Fundamentals of Virtual Colonoscopy

Polyps are growths arising from the surface of the colon that may grow into cancers of the colon. If a cancer or significant sized polyp is found, you will need to have another test, such as a colonoscopy to biopsy take a small tissue sample or remove a polyp.

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CTC is also excellent for diagnosing diverticulitis where pouches develop in the wall of the colon or as an investigation if you have symptoms suggestive of bowel problems. Another reason to have a CTC is if you have had a difficult or an incomplete conventional colonoscopy, when the whole bowel may not have been completely or confidently assessed.

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It is my pleasure to present the “fundamentals” version of Atlas of Virtual Colonoscopy, which was first published in in two parts. The first, which is reprinted. The first € price and the £ and $ price are net prices, subject to local VAT. Prices indicated with * include VAT for books; the €(D) includes 7% for. Germany, the.

You should be given clear instructions by the hospital or radiology clinic carrying out the CTC. The important thing is to have a clean bowel before the test, so that any polyp or cancer can be detected. The exact instructions may differ depending on any other medical problems you may have, such as diabetes, kidney disease or some heart problems.


It is important to tell your referring doctor as well as the radiologist specialist doctor supervising the CTC about these. Pregnant women should not have this test. The instructions will be provided as a package comprising written information, instructions and some laxative pills. In most cases, you will need to go on a low-fibre diet between 1—3 days before the test. The evening before the test, the laxative pills are taken, along with several drinks of water, and usually this means you may need to go to the toilet several times during the evening.

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In the morning, you must not eat breakfast, and before the test the suppository is inserted in your back passage or rectum. It is important to read and follow the instructions exactly. When you arrive at the clinic or radiology department, you will be guided to a change room to remove your clothes and put on a simple gown. A nurse, radiographer who operates the CT scanner or radiologist specialist doctor will explain the procedure as you go, and you can ask questions. A small soft tube is placed in the back passage, or rectum, through which air or carbon dioxide is passed into your large bowel.

Virtual reality in medicine

This causes it to expand so that the inside wall of the bowel can be clearly seen on the CT scan images or pictures. You may or may not be given a small injection of a bowel muscle relaxant to help this process. Occasionally, people may experience mild nausea, which usually passes quickly.

You will have to hold your breath for this short scan. Occasionally, the scan will be carried out while you lie on your side. The images will be checked, and you can relax and the tube will be removed from the anus. You will be able to go to a nearby toilet straight away. You can then get dressed and will usually be offered a drink and biscuit before leaving.

If this occurs, it usually passes quickly.

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You may be hungry or feel a little light-headed from not eating breakfast, and the staff should offer you a drink and biscuit afterwards. You can eat as usual afterwards. If you have had the small injection to relax the bowel, it is unlikely, but possible, that your eyesight might be a little blurry for half an hour or so, and that your mouth might feel dry.

You may spend a variable time getting changed and toileting, depending on how you feel, before and after the test. If the radiologist is available to check your images straight away, this may require you to wait longer after the test. A CTC is the safest way of examining the large bowel.

There is a tiny chance of a bowel perforation making a hole in the bowel wall from having a CTC. This would show up by having worsening abdominal pain. In the unlikely event you are concerned after your test, it is important that you notify your doctor or the radiologist who carried out the test immediately, or go to the nearest hospital emergency department immediately.

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