Long Tail Keywords - How to Find Them, and More Important, How to Use Them!

Once you find keywords that work for you, you could see a ranking boost and a corresponding traffic boost within a week or two.

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How do you find profitable long-tail keywords? Tell us about your strategy in the comment section below! It creates a need for diverse tools, which is expensive. SEMrush solves this problem with an award-winning all-in-one toolkit that includes 17 tools covering all SEO fields.

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Short Tail VS Long Tail Keywords - How To Rank On Youtube Or Google

Second, because long-tail keywords tend to be very specific, someone who searches for one is probably ready to make a purchase or commitment. They already know what they want; they just need to find it. Of the two searchers, the first is the one you want on your site. If you use Google AdWords, long-tail keywords will also help you get more bang for your advertising buck.

Long-Tail Keywords: A Better Way to Connect with Customers

Competitive keywords tend to have a high cost per click, but keywords with a lower search volume are both cheaper and more targeted. However, there are some principles you can use to create good lists of keywords to try: Know Your Unique Selling Proposition To find keywords that pay off for you, start by thinking about your business. After that, select the option to search for keywords by phrase, website, or category. If you need more ideas, try these sites, all of which are free to use: Use your keywords naturally. This is probably the most important thing to keep in mind.

What Are Long Tail Keywords?

Some keywords may not be easy to use in a sentence, so you might have to get creative with punctuation or adjust your keyword a little. Use it in your first paragraph, too — preferably in your first sentence. Follow us on RSS and read more interesting posts: He offers consulting to many marketing companies in Miami and business owners alike.

His responsibilities include developing business relationships and optimizing internal processes to ensure the business is constantly growing, while constantly enhancing the quality of services rendered. The short term searchers are mostly taken away by the top websites of the niche but if I say that you may get the rest to your blog. Yes, you can get them with a simple long tail keyword strategy.

There are many definitions, if you Google but as this guide is for Dummies, I will try to give the simplest definition ever. Long Tail Keywords are at least or more than three words. They are more specific, having a low volume of searches than that of one or two words long keywords.

Why Long Tail Keywords Are More Important Than Exact Match Keywords

If you are not convinced by my example of 2 and 10 then lets see the other benefits of using Long Tail Keywords. You must be very annoyed with the websites that always ranks top for the most searched keywords of you niche. How would you compete with those who have a way higher PAs and DAs than yours?

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Use the long term keywords and get higher rankings for them and build your own audience and finally try to steal the top positions for short terms. Yeah, you heard me right. So if you have a new website and want to get organic traffic, shake hands with long tail keywords. If you are an eCommerce website owner then I must say that a good long tail keyword strategy is a must for you.

Long Tail Keywords help you a lot in increasing your Conversion Rates. This is the most important question. I wanted to share with UMA and your others who wanted to know how to find these keywords. A good way to find long tail keywords is go to Google.

Our company has a technique where we seek keywords that have less than 1 million competition pages. But the key is with google, they have a unique tool called related searches. Here you will find many many keywords with less competition. When marketing our site and optimizing it for search engine, we use this technique with google and it works really good. All you need is a spreadsheet to drop them down. Its much easier to go after keywords with less than a million results than going after the keywords that return a billion results.

Also our company website provide many of these long tail keywords to our advertisers which are extracted from publishers in our network. You can see them in our search tool, http: If you have any questions about long tail keywords, we are here to explain as much information as we can provide. One of my hub has crossed 15, visitors when i checked the stats.

First, What Are Long-Tail Keywords?

When all is said and done, make sure your content is as comfortable and conversational as you are. The tool returns the top 10 most popular keywords. Now page 1 would certainly be a good start. Use the long term keywords and get higher rankings for them and build your own audience and finally try to steal the top positions for short terms. Try searching for either a head keyword or one of your long-tail keywords, and see what kind of related searches Google suggests at the bottom of the page.

I found only few people coming from the 20 keywords. Another suggestion is to drop these phrases into the meta desc tag and the opening paragraph and this will increase keyword density. I always go for long tail keywords as it is hard to compete in short tail keywords except if we have something very unique. Long tail keywords generally attract a more focused market, but in most cases these more focused readers are actually looking for something specific, something YOU can provide.

Catering to smaller, narrower subjects is exactly what long tail keywords is all about. I wrote just 1 long tail keyword based post, and it gets me around visits a month from Google and Google Images! Please log in again.