The Well-Kept Kitchen

The Duchess of Northumberland. A Discourse of Sallets. Tea and Tea Drinking. Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

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  • The Well-Kept Kitchen by Gervase Markham.
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Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Archaic by our standards now but a fascinating glimpse into the lives of women then an A charming book written in full of quaint advice for the then "modern" housewife. Archaic by our standards now but a fascinating glimpse into the lives of women then and how they were expected to behave and feed their families. A wonderful and important historical record of how the author believed the average middle class housewife should accomplish her kitchen tasks with the help of the kitchen servants.

This is in no way an account that would have been applicable to the lower classes for the simple fact of the rich variety of the food involved. Hilarious at times when you consider the modern audience that is now reading this but the author has a tone of solemnity and seriousness in his style of writing that for the time period this is aimed at is perfectly acceptable.

The Well-Kept Kitchen

A great read for any foodie but also people interested in a slice of domestic history. Written in the 17th century, this is an insight into a time when it was expected wives would be seen in the kitchen and their opinions not heard. Starting with a section on how housewives have to be chaste in thought, dress and demeanour, the book moves on the recipes.

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None of this is going to be of much use to the modern cook, as many of the ingredients discussed are quite foreign, and there are references to objects and techniques we just don't have or use now there is a glossary to help Written in the 17th century, this is an insight into a time when it was expected wives would be seen in the kitchen and their opinions not heard. None of this is going to be of much use to the modern cook, as many of the ingredients discussed are quite foreign, and there are references to objects and techniques we just don't have or use now there is a glossary to help you out if you really want to give it a try but as a historical document this is quite interesting.

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Apr 25, Sarah rated it liked it Shelves: Sep 06, Mary-Ellen Lynn rated it liked it Shelves: Having studied this book to death some years ago during my PhD in Renaissance literature, I cannot bring myself to review it in depth Admittedly, though, I still laugh at the idea of baking dishes being called 'coffins'. Jul 09, Katherine Simmons rated it liked it. Fascinating insight into the s, both socially and food wise.

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Jul 23, Ria rated it it was amazing. Actually, An invaluable historical resource, although like many older texts a bit difficult to follow in places. Of cookery and the parts thereof. The French Chef in America. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

I am amazed at the sheer amount of sugar used in each recipe and for decoration. Some of the recipes are very similar to ones today and then others have been thankfully consigned to the depths of history. Jan 28, Colin rated it really liked it Shelves: But probably not very useful. Robert Hudder rated it it was ok Nov 07, Rebecca rated it liked it May 28, Joshua English rated it it was amazing Jul 02, Joy Airaudi rated it it was ok Jul 10, Mariann Ward rated it it was amazing Jun 02, Deb cambria rated it it was amazing Jan 18, Kathrine rated it really liked it Nov 05, Sharon Handy rated it liked it Jun 22, Tracy Empson rated it liked it May 14, Jennifer rated it did not like it Jan 18, Antonio rated it liked it Feb 28, Yashasvini rated it it was ok Sep 25, Ordering of great feasts and proportion of expense.

The distillations of waters and their virtues. Additions to distillations To distil water of the colour of the herb or flower you desire. Another excellent aqua vitae.

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To make aqua composita. Six most precious waters which Hippocrates made and sent to a queen sometime living in England.

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The virtues of several waters. To make dry vinegar. A very rare and pleasant damask water. The ordering preserving and helping of all sorts of wines. How to flavour muscadine. To make white bastard. A remedy for bastard if it prick. To shift malmsey and to rid away ill wines. For sack that doth rope and is brown. How to order Rhenish wine. A remedy for Gascon wine that hath lost his colour. A remedy for claret or white wine that drinks foul.

Of the excellency of oats. For sheep goats swine and hounds. Of the brewhouse and the bakehouse. Brewing of strong ale. Brewing of bottle ale.

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Of baking cheat bread. Baking of brown bread. Like many other young men of his time, Markham took to a military career but after service in The Netherlands and Ireland, he turned to writing as a profession.