Historia de la Iglesia en España e Hispanoamérica (Spanish Edition)

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The documents in the digital collection are of varied provenance: It was created by Javier Huerta and included in the series of essays on this topic published in the Foundation's Journal. The collection also includes Maps indicating the Madrid theatres where most of the works referred to in the collection were premiered. Lastly, there is an account of work done on a New form of musicological research based on generating virtual scores and the MusicXML markup language.

The majority of the holdings of the Foundation Library are works written from the last third of the 19th century onwards, which explains why more titles and documents are represented in the collection as time progresses. Diccionario De La Zarzuela: Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales, Emilio Casares y Celsa Alonso eds. Universidad, Servicio de Publicaciones, Emilio Cotarelo y Mori.

Both show a mastery of the texts as well as familiarity with the principal critical studies these works have elicited. Not included, except for brief remarks, is the novel, El general en su laberinto , no doubt due to the fact that its publication was coincidental with the writing of Bell-Villada's study. Readers familiar with his insightful Borges and His Fiction will find this latest critical study equally meritorious.

It traces the major forces that have shaped the Colombian writer and skillfully integrates the writer's personality and politics with his artistic creations.

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The analysis of his short fiction and its relation to the novels Chapter 7 is of particular merit. This reviewer found no errors of fact. One particularly valuable aspect of this study is the fact that it relates the Colombian writer to contemporary global literature and political currents. It is a study for the general reader as well as for the literary specialist. In the same tradition of great literature, it speaks to everyone regardless of the reader's level of sophistication or cultural awareness. For students of the Ecuadorian novel in particular, Antonio Sacoto makes a similar contribution.

Sacoto applies the following criteria in his selection: Valor testimonial de la novela: He divides his study into a fourteen-page Prologue, a page First Part and a page Second Part. The First Part deals with nine novels: The Second Part treats five novels: Outside the scope of these interested particularly in Ecuadorian letters, only the works of Mera, Icaza, Aguilera Malta and perhaps Ortiz have received major international attention. Of course, other Ecuadorian novelists have written works of prominence that are not treated by Sacoto.

Apparently, they do not meet his criteria for primary consideration. For the most part, Sacoto gives the fourteen novels reasonably equal attention. He presents thoroughly the socio-political milieu, gives the appropriate recapitulation of the plot, and makes an interested but objective analysis of each one. Several aspects of his study are particularly noteworthy.

Also, the Ecuadorian narrative has been generally characterized by a solemn social consciousness. Sacoto's study both underscores and illuminates that characteristic. He shows that Ecuadorian novelists often display through their work a posture of struggle against social injustice and a keen sense of the national historical process. Levity is relatively rare. He observes that these writers were legitimate precursors of the magical realists. Indeed, Aguilera-Malta later became part of the mainstream with Siete lunas y siete serpientes and other later works. The Ecuadorian narrative still suffers somewhat from a general perception of being more oriented toward social concerns than artistic expression.

Sacoto adds appreciably to the body of study that looks more closely and recognizes that many Ecuadorian novelists are also intensely conscious of their role as artists. In one telling episode, he tries in vain to give a sack of nuggets to his heartless foreman who is unable to recognize either the gold or the significance of the gift. In the summer of , the shepherd tragically dies before he can reveal the exact location of his mine.

If it could only be found again it would provide a living for us all He orchestrates a diverse compendium of testimonial voices, unsuccessive chronologies, and extended genealogies in a narrative counterpoint whose structure unfolds as it is told each time, in a dialogic relation to the active listener. Briggs dedicates this generous volume to the prodigious task of fully contextualizing a two and a half hour performance of what he considers to be Romero's magnum opus. Wavering between chronicle and parable, treasure tales dramatize the search for wealth while they illuminate the values of the teller.

In the popular imagination gold is never merely gold, but an ambiguous signifier of both the ideal and the venal. In the oral tradition, treasure tales take their place somewhere between historical legend and accounts of the miraculous. Unable to base credibility on religious faith as in a miracle story, the teller of a treasure tale carefully cultivates belief with the most powerful rhetorical devices of his speech community.

Romero masterfully traces the reported speech of eyewitnesses across an entire century, further verifying his sources through the genealogical relationships among the participants, and persuasively establishing both the authenticity of content, and the authority of the teller. The techniques of ethnopoetic analysis which Briggs is the first to apply to Spanish language folklore were first developed to restore Native American texts to their full rhetorical power after collectors stripped and abstracted them from their original contexts and their own historicity.

With this work Briggs calls again for theoretical studies of a rich popular tradition that has been well collected in New Mexico, but rarely analyzed in depth. This book is a true feast for linguist, folklorist, ethno-historian, and treasure hunter alike. University of New Mexico. The theatre in Mexico is both flourishing and suffering. Burgess covers both aspects in this comprehensive study of the younger generation of Mexican playwrights, not only the first study of its kind but the first major work to appear on Mexican theatre in many years.

With birthdates between and , their productive cycle meshes almost perfectly with Arrom's generational pattern. The reasons for the slow years are not entirely clear but may be related to the consequences of the episode at Tlatelolco. To organize comments about plays by forty-four authors into a digestible framework is no small task. Burgess accomplishes this by dividing the work into seven chapters plus an introduction and conclusion , each of which focuses on one or two of the principal writers. The themes and techniques represented are impressively wide-ranging but there are common denominators.

The three act play virtually disappears; a full-length play is normally only two acts. Another consideration is their political and social awareness. Most of the plays deal with contemporary problems, often expressed in realistic terms. In the early years a high number of plays focused on the specific problems of youth, especially in opposition to figures of authority parents, teachers, police. Another characteristic is the lack of loving relationships with the society which drives the characters to feel estranged, to become desperate, or simply to lose their will.

In other cases they may be motivated by a desire to gain control, either of their own lives or of those around them. Sabina Berman, the only major woman writer, deals with a world of shifting realities which are reflected in the changing titles of her works. Burgess's methodology is eclectic, appropriate to the plays, and ranges from Joseph Campbell and myth, Barthes' codes, Hayden White's history, Esslin and Artaud, to Todorov and Saussure.

The text is readable and enlightening. The ubiquitous question of a crisis in the Mexican theatre remains because the numbers themselves do not necessarily add up to a sense of dramatic movement. Several of those playwrights are themselves estranged from the theatre because of the difficulties of staging and publishing their works. By they had achieved some recognition from a Mexican public for their efforts to deal with a wide range of contemporary issues despite a plethora of unfavorable conditions. Burgess's study reveals his deep understanding of the period and of their heroic efforts to continue the vitality of the Mexican theatre into another generation.

Watson Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Although the title promises both a generic and cultural approximation to Chicano literary production those seeking a simple presentation of an ethnic group's satiric vision may not be fully satisfied. However, this is tempered by a second key concept: Apparently Chicanos face the Other. Clarity falters when the author admits that the poles are mutually dependent, the subject needing the objectivized Other to survive.

He further undermines even this oppositions by reminding us that Chicanos exist between two dominant cultures, so the historically rooted ambiguity of multiple Others exists from the start. This is all consonant with contemporary thought, especially deconstruction.

However, he admits the great variety of Chicano experience. In short, Chicano satire is double-edged, attacking both the dominant cultures and its own ethnic base. They are key authors in different genres -theatre, poetry, and narrative respectively providing a spectrum of different literary approaches on which to apply his method. However, the interpretation tends to be overly descriptive, straying from the focus of satire and its function in the texts.

Oscar Zeta Acosta comes to mind immediately when Chicano satire is discussed. Also, since the author emphasizes the need to imbed the texts in their historical specificity -a strong trend in ethnic criticism- the volume seems to focus narrowly on current literature, and even then what historical discussion there is arises from the texts more than from any critical construction of intertextual relations or specific external contexts. However, as it stands, this is a good introduction to the topic. University of California, Irvine.

The Sandinista Revolution and subsequent efforts to transform and govern Nicaraguan society have attracted international attention for over a decade. For many non-Nicaraguans it was an opportunity to observe and even participate in the creation of a just and collective society; in others it inspired fear and animosity. In retrospect, both sides may have idealized, certainly overstated, not only their vision of what was happening in Nicaragua, but their own commitment to the process as well.

The Sandinista defeat was followed by a hasty abandonment of Nicaragua by both the Left and the Right. But the Nicaraguan people remain, as real as ever, their lives shaped by political, economic and ideological forces whether they chose to participate actively or not. One wonders, however, if international interest has not already focused on other arenas, turning a deaf ear to the stories in this collection.

That would be unfortunate, for the lives narrated are interesting, moving and enlightening. The twenty-six life stories that comprise this volume are grouped according to these general categories: The author refers to the stories variously as biographies, autobiographies and a collective biography. They were gathered as interviews, i. While typographically they appear to be monologues, their content clearly indicates that they developed and were shaped in dialogue.

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Certain questions, such as whether one's life is more or less difficult now as compared to before the revolution, or the effect that the revolution has had on one's family, seem to have been asked of all the subjects. This creates a certain minimal level of standardization which, while welcome in that it allows the reader to make comparisons and generalizations, complicates the facile classification of these stories as either biographies or autobiographies.

One is inclined to read them rather as creative journalism or edited testimonies.

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This quibbling over naming, however, is in no way meant to detract from the book's worth, for while it is not unique in its effort to foreground the human dimension of the Nicaraguan Revolution cf. The People Speak , it does indeed contribute to this project a wide range of voices and attitudes.

It is also noteworthy for the sense it communicates of really listening and of allowing the story-tellers' hierarchy of concerns to be expressed, rather than probing for signs of pro or anti-Sandinista leanings. Among the subjects are the president of the Nicaraguan Institute of Social Security and Social Welfare, the Chief of the National Police, professors and students, nuns and priests, a poet, a small business owner, an unemployed bartender, the mother of Daniel Ortega and Violeta Chamorro. Chamorro's story is particularly interesting for the light it sheds on the personality as well as the political and religious beliefs of this woman faced with the daunting challenge of uniting a polarized society and bringing some semblance of economic well-being to a country suffering incredible scarcity and poverty.

But her story is ultimately no more interesting than any of the other twenty-five. They are all elevated to the level of docudrama by virtue of the national and international significance of the historical moment they have lived. Perhaps in part as a result of the outside attention to their national situation, the speakers reveal a high level of political awareness, regardless of their ideology. Almost everyone mentions friends, neighbors, relatives and comrades who died during the war, and all talk of the material want which has become a daily nightmare.

No one was spared in this small country living out a large idea, proving in the most poignant way that the political is personal. Conversely, if these stories are indeed representative of the larger population, the fusion of personal and political has contributed to the development of a nation of articulate, informed citizens more aware of their own power and able to question and analyze their reality.

A mi juicio el lenguaje es tan original que se impone a todos los otros elementos de la novela dejando desconcertado al lector. Universiry of California, Irvine. Each pair of facing pages comprises a unit, numbered 1A and 1B, 2A and 2B, and so on, with the same visual or a variation of the visual for A on page B. There is a brief explanation of what each student is to find out from, describe, or tell to the other.

Pertinent expressions for phrasing suitable questions are given. Suggestions for implementing each unit, including writing and further speaking activities, are given at the beginning of the text. The table of contents lists the theme of each unit, a more specific description of what it deals with, and the grammar and vocabulary covered in the unit.

This is extremely helpful to instructors in choosing the units that will best enhance the aims of the course. At the end of the book, there is a short list of Latin American words and expressions used in the workbook, together with their equivalents in Spain. It would be suitable as an ancillary to a beginning or intermediate language text, although there are only a few units simple enough for the elementary level.

The sixty topics for conversation included in this book cover a broad assortment, of varying levels of difficulty. Some examples of the grammar topics that form the basis for a number of lessons are uses of the subjunctive, ser and estar , the various tenses, numbers, and gustar.

Among the tasks required by the various units are debating with someone, reconstructing texts in a logical order, telling a story, reacting in unexpected situations, clearing up misunderstandings, lodging complaints, and adopting the role of another person. Happily, typographical errors are few.

The activities offered are so diverse that instructors of language, culture, and conversation courses should find sufficient material of interest and benefit to both high school and college students from second semester through high intermediate levels. Young's and Darlene F. Estrategias Para Leer provides Spanish teachers with a book containing reading strategies, readings, exercises and activities which lead students toward an active participation in the reading process. Students learn how to read, what to look for in the readings, and gain an understanding of the readings as they analyze the content of a broad spectrum of content-filled readings.

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Historia de La Iglesia En Espana E Hispanoamerica: Desde Sus Inicios Hasta El Siglo XXI (Spanish Edition) [José Sánchez-Herrero] on bahana-line.com *FREE*. La Iglesia española ante la revolución liberal Historia De Un Pueblo (a. . de la transición (): Política y cultura (Serie Historia) (Spanish Edition) poder de España e Hispanoamérica contemporáneas: La jeraquía eclesiástica.

Ticket stubs, articles from Hispanic magazines and newspapers, recipes, maps, letters, pictograms, and short stories provide a wide selection which is sure to interest students at different ability levels. The exercises are well conceived and provide a good understanding of the reading passages. The book is quite flexible and could be adapted for use in intermediate level Spanish courses at the university level and in third and fourth year high school foreign language classes.

Each of the ten chapters contains some seven reading selections.

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Students first are presented with the Estrategias of the chapter, which usually number three. The strategies sections help students to become proficient in such skills as skimming, scanning, making use of visual cues, recognizing chronological and categorical information, and identifying main ideas and narrative styles. The Entre Nosotros sections provide a variety of speaking and writing exercises while the sections, Un Poco de Todo , encourage use of the strategies practiced.

The ten chapters are: Vacaciones en el extranjero. The authors are to be commended for their insistence on implementing strategies which help students learn how to read and what to look for when they read. They have successfully created a book which permits learning and growing from a limited language experience to a more advanced acquisition of reading language competence. The use of English, while obvious at the beginning, is reduced as students progress through the book.

The book, in workbook binding, has a very attractive cover. Students can write the answers in the book or do so on their own paper. The book is consumable. The charts and maps, in most instances, are well done. There is a map of Madrid on page thirty-five which is too small and is difficult to read.

The point on the chart and article on pages fifteen, sixty-three and sixty-four is quite small and bothersome to the eye. Most pages, however, are quite easy to read and should be easy to follow. To further enhance the teaching of their book, Young and Wolf have given Spanish teachers an impressive Teacher's Manual which offers pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities to facilitate the teaching of each reading selection.

Ben Davis High School. This book undertakes a study of Spanish motion verbs from the perspective of Lexico-Grammar, a grammatical theory based on work of Zellig Harris and Maurice Gross. The first chapter introduces Lexico-Grammar, while the remaining three chapters are devoted to verbs of motion. These latter chapters make a clear empirical contribution to the study of motion verbs and, more generally, to the study of infinitival complements.

It is less clear what the theoretical contribution is, nor is it clear exactly how analyses within Lexico-Grammar might differ from generative analyses of the same phenomena. I will begin by discussing the latter chapters, and then return to the theoretical introduction. Chapter 2 discusses intransitive verbs of motion, as used in the following examples:. Jorge viene a cenar.

Jorge sale para hablar con Usted. A good deal of this chapter is devoted to demonstrating that subordinate clauses introduced with the preposition a have the status of subcategorized arguments, while those introduced with para are non-arguments. Thus, Lamiroy argues against the traditional practice of not distinguishing between these types of complementation. Her arguments are solid, and present a good deal of interesting data. Lamiroy limits her discussion to cases where this phenomenon involves verbs of motion, e. As with the previous chapter, a good deal of interesting data are presented.

Chapter 4 is perhaps the most interesting one. It deals with transitive motion verbs, e. Lamiroy notes that these verbs are causatives in that they imply that their subject causes the object to perform the event expressed by the embedded clause. This is a valid and important point; the rest of the chapter presents a number of syntactic properties of these constructions that should be of great interest to anyone researching the syntax of causative constructions.

There is one issue I would like to raise, however. Lamiroy seems to adopt an analysis similar to the generative Clause Reduction account of causative constructions. In particular, she assumes that causative movement verbs involve the reduction of two clauses into a monoclausal structure. However, she does not provide data that illustrate any of the classic mono-clausal phenomena associated with reduced constructions.

In fact, she argues that one of these mono-clausal phenomena, clitic climbing, is often disallowed in these constructions:. Jorge manda a inspeccionar las obras a Eva. Jorge las manda a inspeccionar p. Nevertheless, Lamiroy's conclusion regarding the possibility of clitic climbing is not completely valid.

In constructions that normally allow clitic climbing, it is generally impossible for an embedded direct object clitic to cliticize to the matrix verb when the embedded subject is overt, but does not itself cliticize. This, and not the general failure of clitic climbing with causative motion verbs, could be the source of 6b 's ungrammaticality. In fact, if the embedded subject is a clitic, or involves clitic doubling, many speakers allow the direct object clitic to climb:.

Thus, there may be support for the claim that constructions like 6a have mono-clausal properties. Chapter 1 provides a sketch of Lexico-Grammatical theory. The chapter does not provide a clear description of the goals of this framework. On the one hand, one gets the impression that Lexico-Grammar is just like generative grammar, except it takes the contribution of individual lexical items more seriously although proponents of generative approaches could point to the MIT Lexicon Project as an indication that generative theory does take the lexicon equally seriously.

If this is the case, then it is hard to see how Lexico-Grammar rises above a descriptive device.

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Since this framework is not well-known, perhaps more space should have been devoted to a more complete discussion of its theoretical agenda. Nevertheless, this book provides a wealth of thought-provoking data for anyone interested in complementation in Spanish. The authors have designed the text for advanced upper-division or graduate students whose career plans include translation, teaching Spanish to English speakers or English to speakers of Spanish. The thirty-six study units are organized into four integrated parts: Since it is so well organized, this text would serve as an excellent resource for high school teachers.

Chapter 28 which includes analysis of the ser-estar and saber-conocer contrasts will also prove useful to every classroom teacher searching for new examples to use in the construction of exercises, quizzes and exams. An innovative feature of the text is the abundance of exercises which are divided into three categories based on level of difficulty and the requirements of teacher or student. This is another positive aspect of the manual which increases its use as a teacher resource. This is somewhat unfortunate since the authors have characterized the exercises as the most salient feature of the manual.

Selection of works

The rife is slightly imprecise; the pioneers of understandably did not start out publishing. Wavering between chronicle and parable, treasure tales dramatize the search for wealth while they illuminate the values of the teller. If it could only be found again it would provide a living for us all Rather than narrowly viewing Spain's civil conflict as many have as a rehearsal for World War II, Bolloten anchors it firmly in 20th Century European history, helping to clarify not only the war's origins but the genesis of subsequent developments in the Franco and post-Franco eras. The New Dramatists of Mexico , Drawbacks aside, Susan Nagel has made an important contribution to our understanding of the sources of Hispanic vanguard fiction, and her study should be required reading for anyone interested in the genre. The authors have designed the text for advanced upper-division or graduate students whose career plans include translation, teaching Spanish to English speakers or English to speakers of Spanish.

The Spanish words a reincluded in one of the appendices. Except for the presentation of a few essential phonetic items, the text deals exclusively with syntax. As the title suggests, each element is presented in terms of the contrasts between the two languages.

While such a comparative analysis does not lend itself to actual communicatory skill development in a proficiency oriented classroom, all teachers can benefit from a clearer understanding of inter-lingual contrasts. The problem areas revealed through contrastive analysis provide a framework within which teachers can better comprehend and evaluate the difficulties their students encounter in acquiring a second language.

This text is a chamaleon-like manual which lends itself to a remarkable variety of uses and is recommended as a resource text for teachers at all levels. Each of the thirty-six units is written simply and directly. The organization of the manual clearly reflects the desire of the authors is to provide an accessible and eminently useful inventory of the major grammatical contrasts between English and Spanish.

Those already familiar with the second edition of this text will be happy to find out that none of the readings from that version have been omitted in this revised edition. Several illustrations have been deleted or reduced in size to permit more text per page, two maps have been added, and the prefaces to the two earlier editions have been eliminated in favor of the preface to this new edition. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Spanish View all editions and formats Rating: Subjects Catholic Church -- Spain -- History.

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