Men in My Backyard

I think of those certain types as " annaversary stalkers", because they love the day they first started hating you so much that they want to celebrate it with an annaversary approach- in honor of a year ago when they started hating you, officially. They're willing to die for the pleasure it's gonna give them You have no gun, crossbow, nothing.

That person's dangerous as hell. This is one of those comments where someone in his situation would not want to hear, as if it were validating their immense feelings of fear and freaking them the fuck out, but it's exactly what he needed to see. You probably saved his life! Nice job man, this is exactly what was needed here. You probably saved his life here, think about it If the OP was in the house, the guy barrages in or breaks a window, knowing someone of this danger means he could have killed the OP and been on his merry way long before the police could have been there.

He's a full blown psychopath or someone with heavy mental diseases, he shows no empathy, he finds pleasure and enjoyment in tormenting and seeming like he would enjoy slaughtering his victims. You did a good job helping here.

This is some seriously perfect advice for someone who 1 lives alone 2 lives in a secluded area 3 writes a lot of there business on social media sites.. Awww hell, this is some great advice for anyone Lol, sorry the drama in ur response had me in stitches!!!! But I'm on the bus laughing out loud at the moment: I hope you never find out, one day I'll write about it. When I'm not trying to drown it in liquor. I think thats a bit over the top. Just from reading the first part, seems like somehow or another somebody figured out your parents are gone and you are not a normal resident there. Whoever is doing it is just casing your house before they break in and get what they want.

Home invasions that result in injury or death are a small minority. If OP did something to piss somebody off to come and hunt him down like that, he'd def know imo. My father tried to kill my mother and my brothers and I when I was about 7, I seen nothing of him for two years and then all of a sudden my family and I came home from food shopping and sat down and I looked outside the French doors and next thing I just see my dad staring at me, was legit the creepiest experience I've ever had.

He ran away and I still haven't seen him to this day after that. That I know of anyway. My aunt's husband stabbed her to death with a bayonet when I was 4 I am no longer willing to call him my uncle; she was my blood relation. Something I will never understand of my cousins. And the fact that someone agreed to marry that monster again What are any of them thinking?? I picture him saying "it's cool guys, just don't piss me off That's the making of a damn horror movie.

Your dad is crazy. Sounds like when he was flashing his high beams, he mightve been trying to get a view into the second story bathroom to see if you were there, waiting and watching. Good move on leaving, I bet if he had caught you up there, he would've made a move.

Want to add to the discussion?

Unless OP's two story house is really a palatial mansion, this guy shouldn't be coming back to try robbing it a second time after fucking it up. And the way he just stands in place staring at the house, and waltzed off the property, it sounds like he's relishing the moment. Like he waited a long time for whatever he's planning on doing. The headlights actually sounded like they were signals between accomplices but I doubt that's the case if the guy is a psychopath, which he seems to almost certainly be.

If the cops didn't catch the guy yet, then OP's still in serious danger as long as that fucker's still out there. Home invasion robbery is one of the worst crimes because the person simply gives no fucks and will kill if they see it as needed simply out of pragmatism. The chances of it being just a normal robbery are almost naught. The guy had a motive, maybe it was to rob, but if he was casing the joint, he wouldn't of reacted the way he did when OP yelled at him. I wish OP would've been a little bit more ballsy and set up a camera or something recording the lower level of the house before he left, then we'd have answers.

But at least OP is safe. Doesn't matter what the guy was there for; a life is more valuable than a few meaningless items. Had something similar happen to my family a few years back in South Carolina, turns out the guy was the son of one of our elderly neighbors they like to pretend doesn't exist, got upset when his folks wouldn't support his bad habits so he started harassing and robbing different homes in the neighborhood.

Not sure how similar the situation is, but this guy was unpredictable, nothing was sacred, in the few years before he went to prison he made meth, killed his girlfriend, got involved with dogfighting including kid napping neighbors dogs and even assaulted his parents and held them hostage in their own living room.

A spoiled child spurned can be a dangerous thing in some families, be careful who your neighbors know. This sort of thing happened to a friend of mine. She came back with the police and had them search her place and they found a guy hiding in her bedroom closet with duct tape, rope, handcuffs, pepper spray, a taser, a heavy pipe, a high-end camera, and a box of condoms. So happy your friend is safe and they caught him! Best of luck to her in the future so she stays safe always. Hope with the right help your friend will be as well as can be!

Nah, I looked but could never find anything. I'd have been skeptical myself but I saw the letter she got from the court when he was released. A picture of the car could be helpful. I understand your apprehension to share any pictures with us, considering the possibility that this man could very well have a Reddit account as well and see this. And a flashlight from the dollar store. Also, if you have another smartphone or smart device with a camera and or flashlight, you can use it as a surveillance camera through a free and easy to set up app called Presence.

It just has to be two devices that are the same like two iPhones, or two Samsungs. Even if you don't have a dog, maybe 'fake' it with a leash tied to a bush by your front or back door, with an old football or frisbee with chew marks on it. A big metal bowl of water. Give the idea it's a big dog. Fake that too with a "this home is protected by a security system" sign by front or back door. Have a radio on while you're gone. Leave a light or two on during the night. Is there snow or leaves? Put extra where he might walk so it's crunchier.

On a second note, I hope he gets caught today itself because once your parents come it's possible he will stop doing all these fucked up stalking but he will look for a better opportunity to strike, he can and will catch you off guard.. I think it's best for you to remain in the same situation until he gets caught. God I really need the next update. Also its my first time on this sub and it really does live up to the name.

Reading this post at 2am was not a smart decision. Was hoping the neighbour was gonna say 'have a nice day' at 3.

Backyard UNDERGROUND Apocalyptic BUNKER

About 2 years ago, I had someone try a home invasion on my place. The reason being, I am a nerd who lives on his own so an easy target or so the police who attended the scene told me. Unfortunately for the would-be home invader, I am one of those nerds who has prepared for the zombie apocalypse. So when he tried to force his way into my back door, he was confronted by me with a hunting bow in one hand and a spear in the other. Upon that sight, he ran and then started jumping fences to get away from me Which the police then got a copy of a fingerprints and swabs of the blood.

I've heard nothing more of this since it happened. But the police said that I should be OK because my house will be known as a "crazy person, not worth the hassle" among those who do such things. Get a license plate number if you can, ask your neighbors to try to do the same, and be mindful of the cars you see around your part of town for a while.

Who knows, he could be waiting for your family to get home so he can kill all of you. He chased you out so he can hide inside, then when you are all sleeping hes going to come out of hiding and get you all. OP needs some stopping power. OP doesnt even have to use the gun, if stalker sees him loading a full mag and cocking the firearm he knows he means business. Reading the first part of your thread I honestly just thought it was probably some person just trying to smoke some weed in there car and needed a place to rip.

That shit escalated so aggressively. People on Ambien sleeping pills do shit like this all the time and have no clue they've done it. I'm on Ambien and have never once drove a car to someone's house to stare at them while wearing a ski mask.

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I've far exceeded the recommended dose, hell maybe even the recreational dose, and still haven't gone full psychopath. At least I don't remember doing so I took ambien after a surgery and found that I had taken the eggs from the refrigerator and put them in the bathroom drawer. From a therapists perspective this seems like a blatant mental illness. Whoever this guy is, doesn't seem like the type to stop until caught Is this your guy? If that happened to me I would be shitting my pants in my room with the door locked.

  1. Making a Man Cave in Your Backyard.
  2. The HCG Guidebook.
  3. A Cup of Tea.
  4. The Guardship: Book One Of The Brethren Of The Coast: The Guardship Book 1!

Thankfully I have a dog that could bark at anyone trying to get in, but I also have lived in my culdesac for years without knowing any of my neighbors. Good call on contacting them. I dont have weapons for defense aside from my paintball gun. I play for fun, with no experience with life and death self defense where adrenaline and fear are pumping in me. Sure i'd like to imagine how brave I'd be if anyone broke into my house and Id have to defend myself, but I doubt I'd act as quickly and calmly as I'd like.

Keep us posted OP. I feel too invested in your wellbeing now to not know how this ends. Fuck, I live in a cul der sac and I have occasionally seen a car parked in the middle of the street facing my house at 3 AM. Now I'm getting paranoid. I have this feeling that there is a bunch of crazy, psychotic serial killers who meet every Thursday evening to practice waltzing-like-cartoons moves, just to fuck with people. Add that extra teaspoon of "mental-allspice". Damn, I found this thread too late, and you're already safe hopefully.

Eagerly awaiting the new update! But let me just tell you I know what you were doing in the house alone that kicked on your "lean and mean" bodily response haha. Holy crap man, this is some crazy shit. I hope you end up being alright! I'm on the edge of my seat right now, I feel like I'm there with you man!

I hope to hear you're safe soon, OP. We need to know if something happened dude, I really hope that's not the case, please update as fast as you can! He's making predictable moves, you already know he drives by flashing high beams, parks in the cal de sac, and is staying around your house. I'd counter-act his actions and find out his routine, hide somewhere near where he goes, or just confront him. Screw whoever it is, a scared person who is defending their life is far more dangerous than a killer. Go on the offense dude. Can you not see a license plate number?

Do you literally have no friends in the area? You can fuck with this guy back if you think it out properly. He's just a human being. Crazy, but not invulnerable. Can you update again? I just read this I am the oldest person here I have 50 acres of "owl sanctuary next to my home The one couple goes away a lot The other couple, nice, but I am the one who goes and chases coyotes away from their goats.. They are as unaware and scared as they come I have put off fencing the front of the property beacaus I am, well, old, will do it myself, and have had coops and goat housing to build This scares the crap out of me FOR you!!!

I have geese and guineas other poultry BUT these guys are great alarms, anyone who reads this and wants some seriously good first alarms Yes, they can be annoying, BUT when they make noise, it means business One very large one, and one 55 pound one I wouldn't let them get hurt for me nor any of my pets OP, the reddittor who gave you the awesome advice, have you thought of any of this?

Does any of this pertain to you? Please update again if possible Nothing wrong with wanting to protect yourself! I don't even understand why you're freaking out There's no indication anyone is out to get you or do harm to you Also it's kind of funny how you keep posting pics of the area you seem to think you see an intruder in but from another day Not even including evidence that someone is staking you out So there's no evidence what so ever that someone is even watching you And who cares how someone's parked I've lived on a street with two cul de sacs on either side of it People park weird like that all the time because most people don't even know how to park on a cul de sac unless they live on one One time we had someone parked in the middle of one of the cul de sacs completely blocked everyone who lived on it from driving People doing weird shit does not equate to someone wanting to harm you.

Double check all doors and windows. Lock yourself in the bathroom with your phone, ready to call the police. I seriously hope you and your parents got the hell out of there and I hope the police caught him,because he definitely doesn't have any good intentions. Please please keep us updated! Set up a bunch of bottle targets like you would if shooting a gun and practicing your aim I sure it would leave an impression Set a trap and see what it does. I'm sure a bunch of sticky mouse pads would make the world of difference. The stalker might also be stalking on this thread for any developments on the case.

To stay a move ahead of the police. Don't post anything about the work the cops have been doing to catch this guy.

Strange man in my backyard help!?

You might as well post confusing details about your whereabouts now. This will confuse the stalker whether you're saying the truth or just messing. Post the complete account since your last post once this mofo gets caught. Ok, for this, you need to enlist the aid of a couple of friends. Are there woods behind where he parks, a distance, that someone could hide in?


I'd have a friend hide there with a camera with a long range lens and photograph his plate, also, with a green long range laser pointer. Since you don't have a gun, the friend could flash this light on the back of that idiot's head and hopefully freak him out, thinking someone's fixing to snipe him and leave. Or it would escalate. But I would enlist some friends to stay with you, and turn the tables on this jerk. If you were in your neighbors house, who in their right mind would drive to the police station rather than calling.

That moment when I read this and realized that my house is at a cul de sac, and my 2nd floor bathroom looks right into it. If you can keep us updated on what's going on, that would be great. Maybe more people can help you. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds.

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Strange man in my backyard help!? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? No time to waste. Then another relative or close friend so they're aware of what's up, since your mom won't listen.


This is a trespasser, a thief, a peeping tom or worse yet a rapist. Hide from view as you make calls. Other answers are right; 14 is old enough to be alone, babysit others, etc. You are old enough to be left home alone. They won't think your parents are neglectful - Have you been fed, watered, and cared for properly? Then it's not neglect. DO NOT let hime know you are there. Even if he's meaning no harm and is just there to scare you, he legally shouldn't be on your property. You are 14 and old enough to be by yourself for a while. Your parents will not get into trouble.

But you may if the guy breaks in. Dial right now. Don't talk to him and don't let him know you are there. If he doesn't leave after a long time, it's okay to call the police, you are old enough to be left home alone, and that guy shouldn't be there. They won't think your dad is neglecting you. I would just leave him alone and maybe he might leave. Stay away from that window and try not to let him know you see him. Make sure you have a way to get out incase he would get in.

Call a neighbor even if you dont know them just tell them they could come scare him away. Happened to me once.