Examination of Conscience for Teenagers

You shall have no other gods besides the Lord your God. Do I love God above all things?

Is He number one in my life or do I put myself before God? Have money and pleasure become more important to me than the God who created me for Himself? Do I pray often? Have I neglected my friendship with God by neglecting prayer? Have I been involved with occult or superstitious practices, i. Have I ever received Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin?

Have I told a lie in confession or deliberately withheld confessing a mortal sin? You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain. Have I ever committed perjury, that is, lied under oath in a court of law? Have I ever lied after "swearing to God" that I am telling the truth?

Have I ever used God's name out of anger, that is, as a curse? Keep the Sabbath day holy. Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long and flourish.

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  2. Lovesickness and Gender in Early Modern English Literature?
  3. Dirty Money Honey.
  4. Therapeutic Journal Writing: An Introduction for Professionals (Writing for Therapy or Personal Deve.
  5. !
  6. Negotiation: Buy more cheaply, and get better prices when you sell (Instant Guides)!

Do I disobey my parents? Do I fail to respect them? Do I swear at them? Am I ashamed of them? Do I let them know I love them? Do I lie to them?

Participating in the Sacrament

Do I steal from them? Am I obeying and honouring those in place of my parents, such as teachers and principals? Do I skip class? Did I participate in the Mass or did I daydream? Have I prayed every day?

  1. Making Hard Choices in Journalism Ethics: Cases and Practice.
  2. Love, Dad: Letters of Faith to My Children.
  3. Dragons Tale.
  4. Falling in love with LOVE.
  5. Good Teacher, What Must I Do?.
  6. .
  7. Pygmalion from Bulfinchs Mythology.

Have I read the Bible? Have I been rebellious toward God and his commands? Have I misused the name of God by swearing and cursing? Have I thanked Jesus for becoming man, dying for my sin and rising to give me eternal life? Have I been rebellious, disobedient or disrespectful to my parents, teachers and those in authority over me?

Have I lied to or deceived my parents or others? Have I been arrogant and stubborn? Have I talked back to my parents or those in authority? Have I gotten angry or nurtured and held grudges and resentments? Have I refused to forgive others?

What Must I Do? The Sacrament of Reconciliation and Young Adults

Have I been rebellious toward God and his commands? Have I misused the name of God by swearing and cursing? Have I thanked Jesus for becoming man, dying for my sin and rising to give me eternal life? Have I been rebellious, disobedient or disrespectful to my parents, teachers and those in authority over me?

Teen Examination of Conscience - Forgiven

Have I lied to or deceived my parents or others? Have I been arrogant and stubborn?

Examination of Conscience

Have I talked back to my parents or those in authority? Have I gotten angry or nurtured and held grudges and resentments? Have I refused to forgive others? Have I cultivated hatred?

Examination of Conscience — for teenagers

Have I engaged in sexual fantasies? Have I looked at others lustfully? Have I read pornographic literature or looked at pornographic pictures, shows or movies? Have I lustfully kissed or sexually touched someone? Have I had sexual intercourse?

Liguori Publications

Have I had an abortion or encouraged another to have one? Have I gossiped about others? Have I slandered anyone? Have I told lies about others? Have I mocked or made fun of others? Have I lied or cheated?

Quick Overview

An examination of conscience especially pertinent to teenagers. 1. You shall have no other gods besides the Lord your God. Do I love God above all thi. This examination of conscience is designed as a group reflection to help teens examination of conscience may be read aloud by a retreat director, a priest or.

Have I stolen anything? Have I paid it back? Have I been selfish or spiteful toward others? Have I been jealous? Have I gotten drunk, or taken drugs? Have I participated in anything that is of the occult: Have I been patient, kind gentle and self-controlled?