy of The Grapevine. Picked up a hitchhiker, yeah I know you gotta be careful and he allowed as how he was off the road 3 mo.

Step 12: Carrying the Message

Had been to a couple of meetings over the years, so knew he had a problem. Gave him my number in case he wanted a ride to a meeting. Hi,,,I drink everyday and would rather not Spebt 10 years trying to get sober in AA but could not stay sober. I don't really want to come back, none of the "friends" I met in AA stuck by me, who can blame them tho?

I can't go back to the same meetings, so I thought maybe I'd find something online, and maybe by some miracle, sobriety will happen. I can't imagine how tho.

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Right now, I drink every day, at home, I don't drive when I drink or go to bars. Live in a small town where everybody knows your business so I won't go to meetings in town. I think my problem is just finding the motivation to overcome the fear. Thanks for letting me have a say.

I'll keep checking in to see what's being posted. Suzi - i'm also in Fairfield I'm fairly new to this site, and definitely new to seriously wanting to quit. Thanks everyone for being here. I know all the tricks, I know all the buzz words, I've been a phony all my life. The fact that I've never being honest to myself takes me to a rather low level. I've started drinking again after many months of sobreity. I've been to treatement centers of various kinds, I've been to all the good and some bad AA meetings. Can somebody give me a hint of what to do without using any of the standard selection of phrases?

If so, you are an angel! As someone posted earlier, the message of HOPE. Hope for a life that is not full of emotional pain, fear, self-loathing, etc.. By being 'there' for people. I'm not much of a big book thumper, but when reading it with my sponsor, one passage hit me h a r d! I give rides to people to meetings, I've given food and carpet, I've given my phone number, and shared my experiences. Many times people just need someone to care, to show them that there is a 'different' life out there that is wonderfully better than the life of drinking.

I've read and heard at 'old timer' meetings that in 'the old days' members would drive many miles for a meeting, drive many miles to go get 'a wet one' and take them to a treatment center or to a meeting, feed them, house them, CARE for them. Whatever it take to help Welcome to all those with such a short amount of sobriety! My name is paul and I'm an alcoholic. I really need a meeting. You know, I'm in that same spot I've been in many times before. I need to get humble, get back to the rooms and let AA get me sober. I forget that this is a we program.

I used to avoid any situatiion that included drinking, now I do not, now I am strong enough to sit out in my yard having a cookout and the may drink if they choose, I did have to make it clear to a few that it is a choiceand I choose sobriety. But I have been sober for over 7 years now,and its only tea or soda no NAbeer or anything like that. But I found that I must work at not having a holier that thou attitude. So I usually stay focused by knowing or saying I would love to join but I know I can not because I made a choice a descion to myself and my family.

Some have asked if it is hard, and I answer truthfully until you commit to the 12 steps yes it is after that each day for the rest of your life it is a success. God bless to all. If we all listen we might just hear something other than ourselves. If we all look we may just see ourselves in that person we are listening too. Identify and stop, so we dont crusify. Carry the message not the messanger. I'm Margaret and I'm an alcoholic.

To Red Eagle you will get sober when you are ready. I used to think like you do that I couldn't let anyone see me go to an AA meeting to get sober but then it was pointed out to me that it never mattered to me if they saw me go to a bar or stay home to get drunk. Anyway you must be wanting to do something about your drinking or you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't participate. Eventually it does work if you want it to. Thanks for reading this and good luck, man. Carrying the message is a great topic. It was a nudge from the judge that sent me sprawling into AA and the message of hope and serenity were the things that kept me coming back.

I am one of those walking miracles The real deal is this: I had to want to be sober more than I wanted to be drunk. Booze was never the solution I deluded myself into believing it was,it was a temporary escape from the crap of my life. Fear is the motivating factor in my life The bad news was that booze never changed the crap going on in my life, except to possibly make things worse from time to time. We're not bad people wanting to get good, someone told me, we're just sick people wanting to get well. Once I turned off the ass-kicking machine, I had an unobliterated view of the tragedies in my life.

I had good excuses for drinking, but eventually I had even better ones for not drinking. I deserve a better life than that.

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Sobriety gives me that. I get tools for dealing with the harsh realities and I get love and support when I'm sick of Dealing. I get some pretty basic instructions for living in that big blue book. Step 12 is about helping others in order to help ourselves.

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Carrying the Message. Use this guide with suggestions of what to say and what not to say when speaking to someone about OA for the first time. DOs. Am I carrying the message or the mess? As someone once said “A.A. stands for attitudes and actions”. Make sure your attitude is about giving.