The Molly Lake Chronicles (The Triangles of Quebec)

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James est convaincu que sa charmante f Le nouveau chef de police anno Force contre Force Excessive Force 2: So many interesting themes in this fast-paced novel! If I had only one word to describe this novel it would be intense. This is an incredible box of treasures on Israel. Included are four books covering a multitude of cultural and intellectual fields; four DVDs featuring different aspects of what makes Israel special and unique; a photographic portfolio of 25 frameable prints celebrating wondrous landscapes; a USB flash drive featuring vignettes about Israeli achievements and innovators; and a limited-edition scarf designed especially for this project by Philip Blau and Helena Blaunstein.

This makes a great gift. It comes with a CD of 20 excerpts from recordings of important pieces written by well-known composers, ranging from Beethoven to Britten. All the music is selected because it is reminiscent of water, which the written parts of the book emphasize. The biographies of the composers and definitions of musical terms are adapted for children. This is a great gift for the children in your life. This is one of the best novels I have ever read. The novel opens on April 12, President Lincoln and his wife are hosting a ball; their young son Willie, upstairs, is deathly ill and dying.

The Civil War is raging and casualties are mounting. With this background, Saunders gives us one of the most beautifully written, sensitive accounts of love, grief, and endurance one can imagine.

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A New York Times Bestseller. It didn't help that he knew little of Spain, and had only a couple of dry histories as background to Spanish culture during the 15th century. Even if there is an order to evacuate, the tactics are simply to ignore the order, or delay as long as possible as their experience shows that the authorities will do nothing. They were young and in love. It is wise to remember this when trying to understand today's low point in the relationship.

And that is even before we talk about slavery and ghosts! Yes, ghosts; not usually to my taste but this novel is at once a feat of imagination and utterly realistic. Even though we are among ghosts in the Bardo a transitional state in the Hindu religion for two hundred pages, it's amusing, funny, and at times, hilarious. Each voice, each character, has his or her own distinctive tone. It is fun to guess who is speaking before you see the source, which brings me to the unusual collage structure of this novel, not always a straight narrative but always entertaining, with many voices, some contemporary newspaper or diary accounts, and a main character, Lincoln, to whom the reader needs no introduction.

The ghosts are like a chorus commenting on Lincoln's grief, the tragedy of the Civil War, and the human condition, for any of us that still care. New York in the first half of the twentieth century was an explosive time for art. There is currently a new exhibit of the work of Stettheimer, one of the great American artists of the century. The beautiful book combines reproductions of her artwork and poetry. This is a humourous picture book for children aged If you want to make dragons happy and get them on your side, throw a party and serve tacos.

It can be any kind; chicken or beef, big or small. Do not serve the tacos with spicy salsa. This will cause havoc- ears to smoke, sparks to fly, and definitely stomach upset. Unfortunately, the young boy in the story hosting the party didn't read the fine print on a jar of mild salsa. The playfully coloured illustrations with dragons of various sizes, shapes and colours enhance the amusing text and provide some clues that are not present in Rubin's words.

This light-hearted, laugh-out-loud book is sure to entertain. This story will make you laugh, smile, and think. If you have read Grossman before, you might wonder at a main character, Dovaleh Greenstein, who is a stand-up comic, but Grossman, among all his other talents, is superb at stand-up comedy. Regarding the soul, which requires "nonstop upkeep," he doesn't have the resources to maintain one: The humor is painful at times; in a riff on Mengele, you will find yourself smiling inside and fearful at the same time, wanting relief from this joke, but one is unable to stop reading as this comedy speeds toward tragedy.

We continue on to explore how damaged one can be when brought up by parents who are survivors or escaped "seconds" before Mengele could "declare his short consultation: You will laugh out loud as you realize how a sweet kid became a bully and an abused kid became an abuser. What does this imply for a country and its soul?

Or is that too big a leap? Some reviewers have called it "shocking, raw, eloquent. Sandberg, the chief operating officer at Facebook and the author of Lean In, and Grant, a psychologist and Wharton professor, have written an eloquent book on tragic loss and the need to find a way to continue living. Option B is much more than just a personal story, though. Through the telling of many others' stories, it is also an exploration of the uncanny human ability to persevere through emotional trauma and regain happiness.

I expect that this book will offer reliable comfort to many people. This book, beautifully illustrated and written by R. Palacio, features Auggie from her bestselling chapter book, Wonder. The theme of acceptance will be easily understood by younger children. Auggie, the narrator of the story, is a ten-year-old boy who does ordinary things, but looks very different from others. He is stared at, made fun of, and bullied by other children. In order to cope and feel normal, he escapes into the world of space with his dog, Daisy.

Despite how poorly he is treated by others, he is not discouraged, but seems encouraged and hopeful about human capabilities. From the cover to the illustrations to the words, the story makes the point that we are all "wonders" and the importance of seeing beyond an individual's physical appearance.

It evokes much discussion and is a must-read for children and their parents. This novel is quirky, fun, sad, and elegant.

Accès rapide

As my friend Jackie, who recommended the book, said to me, "Sometimes you don't want the page to end, it's so delicious. If he steps outside, it will be off to Siberia. So he stays for over 30 years. One of the best parts of the book is the many, many colorful characters who pass through the Count's life during his confinement. Nina, age nine, who calls him your Countship, is my favorite.

Home is the big theme of this story. As Towles says, the Russians who love their land so much are the first people to send a person into exile at home! This is a novel to enjoy and relax with. The horrors of the era are still there but understated. The Count confronts injustice and the insane bureaucracy using authority, order, and manners to ward off the chaos.

The Triangles of Quebec: Book I of the Molly Lake Chronicles.

Most pages will bring a smile to your face. If you were playing a word association game, and someone said the word 'Passover,' the first word out of your mouth will probably not be 'easy. What sets this book apart is the friendliness of the authors; you feel as if they are in the kitchen with you helping you through the preparations for the seder meals. This new book by the Japanese author Megumi Iwasa is a delightful, simple, and funny tale about long-distance friendship. Letter writing, quite a rarity in our digital world, is key to the development of the story.

The black ink illustrations add action and humour to the text. Giraffe, who lives in the African savanna, is bored and lonely and wants to share things with a friend. He wonders what is on the other side of the horizon. Giraffe writes a letter and gives it to Pelican, who operates a delivery service.

After a while, Pelican returns, but without a response. However, a letter soon arrives from Penguin, and with Pelican's help the two become pen-pals. Since they know nothing about each other, their letters are full of questions about appearances, habits, and surroundings.

Children between the ages of 5 and 9 will learn, enjoy, cherish, and want to share this chapter book. The latest novel by this great Israeli writer poses the questions, "Are traitors always bad? This is a novel of ideas, an allegory and a love story, take your pick! We meet three people from three generations. We find ourselves in Jerusalem in the winter of , not the chaotic, bustling government center of today but a sleepier dusty backwater. Samuel Ash, a young university drop-out, is hired by Atalia, the beautiful daughter-in-law of Gershom Wald, an old member of the founding Zionist generation.

Atalia hires him just to sit, talk, and argue with Wald. Shmuel is writing his thesis on the Jewish views of Jesus. In a few months of living together they change each other. Oz is a supreme storyteller and here his story is somewhat disturbing. The concept of the founding of the State as a questionable idea is contemplated, but then through Wald, Oz asks why Israel should be the first country to divest itself of the "sin" of nationalism?

This novel, which considers the contemporary meaning of Judas and whether all Jews are considered Judases in the eyes of the world, is a reminder that the author's political views have led some Israelis to call Oz a traitor. The quandaries and dilemmas are what make reading this book such a rewarding experience. Thirteen Reasons Why is an extremely powerful novel and I was mesmerized while reading it.

I was so engrossed in the story I practically read the book in one sitting. I could not put it down. The tale begins when Clay Jensen receives and plays the cassette tapes he received in a mysterious package. Clay spends the rest of the day and night listening to Hannah's voice and following it around town.

The strong message of the impact, that even seemingly inconsequential actions and words can have on others, is universal. Thirteen Reasons Why will have you glued to your seat and reading throughout the night. This will be my shortest cookbook review ever. Duguid's cookbook is one of the most beautiful you will ever see.

The presentation reminds me of Claudia Roden's seminal cookbooks, with history, stories, and photographs among the recipes. You will not regret owning this wonderful book. Music is at the heart of this beautiful, powerful novel, winner of the Scotiabank Giller Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction. Politics and art run through it as well. You don't need 10 pages to get into the novel; the opening sentence will suffice: One of the central questions of the novel is how individuals can continue to express themselves when expression is forbidden.

The author is Canadian and a Montrealer; what more do we want! Ashraf Marwan was a high-ranking Egyptian official who secretly worked for the Mossad. As President Nasser's son-in-law and an adviser to his successor Anwar Sadat, Marwan had access to the biggest Egyptian secrets. Marwan escaped detection until his suspicious death in Bar-Joseph, a professor of political science at the University of Haifa and a respected expert on Israeli intelligence, has written a riveting book which discusses Marwan's motives, how his secret identity was exposed, and how the information he provided was properly and improperly used.

Espionage is in the news on a daily basis and still has the ability to change history. This is an engaging, sturdy board book for preschoolers by celebrated Canadian children's poet Dennis Lee. The clever rhymes are enhanced by Sandy Nichols' delightful coloured artwork which features a cute bear cub who feasts on a heap of garbage. Fun to listen to and a delight to look at, this board book gets top marks! If you want to read a book about a most unusual collaboration in the annals of science, this is the book for you. If you want to read a book about one of the most unusual love stories ever recorded, this is the book for you.

If you want to read a book about two young Israeli psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who are completely opposite in temperament and personality, whose extraordinary relationship is destroyed because of envy, here it is. But, this is also a captivating personal story, and an examination of the groundbreaking work they did on how monumentally unreliable our intuition can be and how our biases distort our decisions. It will certainly be a hit in your home. Better yet, buy it as a gift for someone!

Seasoned cooks and those that prefer simple and easy recipes will both be awed by the interesting tastes and textures. What makes the cookbook particularly unique are the beautiful photos that accompany so many of the dishes and the tidbits on variations and shortcuts provided by award-winning cookbook author Norene Gilletz for every recipe.

The cookbook has something for everyone including gluten-free recipes. Often truth is stranger than fiction, or even science fiction, and that is true of this well-researched book on one of the most enduring television and film series of all time. One of the most interesting features of the book is the recollections of hundreds of television and film executives, programmers, writers, directors, creators, and cast members.

Reading this book provides insights not just into the making of these classic dramas but also into the often intense collaborative efforts of the making of any artistic endeavour. Many of you are old friends of Steve Cohen and others have heard him speak on television or at a local venue. Now we have a concise memoir with some of the background to those intriguing Middle East encounters. The book once again emphasizes the importance of continuing the dialogue, no matter how difficult and intractable the political situation. In the afterword, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Egyptian diplomat and the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations, makes it clear, "Today, the need for a new generation of Steve Cohens - individuals outside the traditional positions of power People always ask me why they should read a particular book; we are in the room, so to speak, when the Scud missiles hit Tel Aviv during the first Gulf War.

Yitzhak Rabin refused to go into a sealed room. There was panic in Tel Aviv and an exodus to Jerusalem. The damage was limited but it was a moment when Rabin realized, "Before the Arabs got their hands on weapons of mass destruction, Israel had to find a way to make peace. He was also prescient, "The Arabs would absorb the lesson from the Gulf War, as he had, and make the development of missile-borne chemical or biological weapons a high priority in the coming years. This novel explores the trials and tribulations of the Bergman family: Joy and Aaron, the elderly parents, and their two children, Molly and Daniel.

Joy, 84 years old and still working full-time at a small museum in New York City, is caring for her ailing husband Aaron, who is dealing with dementia and the after-effects of bowel cancer. She loves him so much that she cannot bear the thought of a nursing home, so she hires someone to help her at home. This is a tender, funny, inter-generational story about searching for where you belong as your family changes with age. This is a beautifully illustrated baby book in which parents can record their infant's first tooth, first words, and other milestones in their baby's life.

It is formatted a bit like a scrapbook with a lot of space for crafting and collages. The journal provides two pages for every month in the first two years of the child's life in addition to many more quirky sections such as the baby's first boat ride or favourite songs. This little portable volume is a great gift for a new parent! First of all, it's a big book, not just in size but the myriad of comic and serious situations thrown at us. The main character, the Bloch family, 21st century American Jews in crisis, both personal and social.

Where exactly are they and where does Israel of today fit into their lives and identities? If Israel is destroyed by an earthquake, what does it matter to any of them? Foer exposes the possibility of a schism between Israeli Jews and Diaspora Jews that we are just beginning to recognize with some of our youth questioning the older generations' loyalty. The writing is very funny, ironic, and smart, even brilliant. People always ask me if there are any new books on Montreal. This new coffee table book is sure to please you, with many historical photographs, some by famous photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and William Notman.

Nadeau, a local historian, provides an introductory essay and annotates a selection of photographs as well. This is a very special children's picture book. It tells the story of Paul Erd? The book tells a simplified version of his life and follows Erd? The illustrations are full of numbers and mathematical symbols and the background images are often based on prime numbers.

Noga, a concert musician with an orchestra from the Netherlands, selected to play the harp in Mozart's Concerto for Flute and Harp, is called to Israel for the funeral of her father. Honi, her brother, convinces their mother to try a retirement home in Tel Aviv for three months. Noga must occupy her mother's rent-controlled apartment in Jerusalem or the family will lose it. Noga gets a job in Israel as a movie extra, which provides a bit of money as well as some strange and exciting experiences such as the celebrated April concert of Carmen at Masada.

On another occasion, Noga plays a wheelchair-bound patient in a TV pilot while her real-life ex-husband is pursuing her despite divorcing her because of her decision not to have children. He is still in love with her. What does it mean to be an extra? Is Noga an extra in her own life? My favorite scenes are her encounters with the grandchildren of the Haredi neighbors who shimmy down a drainpipe, break into the apartment, and make themselves comfortable on the sofa to watch forbidden TV.

At times funny and absurd, this latest novel from iconic Israeli writer A. If I could own only one cookbook - and I do have well over - I would choose my latest purchase, The Silver Platter. Daniella Silver and Noreen Gilletz have authored a book of delightful recipes An index in the back has all of the nutritional information and a line under each recipe indicating if it is gluten-free, easy to freeze, good for Passover, etc. This is not a Passover-only cookbook; as soon as I purchased the book, I began to make the cookie recipes.

This book is an outstanding choice for a gift - wedding, birthday, or otherwise. My first gift was to myself. My daughter and daughter-in-law came next, and both agree with my recommendation. This is a unique and visually beautiful picture book for all ages. Two children, a girl and a boy, take the reader on a journey across various landscapes around the world with the message that reading is beneficial and the sharing of stories is important.

The titles of the well-known classics are also in typeset on the front and back insides of the cover. Younger children will enjoy the book being read aloud, while older children and even adults will recognize and relate to the titles and the uniqueness of the presentation. A Child of Books is a winner. One of my new favorites, and it is now in paperback! Sometimes you start a book and it feels intriguing from the very first pages and so it was for me with this novel.

At first, the separate story elements seem completely disconnected but very subtly they are woven together. Michael Turner, the main character, has moved to London after the death of his wife. He is, of course, distraught and grieving. His acquaintanceship with the couple next door and their two young daughters, is an opening to living again. We even get to be in the control room when missiles are launched as the suspense, fear, and, tension build. This book has multiple themes but at the top of the list would be revenge, survival, rage and profound guilt. It is also a very good story.

After finishing high school in Toronto, Matti Friedman decided to move to Israel. Like all citizens, he was required to join the army. Friedman arrived there in He recounts the plight of all soldiers in combat everywhere, long periods of boredom when nothing happens, punctuated by hours of terror, when carnage is king.

He tells of mediocre television shows from Israel, books passed from one soldier to another, video cassettes, a guitar. But Friedman used his time keeping watch from the trenches, greasing guns, and filling ammunition crates. He makes it clear, without being explicit, that a soldier loves the man fighting next to him and will give his life to save his buddy.

This is a beautiful soft-covered picture book written and illustrated for children years of age. This moving story is filled with many facts about the brilliant physicist, from how his parents worried about him as a toddler to how his father's gift of a compass influenced his way of thinking, to his favourite personal things and his scientific contributions to the world. From an early age, Einstein was very curious, always asking multiple questions to the point of being a disruption in class and annoying his teachers. His thoughts went from huge things to microscopic things. The simple, whimsical pen and ink drawings by Vladimir Radunsky further illustrate Einstein's personality.

The text in black and red on a yellowish mottled paper resembles atoms. At the end of the book, Berne has additional facts about Einstein and an online resource. I highly recommend this book, especially for the curious, questioning youngster. Furst's latest historical spy novel opens in occupied Paris on the tenth day of March and concludes with the liberation of the city in August These are the early days of the resistance when escape lines are being planned to guide downed British pilots out of Vichy France to Spain and safety.

Our focus is on a small cell in Paris. We get to know a diverse group of unlikely spies, including: There are narrow escapes, lucky breaks, and betrayal. This is the juicy stuff of a noir novel, of which Furst is a master. The author's fine writing helps build the suspense to the final pages of this very entertaining historical thriller.

Inspired by true events in the late 19th century, the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Geary Act, Estes's debut novel tells the story of two young women determined to right an injustice. It is told as two parallel stories years apart. In , Mei Lien, a young Chinese American mysteriously disappears from her Seattle home and is later rescued from the freezing water of San Juan Island by Joseph, who nurses her back to health. Mei Lien's story is tragic and compelling.

Her relationship with her son is emotional and powerful. In the present, Inara Erickson, daughter of a shipping tycoon, inherits her aunt's estate on Orcas Island, built by her great-great-great grandfather. While renovating, she discovers a carefully wrapped embroidered sleeve hidden beneath a staircase.

On her journey of discovery, Inara uncovers an unspeakable truth that forces her to make an impossible choice. This book collects thirty essays about women in art throughout her career, including two new essays, and begins with a new interview in which Nochlin revisits her life's work and contemplates how much has changed for female artists today.

There are many colour photographs of the art discussed. Nochlin, still going strong at eighty-five, is uniquely positioned to look back and look ahead. This book is not to be missed. Father's Day is around the corner. Please let us know if we can help you choose the perfect present. Harry Potter has a sequel of sorts based on the new West End play. The play will be published in book form on July Please let us know if we can reserve a copy for you. We received something special at Bibliophile. The Esther Scroll of is a stunning facsimile of a German illuminated scroll in a mahogany case with a lavish cloth book in four languages.

Please come to the store to see it. The Esther Scroll Limited Edition. Gavron is one of Israel's new literary stars. It is always wonderful to meet an author and I was very fortunate to meet him when he was in Montreal last week reading and talking about his novel The Hilltop. His curiosity and intelligence are evident in person as well as in the book.

With humor and irony he tackles the difficult subject of the settlers in the West Bank, especially a hilltop community called Ma'aleh Hermesh C. Don't look for this settlement on a map because it doesn't officially exist, yet it and many others have been there for years and have roads, water, and protection from the IDF. Even if there is an order to evacuate, the tactics are simply to ignore the order, or delay as long as possible as their experience shows that the authorities will do nothing.

Nevertheless, if you have ever been in the desert at night and experienced the special silence and the radiance of the stars, the opening chapters of this book will take you back to that time. You will also appreciate the fun and satire of this most original novel. Gabi and Roni are brothers four years apart in age; Gabi's army service was disastrous while Roni's was disappointing.

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We can see the quality of a young generation face-to-face with the dilemma that they will not be able to do the impossible. They won't build a country or create kibbutzim; as Roni says, "We won't create history. As young people everywhere, they question their future and their purpose. Gavron shows a love for Israel's wonder and complexity but without the usual flag waving. As for the other characters, which include frumie fervent hippies, they are fascinating to watch. Their everyday language is woven with biblical flourishes and the characters don't even realize it.

This beautifully designed and illustrated book features not only stunning photographs of the cast of the blockbuster play but also features the entire libretto. Photographs of the playwright's notebooks and notes on the musical score give you a bird's eye view of the creative process. Even if you haven't yet seen the play, this book is a treasure to own. This simple and colorful picture book is all about shapes. And friendship, of course.

Basic geometric patterns are the characters of this tale, and they visually show you or the kids in your life just how awesome friends are. They make you feel at home, they say, showing a triangle on top of a square. They play together, they say, next to an image of Rectangle and Circle playing with a kite in the shape of their friend Triangle. I have a confession to make: What had inspired Lin-Manuel Miranda?

Hamilton's story is simply incredible, yet elements seem familiar to us because it is an immigrant story. Surprises crop up in every chapter of this big book. Hamilton had an affinity for Jews, maybe because one of his early teachers was a Jewish woman who taught him the Decalogue 10 Commandments in Hebrew! He did not have formal schooling; because of his "illegitimate" birth, he and his brother would not be welcome in the local Christian school.

Hamilton's early exposure to violence, cruelty, and the sadism of slavery on the docks of Nevis probably contributed to his firm abolitionist stance. Among the "Founding Fathers" he was the only one who owned no slaves. So to be clear, by age 14 he is an orphan, has experienced bankruptcies, his parents' marital separation, death, scandals, disinheritance, and will be by age 22 secretary to George Washington i.

Secretary of State, in a country he has not set foot in. There must be a history buff among you to appreciate this great book. See the play and check out the beautiful sound design for the song "Helpless" that Miranda calls "Nevin [Steinberg]'s masterpiece. In this well-researched and well-written novel, author Dawn Tripp takes the reader into Georgia O'Keefe's mind. Readers will follow O'Keeffe from a quiet, almost introverted, art teacher to a passionate, creative, strong-willed, and independent woman and one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.

O'Keefe believed in and held on to her bold vision of art, despite sometimes negative reviews from art critics. The focus of the novel is on her intense, highly sensual, and often tumultuous relationship with photographer and art dealer, Alfred Stieglitz. An absorbing story told as Dawn Tripp imagined it.

Goldstein is that rare cookbook author; she is also a culinary historian. In her preface, she says, "Many people lump Jewish food that is not Ashkenazi under the broad term Sephardic, but this blanket designation is inaccurate from both a culinary and a cultural point of view. Recipes must be alive, open to change, adaptation, and personal interpretation.

This is an intriguing murder mystery, what some might call a page-turner. The many suspects include Russian oligarchs, members of sophisticated Mayfair society, and of course, the beautiful Anna Samarina, daughter of billionaire Andrei Samarin, who has a missing finger on his left hand, or is it his right? Our detective Blake Reynolds is clearly out of his social depth but soon learns to appreciate Montecristos, Ferraris, and superb claret as he investigates the shooting in the eye of a super sleuth, Detective Chief Superintendent George Quinn and the murder of hedge fund analyst John-Paul Holden, who has just confessed to insider trading.

Maybe you can solve the mystery faster than I could. Rose and Pearl are two sisters living in the s in a very strict Orthodox household. Rose meets a girl from France, and her world completely changes as she discovers photography. Rose tried hard to follow the rules but ultimately she cannot live within the confines of such a strict household and is eventually exiled from everything she knows. Teens and adults will empathize with Rose, Pearl, and their daughters as they try and sort through their feelings of betrayal, their loyalty to their families, and their deep-rooted connection to their Jewish values and traditions.

This is the ninth and final cookbook in Fishbein's popular series, which has sold nearly half a million copies. In this book, she offers recipes from her travels over the last fifteen years to countries such as Israel, Italy, France, and Mexico. I especially enjoyed the anecdotes preceding many of the recipes and it should go without saying that the photographs are gorgeous.

I also liked that the recipes are helpfully labelled dairy, parve, and meat. The breadth of the recipes and the exotic spices used throughout really set this book apart from Fishbein's other cookbooks. I never use words like 'uplifting' to describe a book, but there were times when I was tempted.

This novel is a love story rooted in friendship, but even extraordinary friendship can have its limits. As much as I liked the book, it comes with a warning- there is a damaged person here who is struggling with unimaginably horrific abuse in his past. His three friends try to heal him over the course of their lives, from college to middle age.

However, the book has lightness to it; the naturalness of contemporary New York, actors, artists, gay men, lawyers, is multi-layered, and the friends enjoy each others' successes despite everything. Due to the sensitivity and artistry of the writing, you will find yourself caring a great deal about the characters. A Little Life is relentless but always surprising, right up to the end of this long story. There is great pleasure in reading this book despite the sometimes sickening brutality described.

The author questions the nature of psychotherapy and healing; can severe trauma be resolved? It is a book one can't put down, not because it is a thriller but, because you are under its spell, you have to keep reading. It's addictive because the story is so compelling. The novel features some of the most beautiful thoughts that I've ever read on the delicacy and intimacy of friendship. Monique is a longtime teacher at Marianopolis College and a prize-winning author of 19 novels for young adults. Festival of Freedom also has a unique Montreal flavour.

The book includes testimony from two Holocaust survivors who re-made their lives in Montreal. Monique also shares the moving story of her own discovery of Passover. Though she never celebrated the holiday as a child, Monique made her first Seder while doing the research for this book.

The informative text is accompanied by many photographs, drawings, and recipes. Although this season has been slightly tough to endure for us Habs fans, this book will remind you of our glorious past and the rich-filled history of the Montreal Canadiens while teaching you some new things along the way. It is full of obscure and interesting stories about the history of the Habs. The book includes informative tales about the players before, during, and after their tenure with the team. The book also includes loads of stories about the coaches, general managers, owners, and even some broadcasters.

The other player, you might have guessed, was Wayne Gretzky. It was unusual facts like this one that kept me glued to the book.

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If you are looking for a great gift, I highly recommend this book for Habs fans of all ages. Memoirs of Holocaust survivors are all significant, but not all of them can exhibit exquisite writing or pack a strong political punch relative to the contemporary scene. In my opinion, this best-seller in France is on a par with the writing of Primo Levi, especially The Drowned and the Saved.

Loridan-Ivens, a film-maker, essayist, and actress, was interviewed recently on French television. It was expected she would praise the response and efforts of French society and government in the wake of recent events. Instead, she told the audience they hadn't learned much since the day she and her father were arrested and sent to Auschwitz.

The book is in the form of a letter to her father recalling the last moment they had contact and the world to which he did not return. This is a novel in fragments, almost like a collection of prose poetry that makes up a story. Both heartbreaking and heartwarming, this is the kind of novel that you will want to read in one sitting.

Williams is usually a wildlife author and activist, but this is a memoir written in short, almost poetic chapters. In it, she recounts moments of her life where she thought her voice as a woman was needed, or lost, or important. She starts off by telling the reader about how her mother gave her all of her journals to read after her death, only for her to discover that they were all empty. From there, she explores voice, femininity, nature, aging, and much more.

This is the perfect gift for the women in your life. Princess Pistachio, by award-winning author Marie-Louise Gay, is a picture book series written in chapter book form. Early readers ages 6 and up will chuckle and relate to Pistachio's interactions with the adults in her life, being teased by friends and feeling out of place. Illustrations, also by Gay, are simple, amusing, and enhance the descriptive text.

Pistachio, red-headed and feisty, believes she is a real princess. Her parents are the king and queen of the kingdom of Papua, an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and not Mr. Penny, the pest, is definitely not her little sister. Upon receiving an anonymous birthday card and a gold crown in the mail, she knows she is truly a real princess and demands to be treated as such. Her parents and friends do not appreciate her behavior and her claim to royalty. She is teased by her classmates when she wears the gold crown to school and is disciplined by her parents when she refuses to do ordinary everyday tasks.

Unfortunately for Pistachio, her "heart sinks" when her grandfather asks her if she received his present. She now knows that the king and queen of Papua will not coming for her. Readers will also enjoy the second book of the series, Princess Pistachio and the Pest. I knew I was going to love this book before I finished the first paragraph.

The atmosphere evokes the warm, beautiful climate and special light of the Mediterranean. If you try, you can even smell the sea. This is a romantic, intriguing, and complex love story intertwining two generations and unfolding over 57 years. It opens in and moves back in time to , , , The characters develop and change but the best part of the book is the writing: Mistaken judgments and misperceptions give the novel real poignancy. This is one of the best novels you will read this year; you will want to take it on a holiday.

Collection of Poems, Songs, and Lullabies selected by Julie Andrews and her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton is a beautifully illustrated anthology suited to preschoolers and up. The book is divided into nine themes featuring works of poems and lyrics from over 75 well-known poets and songwriters. Julie Andrews introduces each of the nine themes with personal stories relating to her family, as well as her own feelings and connection to that particular theme.

This anthology is sure to become a family favourite and instill an appreciation and enjoyment of poetry and song. The beautiful paintings by James McMullan are a wonderful addition. I loved the Rosie Project. It was entertaining, amusing and I found myself literally laughing out loud on almost every page. The book is about Don Tillman, an awkward but brilliant professor who is searching for the perfect wife.

Along comes Rosie, the exact opposite of his ideal mate. Don gets sidetracked helping Rosie and then forgets all about The Wife Project. Through this book they face many challenges but seem to have the most memorable time of their lives at every turn. Teens and adults alike will fall in love with Don and Rosie. I can't resist telling you about this spectacular set of the complete works of Primo Levi. Many of you, I'm sure, have read some of his work, but the depth and breadth of his humanity and genius come to full realization with this wonderful collection.

Levi would not compromise with principle, even in the "Lager" concentration camp. This work shows us that it is possible to retain one's humanity even in the darkest times- a lesson for today. Philip Roth called Levi "a twentieth-century titan. When tragedy strikes, Rachel is separated from her family and sent to an orphanage where a doctor is conducting medical research. Although she eventually escapes, the medical research leaves her disfigured. Many years later, Rachel, who is now a nurse, realizes that this doctor is now her patient. The story is based on true events and although the plot is seemingly sad and depressing, the novel is actually uplifting.

Despite the incredible hardships she faced, Rachel survives and finds her own strength. This is an ambitious novel with several story lines, from a multi-million dollar embezzlement to child kidnapping to basketball gambling to Middle Eastern terrorists. Jack Sommers, a finance expert, is willing to do anything, even sacrifice his own life, in order to save his young daughter Sophie from a captive life in Hebron, while Dr. Arif-Al-Zahani, his late wife's father, is a controlling, heartless murderer whose political beliefs and desire for revenge replace family bond and love.

Ross has been at the center of Middle East policy-making for four U. With his long view and wide experience, he helps us understand and sort out some of the key tangled issues: ISIS; the war in Syria; Lebanon, which is less and less capable of balancing its conflicting minorities; and the dangers to Jordan. He examines each president's attitude to Israel and the region, which informs his point of view and policy decisions. Ross discusses the initial distancing of the Eisenhower-Nixon-George H. Bush administrations from Israel, which resulted in failed policies, i.

The quagmire never abates, yet the relationship between America and Israel has evolved and deepened. For example, Truman and Eisenhower would not supply weapons to Israel, then Kennedy did. The principle is not questioned anymore; it is even rumored that there were joint cyber attacks on Iran's nuclear installations. Ross reminds us that every current crisis is merely another form of a previous one.

It is wise to remember this when trying to understand today's low point in the relationship. Ross has successfully exposed any doubt concerning the controversial viewpoint, held in U. Unlike most diplomatic relationships, this one is fraught with turbulent emotions. This beautiful three-volume, slipcased edition of the complete works of Primo Levi finally gathers all fourteen of Levi's books- fiction, memoirs, essays, poetry, and commentary. Levi was an Italian-born chemist and Holocaust survivor and is acknowledged by many as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.

Some of this work has never appeared before in English. Thirteen of the books feature new translations. This will make an excellent gift during this holiday season. At face value, it is a simple story of a little rabbit who suffers from insomnia and just wants to fall asleep. He goes with his mom to see Uncle Yawn, who is reputed to make anyone fall asleep fast. But the genius of this book is the way it is written. This story is meant to be read out loud and it uses specific vocabulary to bring the child into a soft meditation that helps them fall asleep. And it works for adults, too.

I can guarantee that reading about falling deeper and deeper into sleep and hanging out with Uncle Yawn and Heavy-Eyed Owl will make you feel rested and calm as well. This up-to-date thriller and modern spy novel is a page turner in the old-fashioned sense. The themes are mystery and deception; nobody knows who is going to betray whom next. Indeed, the word 'affair' has sexual and political connotations.

The Middle East is again unraveling. The period of the Arab Spring started on December 18, Wikileaks was first published on November 28, Gadhafi and Libya are crumbling soon after. The CIA and Egyptian intelligence are trying to figure out who may be running a regime change operation called "Stumbler. The novel takes us back to when a young, idealistic American couple, Emmett and Sophie Kohl, honeymoon in Yugoslavia and are captivated by what they see and experience there. Nearly twenty years later, after leaving his posting in Cairo, Emmett is a U. While dining in a posh restaurant, Emmett reveals he knows about Sophie's affair and a few moments later is shot dead.

This moving and gripping family saga begins in Yemen in the s. Five-year-old Adela is the ninth child and only daughter of a gentle, but sickly Jewish cobbler and his cunning wife.

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As Adela grows, we follow her, her family, and community through their journey to the prosperous port of Aden; marriages and deaths; and finally their departure for Israel in the famous airlift, Operation On Wings of Eagles. Through the strong, forceful women in the novel, Nomi Eve gives us a glimpse of this period in history and Yemeni culture.

I always tell my students that you can tell how cosmopolitan a city is by the breadth, depth, and sheer variety of its restaurants. This book celebrates the diversity of Montreal's cuisine. Each restaurant and chef is briefly profiled and two of their favourite recipes follow. Of course, a cookbook allows you to make these dishes at home, but what dishes! The book is organized in an ingenious way, with the restaurants featured alphabetically. There is also a metric conversion chart so you do not have to look online all the time. This book is a celebration of one of the primary reasons Montreal is still considered a great city.

Published as Writers' Block in Great Britain, there are many wonderful things going on in this novel. We get a glimpse into the world of British publishing. There are parallels to the theater world, the nuts and bolts of how it is done, not the final product, the book or the play on stage: And we have an investigation of a possible murder, including a missing person, international intrigue, and money laundering, as well as corporate infighting- very juicy stuff. I loved the writing; sentences speed along with time for a wry smile on every page. It was enjoyable being immersed in the way the Brits express themselves.

Flanders, who usually concerns herself with nonfiction, has given us a terrific novel. It is a wonderful story of a spirited daughter of Jewish immigrants to the United States in the early s. Addie, the protagonist, is in her 80s when her granddaughter asks her what it was like growing up and Addie is anxious to share her story. From the one-room tenement apartment in which she lived with her sisters and parents to the library group where she meets other intellectual young women to finding the love of her life, Addie describes a new world: You cannot help but want to cheer Addie on in her pursuit of love, happiness, and a career.

The Boston Girl is a moving tale of historical fiction with an attention to detail. The crayons are back! The crayons have now gone on vacation, and are sending postcards back to their owner. Illustrated with the same childlike and heartfelt art that made the first book so interesting, this picture book is sure to please the children in your life! The time and place: France during World War II; you may have read a few of those. I liked this one for its fast pace and wonderful characters. At the center of the story is two sisters who could not be more different in temperament and worldview.

The war, deprivation, resistance, Nazis, danger for Jews: The author skillfully offers powerful insights which inform women's thinking, their durability, and strength. Life under Nazi occupation in this quiet village of Carriveau is not easy or calm. There are powerful scenes that take place in the Ravenbruck concentration camp, whose inmates were all women, just 60 miles from Berlin.

The women must make daily calculations and difficult choices concerning the survival of their children. This is a book in which women are at the center in crucial, complicated situations involving life and death, whereas most war stories of this type usually feature men. Our Souls at Night is Haruf's final novel and was finished just before his death in November. Like his other novels, it is beautifully written and captures the essence of relationships. Addie Moore and Louis Waters live in the same neighbourhood in Holt, a fictional small town in Colorado. Both are lonely year-olds who have outlived their spouses and have children and grandchildren living out of town.

One day, Addie knocks on Louis's door with an unusual proposal. She wants him to come to her house at night to sleep with her- to be a companion; to talk; not to have sex. Louis accepts and so begins a relationship that reveals past mistakes, leads to adventures, and highlights the importance of the time that remains. Unfortunately, things become complicated with family, friends, and neighbours. This mature, beautiful love story is a joy to read. Kushner, a former Montrealer, is back with a new cookbook. In her lively introduction, she talks about growing up in a modern Orthodox home eating her mother's Moroccan and Israeli cuisine and adds the best explanation for the joys of eating kosher foods that I have ever read.

Also, there is not simply a recipe for challah, but Perfect Challah; there is one critical instruction that will make all of your challahs perfect from now on as well. I would be remiss not to mention Kate Sears' perfect, full-page photographs. Many cookbooks stay unopened and unused, but I can say with confidence that you will return again and again to this one.

One thing about loving books and reading is that there is always something new to discover. As is often the case, it was a book recommended by a customer. Many of you may be familiar with her wonderful characters, especially Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and Jean-Guy Beauvoir, his son-in-law and second-in-command. Gamache has retired to a small, no, tiny Quebec village but mystery still follows him. He brings his deep, warm, but sharp intelligence to the situation at hand, however reluctantly.

Of course, local settings, customs of Quebec and Montreal, language, food, and culture add to the pleasure of reading this terrific novel. A famous artist has disappeared. As background, we are exposed to the rich life, history, and creativity of Quebec art and artists amidst the backdrop of the fictional town of Three Pines and the villages in the Eastern Townships. Rusbridger, editor of the Guardian, has a busy work schedule in today's world in which news must be transmitted every moment of every day. His mid-life crisis involves learning Chopin's magnificent but formidable Ballade No.

Rusbridger gives himself a year to master it. Little did he know that the twelve months he chose began with WikiLeaks and ended with the News of the World phone hacking scandal. With only twenty minutes to spare each day, he demonstrates that with desire, focus, and discipline, anything is possible.

As a nearly-middle-age person and a music lover, Rusbridger's message was inspiring. The appendix features the full score with commentary by the author and several great pianists. The author demystifies indecipherable huge numbers in the world by scaling down the gigantic concepts into more meaningful units. For example, David J. Smith represents all the energy in the world to light bulbs; all known species of living things on Earth by a tree with 1, leaves; all the wealth in the world by a pile of coins; all the food produced around the world in one year with 25 slices of bread.

There are numerous other scenarios. Creative, curious children aged years old will find this picture book fascinating and will likely read it many times. Some adults might also be so inclined. This is one of the most exciting, page-turning books I've read in a long time. Browder, one of the earliest and most successful heads of an international mutual fund specializing in Russia, confronts the kleptomaniacs and Russian oligarchs in a massive fraud and murder of one of his colleagues, Sergei Magnitsky.

His pursuit of justice involving the bureaucracies and legal systems of both Russia and the U. Red Notice is the closest thing we have to an international arrest warrant. I could easily describe this hard-nosed, taut thriller as fiction except it is a true story. Browder was the founder and CEO of the largest foreign investor in Russia. Browder's mission to expose endemic corruption and abuse is the focus of this political thriller, which is as much of a page turner as any mystery on the bestseller list today. The atmosphere he creates of a modern state emerging from a crumbling empire moves the story forward and makes the reading so exciting; a notable example is that one of the companies he looks at is Sidanco, which was trading at 15 cents per barrel of oil where the market price that day was twenty dollars per barrel and fortunes were made as a result.

Unbelievably, Browder manages to inject humor into what is a very serious book; just for fun, we have ex-Mossad agents doing security for Browder. This is a very special graphic novel. The author starts by telling us, both in drawings and in a ton of footnotes, about the real events surrounding the lives of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage and the invention of the first computer.

But then, since their story is short and not as exciting as it could be, Padua transports us to an alternative universe where all their dreams come true.