Jump Into German (Jump Into Languages Book 4)

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German Verb Drills, Fifth Edition. Beginner German in 32 Topics: Speak with Confidence About Everyday Matters. A Practical Guide to Business English. The semantic structure and use of light-referring verbs. First German Reader for Students. The Oxford Guide to Library Research. The Language of Fiction.

How German Sounds Compared To Other Languages (Part 4)

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Throughout the long multilingual history of the African continent, African languages have been subject to phenomena like language contact, language expansion, language shift and language death.

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A case in point is the Bantu expansion , in which Bantu-speaking peoples expanded over most of Sub-Equatorial Africa , displacing Khoi-San speaking peoples from much of Southeast Africa and Southern Africa and other peoples from Central Africa. Another example is the Arab expansion in the 7th century, which led to the extension of Arabic from its homeland in Asia, into much of North Africa and the Horn of Africa. Trade languages are another age-old phenomenon in the African linguistic landscape. Cultural and linguistic innovations spread along trade routes and languages of peoples dominant in trade developed into languages of wider communication lingua franca.

After gaining independence, many African countries, in the search for national unity, selected one language, generally the former colonial language, to be used in government and education.

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However, in recent years, African countries have become increasingly supportive of maintaining linguistic diversity. Language policies that are being developed nowadays are mostly aimed at multilingualism. Besides the former colonial languages of English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, the following languages are official at the national level in Africa non-exhaustive list:. The colonial borders established by European powers following the Berlin Conference in — divided a great many ethnic groups and African language speaking communities.

In a sense, " cross-border languages " is a misnomer [ citation needed ] —the speakers did not divide themselves.

Nevertheless, it describes the reality of many African languages, which has implications for divergence of language on either side of a border especially when the official languages are different , standards for writing the language, etc. Language is not static in Africa any more than on other continents. In some countries, there are official efforts to develop standardized language versions. There are also many less widely spoken languages that may be considered endangered languages. Of the 1 billion Africans in , about 17 percent speak an Arabic dialect [ citation needed ].

About 10 percent speak Swahili [ citation needed ] , the lingua franca of Southeast Africa; about 5 percent speak a Berber dialect [ citation needed ] ; and about 5 percent speak Hausa , which serves as a lingua franca in much of the Sahel.

English, French and Portuguese are important languages in Africa. About million, million and 30 million Africans, respectively, speak them as either native or secondary languages. Portuguese has become the national language of Angola, and Portuguese is the official language of Mozambique. The economies of Angola and Mozambique are quickly becoming economic powerhouses in Africa.

Some linguistic features are particularly common among languages spoken in Africa, whereas others are less common. Such shared traits probably are not due to a common origin of all African languages. Instead, some may be due to language contact resulting in borrowing and specific idioms and phrases may be due to a similar cultural background. Sounds that are relatively uncommon in African languages include uvular consonants , diphthongs and front rounded vowels. Tonal languages are found throughout the world but are predominantly used in Africa. Both the Nilo-Saharan and the Khoi-San phyla are fully tonal.

The large majority of the Niger—Congo languages is also tonal. The most common type of tonal system opposes two tone levels, High H and Low L. Contour tones do occur, and can often be analysed as two or more tones in succession on a single syllable. Tone melodies play an important role, meaning that it is often possible to state significant generalizations by separating tone sequences "melodies" from the segments that bear them. Tonal sandhi processes like tone spread, tone shift, downstep and downdrift are common in African languages.

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Jump Into German (Jump Into Languages Book 4) - Kindle edition by Sobaca. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Jump Into Spanish (Jump Into Languages Book 5) - Kindle edition by Sobaca. Download it Buy for others Make the most of your travels with all of our 'Jump Into' language courses available in Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch and French.

Widespread syntactical structures include the common use of adjectival verbs and the expression of comparison by means of a verb 'to surpass'. The Niger—Congo languages have large numbers of genders noun classes which cause agreement in verbs and other words. Case , tense and other categories may be distinguished only by tone.

Below is a list of the major languages of Africa by region, family and total number of primary language speakers in millions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Languages of Africa

For the book, see The Languages of Africa. Unclassified languages of Africa. Africa portal Language portal.

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Want to Read saving…. Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Southeast Africa Niger—Congo , Bantu: Tonal sandhi processes like tone spread, tone shift, downstep and downdrift are common in African languages. Get to Know Us. Kann ich bar bezahlen? Afrikaans evolved from the Dutch vernacular [12] [13] of South Holland Hollandic dialect [14] [15] spoken by the mainly Dutch settlers of what is now South Africa , where it gradually began to develop distinguishing characteristics in the course of the 18th century.

The Language of African Literature. Africa is incredibly rich in language—over 3, indigenous languages by some counts, and many creoles, pidgins, and lingua francas.

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Ethnologue Languages of the World. In Language Isolates , edited by Lyle Campbell, pp. United Nations Development Programme. Linguistic Society of America. Retrieved 31 January Archaeology, Language, and the African Past.

Jump Into Dutch (Jump Into Languages)

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