Wo mein Herz zu Hause ist (German Edition)

Evangelische Lutherischen Gesangbuch

The Prisoners retire into the Garden. He sits on a stone: Wir brauchen nicht viel Zeit um an die Oeffnung zu kommen. Gieb mir eine Haue, und du stelle dich hierher. No, no; he only sleeps. The moment is propitious. Give me your hand. If it be he, oh God, help me. Here, under this rubbish, is the cistern of which I have spoken. It will not take us long to reach the opening.

Give me the pickaxe, and stand thou there. Das Duett wird durchaus halblaut gesungen. Ohne Zweifel wird er wieder tausend Fragen an mich stellen. Ich muss allein mit ihm reden. Was verlangt Ihr denn von mir? Ich vollziehe die Befehle die man mir giebe; das ist mein Amt, meine Pflicht.

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Wenn ich denn verdammt binn, hier zu verschmachten, O so lasst mich nicht so langsam enden! Aus Erbarmen, gebt mir nur einen Tropfen Wasser—das ist ja so wenig! Ich kann Euch nicht verschaffen, was Ihr verlangt. Alles was ich Euch anbieten kann, ist ein Restchen Wein, das ich im Kruge habe. Mein Schliesser, und in wenig Tagen mein Eidam. Ihr selbst, Meister Rokko—. The Duet is sung in an undertone. Doubtless, he will again put a thousand questions to me. I must speak with him alone. Well, it will soon be all over with him. What do you ask of me? The orders I receive I execute: Tell me, at all events, the name of the Governor of this loathsome prison.

What you require I cannot procure: At present my assistant; a few days hence to be my son-in-law. You yourself, Master Rocco—. Do not forget, whatever you may hear and see, that there is a Providence over all! Yes, yes, there is a Providence over all. Leonora suddenly draws a small pistol from her bosom and presents it at him. Die Offiziere und Jaquino gehen oben ab.

Die Soldaten leuchten Pizarro vor. He and his suite have already arrived at the postern. The soldiers shall ascend, and with lighted torches hence accompany the Governor. The latter avails himself of the opportunity to grasp the hands of Leonora and Florestan, presses them to his bosom, points to Heaven, and then hasting after him. Kommt, folget mir hinauf. The Minister has a list of all of you, who are forthwith to appear before him. Your imprisonment has evidently been unknown to the Minister, and is a stretch of arbitrary power, no doubt.

Come, follow me all, follow me! German Text, with an English Translation [].

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Prime Minister of Spain, and friend to Florestan. Governor of the Prison, and enemy to Florestan. Assistant to Rocco, in love with Marcellina. Enter Leonora, as Fidelio. She carries a basket with provisions, and on her arm fetters, which she deposits on the ground. At her side a tin box hangs by a ribbon. Traurig schleppt sich fort das Leben; Mancher Kummer stellt sich ein.

With gold in our pockets we face all mankind; The sound has a magical power: True happiness, so we are told, Is best secured by glorious gold. Rokko, Pizarro, Offiziere, Wachen. Offiziere mit einem Detachement treten ein, dann Pizarro. Das Hauptthor wird wieder geschlossen. Rocco, Pizarro, Officers, Guards. Officers enter with a detachment of Troops, then Pizarro. The gate is shut again. I will give him, very soon, A sample of my pity.

Fearlessly, unsparingly, I will tear his heart from out him!

The wretch shall quickly repent His daring resistance to me;— I would sooner die than yield. Now that he is in my power, Punishment for his treason Shall quickly be his lot. No more hope is there for thee. The moment is approaching For thy dire punishment. Take this, old man: A rich man shall you be. Leonore, tritt in heftiger innerer Bewegung von der andern Seite auf, und sieht den Abgehenden mit steigender Unruhe nach.

Enter Leonora, in violent agitation, from the side opposite to that on which Pizarro and Rocco have gone off, having overheard the intention of Pizarro. To what new and dreadful crime Will thy vengeance now induce thee? But vain shall be your machinations: A sweet presentiment of that assures me. For his infamies, the Almighty A fitting reward will mete him. I feel within me new hopes arise; An inward sense of coming happiness Sustains and cheers my heart. Marzelline kommt aus dem Hause, Jaquino ihr nach.

Marcellina enters from the House followed by Jacquino. Vorige, Rokko, Leonore, aus dem Garten. Enter Rocco and Leonora from the Garden. Chor — der Gefangenen. O welche Lust in freier Luft Den Athem einzuheben! Nur hier, nur hier ist Leben. Der Kerker eine Gruft. Chorus — of Prisoners. Oh, what a pleasure once again Freely to breathe the fresh air! The same — Marcellina and Jacquino rush in, out of breath Mar. Pizarro, zwei Offiziere, Wache, die Vorigen. Enter Pizarro, two Officers, and Guards. Das Theater stellt einen unterirdischen dunkeln Kerker vor.

Den Zuschauern links ist eine mit Steinen und Schutt bedeckte Cisterne. A dark subterranean Dungeon. To the left a cistern or reservoir, covered with stones and rubbish. In the background, several openings in the wall, guarded with gratings, through which can be seen the steps of a staircase, leading from above. To the right, the doo into the Prison.


Oed ist es um mich her, Nichts lebet ausser mir. Here in this dark tomb, is nothing known But my deep anguish! Oh, most cruel torture! Oh, Heavenly Providence, how much longer Will this my misery last! In the bright morning of life My liberty, alas! These chains are the reward Of true and open speaking. But what avails my lamentations? Hopeless is my condition: The only solace for my torments Rests on my conscious innocence. Die beiden ersten, die man durch die Oeffnungen bei dem Schein einer Laterne die Treppe herabsteigen sah, tragen einen Krug und die Werkzeuge zum Graben.

The two former, who have been seen through the openings coming down the stairs, carry a pitcher and implements for digging. The back door opens, and the Stage is half lighted. Vorige, Pizarro, in einem Mantel vermummt. The same — Pizarro, disguised in a mantle. The same—Enter Jacquino, two Officers, and Soldiers with torches. Die Schlosswachen marschieren auf und bilden ein offenes Viereck. Sie werfen sich alle vor Don Fernando auf die Knie.

Parade before the Castle. The People crowd around. On the other side appear the State Prisoners, accompanied by Jacquino and Marcellina. Afterwards Rocco, with Florestan, press through the Guard and the People. Chor — der Gefangenen und des Volks. Heil sey dem Tag!

Heil sey der Stunde; Da, lang ersehnt, doch unvereint. Chorus — of Prisoners and People. Thanks, thanks, and all hail! To him who comes our chains to sunder. First to Brazil and the USA, to try his luck at good fortune. Africa was not in his plans, but where does he end up? I ask you, dear family and friends, is it a fateful coincidence?

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Or is it possible that secret powers had a hand in it? Corrections Have a look at the beginning of the tread Chapter 1 to 3 - Thank you so much, Becky!!! Comment I really appreciate what you do for me.

Have a look at the beginning of the tread (Chapter 1 to 3)

Ach, wie groß ist deine Gnade - Johann Olearius, - tlh - Melodie Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden - Paul Gerhardt, - tlh - Melodie .. O selig Haus, wo man dich aufgenommen - C. J. Philipp Spitta, Am Rhein, wo im Glase der goldne Wein Auf den Bergen ist es lustig . Ehrenwertes Haus Geh' aus mein Herz und suche Freud.

Yours - Ines from Munich. From the first time we met at the party in Lagos 20 years ago, we realized from our evening of wonderful conversations that we had many things to talk about. Unlike most parties where you meet each other and then quickly forget the other person, we could not and did not forget each other. The director of our lives choreographer?? Alternate sentence would read: The choreographer - where A man from Israel and a woman from Germany got married. They settled down and quickly joined meshed??

Soon, Nigeria felt like home to them, which is mainly due to the warm-hearted nature of the Nigerian people, who always welcomed them with open arms and open hearts. I have been asked over and over again, if it was not a problem being a German woman married to an Israeli man.

The thought never crossed my mind until people asked me this question. The fact is that this has never been an issue between us or our families. Regularly, we have encountered and lived together among people of other cultures and religions without any conflicts arising. This just proves to me: That everyone in the world could live side by side in peace and harmony, if they would just exercise tolerance and respect and accept each other in an open and -- this is probably redundant with unprejudiced unprejudiced way.

I took some liberties here. I don't know if you will like them, but I hope I captured the essence of what you were trying to convey. It is said, that one should keep a watchful eye on the family of the person you wish to marry, since you are not only marrying a person but to a lesser extent their family. I had the wonderful good fortune to marry into a family - even though a little chaotic at times - is warm-hearted and wonderful.

knallen - "Du knallst in mein Leben."

Comment Ihr nehmt Udo zu ernst. Give me your hand. The Governor never comes at this time of day. There is just one answer to this question: Going back to 8 It is said, that one should keep a watchful eye on the family of the person you wish to marry, since you are not only marrying a person but to a lesser extent their family.

I will see later if I can come up with different wording. While reflecting on six decades of a life, it naturally causes you to ask: There is only one answer to this question: With pride and admiration I am able to say you created something out of nothing, despite all the dire warnings and predictions of doom. The so-called Victoria Garden City is today one of the most popular district of Lagos, if not the whole of Nigeria. I had a little trouble. I am not sure if I have everything that was being convey and the tone, but hopefully it is still there.

I have always been deeply impressed by your intelligence, your energy vitality?? My memories and experiences with you are cherished and fond because in difficult situations you maintained your enthusiasm, your courage and your hope. I do not know if you want me to go back and have it more closely match the original English. Comment Ines Maybe, after you gather together all the suggestions and put evetything together it should be reposted so it can be reviewed in its entirety. Comment On 3, it should say: Comment Going back to 8 It is said, that one should keep a watchful eye on the family of the person you wish to marry, since you are not only marrying a person but to a lesser extent their family.

Maybe this is better: It is said, that you should pay attention to the family of the person you wish to marry, Comment Ines - Did this help at all? Does it make sense? Corrections To Becky - Thank you so much!!!

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Comment Becky - I cannot put it in words, how much you helped me today. God bless you for you understanding and your effort. I wish you a wonderful time, Becky. And thank you again for all!!! With my best wishes for you - Ines. Comment Ines - I guess this means you got it off to your aunt okay and were able to use the suggestions. I hope your aunt's speech goes well and expresses everything that she desired to say. Corrections Yes, everything went okay - Thank you once more, Becky!

Yes, you're right, everything went fine, and I am very happy that "we" have managed to finish this speech. I did not send the speech to my Aunt without telling her, that if she ever happens to have another translation, she will have to send it to me a lot earlier this time. Everything was so chaotic, and I was so nervous that I unnecessarily insulted people, who have not deserved that. The only thing I could do was to apologize for my behaviour a thousand times.

I am only 19 years old and obviously still not able yet to cope with such situations and stay calm. That was obviously too much. I am really sorry for that. Becky, you're a star and so are all the others here. If you ever should need a correction of a german document, please let me know cuchoweb. With my very best wishes for you Ines from Munich.

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Comment You are welcome Ines. I am happy that everything in the end worked out for you and your family. Try to just relax and center yourself now. A nice deep breathing exercise might be calming. Thanks a lot for your good wishes. I tried out the exercise, and I felt a lot better afterwards. You need to be logged in to start a new thread. Registration and participation are free! Ask the LEO community. Recent lookups click on a word to display the dictionary results again: LEO uses cookies in order to facilitate the fastest possible website experience with the most functions.

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