My Beautiful Enemy

My beautiful enemy

Preview this item Preview this item. My beautiful enemy Author: English View all editions and formats Summary: In this spellbinding romance by the acclaimed author of The Luckiest Lady in London, a beautiful and cunning woman meets her match in a man just as dangerous and seductive as she is, putting both her heart and her future at risk' Hidden beneath Catherine Blade's uncommon beauty is a daring that matches any man's.

Although this has taken her far in the world, she still doesn't have the one thing she craves: Finally given the chance to earn her independence, who should be standing in her way but the only man she's ever loved, the only person to ever betray her. Despite the scars Catherine left him, Captain Leighton Atwood has never been able to forget the mysterious girl who once so thoroughly captivated him.

When she unexpectedly reappears in his life, he refuses to get close to her. But he cannot deny the yearning she reignites in his heart. Their reunion, however, plunges them into a web of espionage, treachery, and deadly foes. With everything at stake, Leighton and Catherine are forced to work together to find a way out. Find a copy online Links to this item OverDrive rbdigital. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private.

Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Electronic books Fiction Historical fiction Material Type: Document, Fiction, Internet resource Document Type: Sherry Thomas Find more information about: If they are ever to find safety and happiness, they must first forgive and learn to trust each other again'.

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This is more action and adventure, than ballrooms and boudoir. She's also a fan of the flashback, not for everyone, I know, but it's worked well for me in the past. More sleeve arrows skimmed the air currents. The tale is almost languid in pace, giving the novel a dreamlike feel that suits the setting. His attempts to try and stop Stanley from being deported at the end of the war and his meeting with him years later in Japan are both bitter-sweet and tragically beautiful. This is where Sherry Thomas turns Romantic.

Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. When she unexpectedly reappears in his life, he refuses to get close to her. But he cannot deny the yearning she reignites in his heart. Their reunion, however, plunges them into a web of espionage, treachery, and deadly foes. With everything at stake, Leighton and Catherine are forced to work together to find a way out.

If they are ever to find safety and happiness, they must first forgive and learn to trust each other again…. Sherry Thomas burst onto the romance scene with Private Arrangements, one of the most anticipated debut historical romances in recent history and a Publishers Weekly Best of the Year book. Praise for My Beautiful Enemy: Thomas has honed her craft to a fine edge, penning exquisite stories of depth and emotion…. Sherry Thomas could have added more pages to this book and I would have kept reading well into the night for a chance to spend a few more hours with this delicious couple.

She ducked one and deflected another from the back of Mrs. She kicked open the door. Sending both of her knives his way to buy a little time, she dragged Mrs. A match flared before Mrs. As Catherine set Mrs. Chase down on the wet carpet, Mrs. Reynolds, who should have stayed in her corner, docilely suffering, found the strength to get up, push the door shut, and bolt it. He wanted to kill her almost as much as she wanted to kill him. One of them would die this night. She preferred to fight outside, where there were no helpless women underfoot. Almost immediately the door thudded.

Reynolds yelped and dropped the match, which fizzled on the sodden carpet. Catherine grabbed the match box from her, lit another one, stuck it in Mrs.

Book Details

Start by marking “My Beautiful Enemy (The Heart of Blade Duology #2)” as Want to Read: (The Heart of Blade Duology #2) When Catherine Blade arrives in England, the last person she ever thought she'd meet again is Leighton Atwood. Start by marking “My Beautiful Enemy” as Want to Read: Cory Taylor was born in and was an award-winning screenwriter who has also published short fiction and children’s books. Her first novel, Me and Mr Booker, won the Commonwealth Writers Prize (Pacific Region) and her.

The match burned out. Another heavy thump came at the door. The mooring of the deadbolt must be tearing loose from the bulkhead. She tried to pull away from Mrs. Reynolds but the latter would not let go of her. Impatiently, she stabbed her index finger into the back of Mrs. Catherine rushed forward and kicked the door—it was in such a poor state now that it could be forced out as well as in. As she drew back to gather momentum, he rammed the door once more. A flash of lightning lit the crooked edges of the door—it was already hanging loose.

She slammed her entire body into the door. Her skeleton jarred as if she had thrown herself at a careening carriage. The door gave outward, enough of an opening that she slipped through. His poisoned palm slashed down at her. She screamed, the pain like a red-hot brand searing into her skin. The ship plunged bow first. She used its motion to get away from him.

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A section of handrail flew at her. She smashed herself against the bulkhead, barely avoiding it. The ship rose to meet a new, nauseatingly high wave.

My Beautiful Enemy

She slipped, stopping herself with the door, stressing its one remaining hinge. He surprised her by skating aft quite some distance, his motion a smooth, long glide through water. Then, as the ship dove down, he ran toward her. She recognized it as the prelude to a monstrous leap. In desperation, she wrenched at the door with a strength that surprised her. It came loose as his feet left the deck. She screamed and heaved the door at him. The door met him flat on at the height of his trajectory, nearly twelve feet up in the air, and knocked him sideways. He went over the rail, over the rail of the deck below, and plunged into the sea.

The door ricocheted into the bulkhead, bounced on the rail, and finally, it too, hit the roiling waters. The steamer tilted precariously. She stumbled aft, grasping for a handrail. By the time the vessel crested the wave and another lightning split the sky, he had disappeared.

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Then her laughter turned to a violent fit of coughing. She clutched at her chest and vomited, black blood into the black night.

My Beautiful Enemy Heart of Blade

For some who had lived her entire life thousands of miles away, Catherine Blade knew a greal deal about London. By memory she could produce a map of its thoroughfares and landmarks, from Hyde Park in the west to the City of London in the east, Highgate in the north to Greenwich in the south.

My Beautiful Enemy - Wikipedia

On this map, she could pinpoint the locations of fashionable squares and shops, good places for picnics and rowing, even churches where everyone who was anyone went to get married. The London of formal dinners and grand balls. The London of great public parks in spring and men in gleaming riding boots galloping along Rotten Row toward the rising sun. What she had seen of it thus far was sensationally ugly, like a a kitchen that was never cleaned. Soot coated every surface. The grime on the exterior walls of houses and shops ran in streaks, where rain, unable to wash off the encrusted filth under windowsills, rearranged it in such a way as to recalled the tear-smudged face of a dirty child.

Catherine smiled at Mrs. It was not London she judged, but the foolishness of her own heart. That after so much disappointment, she still hoped—and doomed herself to even more disappointment. In any case, she had not come to make a home for herself in England. The jade tablets, three in all, were said to contain clues to the location of a legendary treasure. Da-ren was in possession of one of the tablets, but the other two had been taken out of China, following the First Opium War.

It was impossible to know Mrs.

My Beautiful Enemy

Chase for more than five minutes—and Catherine had known her five weeks, ever since Bombay—without hearing about her beautiful daughter Miss Chase, engaged to the most superior Captain Atwood. Such boastfulness was alien to Catherine, both in its delivery—did Mrs. Chase not fear that her wanton pride would invoke the ill will of Fate? At her birth, there had been a tub of water on hand—to drown her, in case she turned out to be a girl.