Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days

Judy Moody Around the World in 8 1/2 Days

Feb 09, Pages years Buy. Apr 10, Pages years. Feb 09, Pages years. A brand-new friend and a big class project put Judy in an international mood in this comical new adventure. Judy Moody cannot believe her ears. Or new best friend? Judy Moody finds some unexpected potholes on the path to friendship as Class 3T takes a whirlwind tour of the globe, investigating everything from tooth-brushing sticks in Yemen to an Italian "spider dance" along the way.

Fans will cheer as Judy finally masters the challenge of making new friends and keeping the old — for sure and absolute positive! Fans will cheer as Judy finally masters the challenge of making new friends and keeping the old — for sure and absolute positivo! Reader-friendly format, on-target humor, and convincing depictions of third-graders in action at school and at home. It is filled with original, yet true-to-life characters who will make readers wish for a friend like Amy. The silly rhymes and wordplay are the perfect humor for young readers.

Pen-and-ink cartoons add to the fun. An entertaining journey that will have easy-chapter-book readers lining up for the trip. Add to Cart Add to Cart. Reference to a Judy Moody website is included. This book would be an excellent class novel for individual reading or as a read aloud choice. It would be an excellent addition for personal, class, school and public libraries. Response to Two Professional Reviews: The second review states that this is a book in a series, but that also stands alone and I would have to agree.

I have never read anything else from this series, but I found that this book was very enjoyable. I agree with the reviews and think that the book established a sense of humor and lightness throughout the book, which made the reading all the more enjoyable. I think any child — who is able to read at this level — would enjoy this book thoroughly. Evaluation of Literary Elements: The theme throughout the book is pertinent, especially for the younger children reading this book. The lesson of friendships, how they change, and how to maintain them is important for children to learn about.

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I know I had many different friendships that were always changing and I could have benefited from reading a book like this. The use of illustrations throughout the book also adds an aspect of fun. Consideration of Instructional Application: I think one thing you could use this book for is to introduce the topic of studying places around the world. The children would see this activity in the book and then could try it on their own. In addition to this, I think I could use the book to start a conversation about friendship and how Judy could have handled both her new friends as well as her old to avoid conflict completely.

I could have the children write their own versions where Judy was able to balance her time and keep her friends happy. Jun 05, Meghan rated it liked it. She is just like Judy, and at first Judy is jealous about all the attention she is getting. This leaves Judy to do her project on Italy all by herself. The plot was done well, as it teaches kids how to have friends. There was never a moment during the novel where the action wavered; it was engaging and fun to read. Oct 23, Gracelyn rated it really liked it. It was a great book. It was a chapter book and it also had pictures.

The around the world in 8 days project was due and they were not working together as a team. They were fighting, not working together, and making music go faster during their dance routine. Todd had a talk with them and they understood. They made a huge pizza with the symbols of Italy. It was the biggest pizza ever. Amy even got a pic for her newspaper. A trip around the world inspired by a female reporter's wild ride, taken in next to no time by the kids of 3T Judy initially has a hard time balancing the new and old friendships, but our girl pulls through in the end Nov 11, Allie Pitcher rated it liked it Shelves: I liked this book because it was funny and very interesting to learn about other places in the world.

I liked how Judy Moody tried to do the final project by herself and her friends forgave her for taking the spotlight. I would recommend this book for 3rd graders and could be used as a whole class reading book.

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It would be an excellent addition for personal, class, school and public libraries. Judy's group of her two friends, Frank and Rocky, plus Jessica, a girl in their class, get off to a great start but then runs into trouble when Judy's relationship with her new friend interrupts their group work time. I would recommend this book for 3rd graders and could be used as a whole class reading book. Who made Amy's club official? I think any child — who is able to read at this level — would enjoy this book thoroughly. Pen-and-ink cartoons add to the fun.

Jul 16, Judith Follo rated it it was amazing. What a wonderful children's book! I love the characters and the theme of this story. It was really done well and I feel most children can relate to at least part of what Judy goes through. Sep 11, Owen Taylor rated it it was amazing.

Judy Moody Around the World in 8 12 Days

I read this in fourth grade, great book for young audience. Aug 10, Amy rated it liked it. It wasn't my favorite elementary school book, but I appreciated how it addressed friendship complications. A little out of order but a good stand alone story. Fun for the little one and Judy is an interesting character. Jul 23, Parth Purohit rated it really liked it.

Sep 09, Rachel rated it it was amazing. I love judy moody. Oct 09, Elizabeth rated it liked it.

Through the Looking Glass Children's Book Reviews

Feb 23, Nyla rated it it was amazing. Really, I am so jealous of these kids and their school projects. I wish I could participate in them. The teachers at Judy's school really make sure kids are having fun with their school things. This time the school project is about a certain lady who went around the world in 72 I believe days. They are going past all the countries she went by, eating, learning, doing all kinds of things.

Even having group projects and showing wh 4. Even having group projects and showing what is so special about that country. We also have a new character, and while I didn't like her in the beginning, I slowly started to like her more and more. Though, and this is maybe me, I just didn't like how Judy instantly started copying her style, immediately clung to her like a monkey. It was a bit odd, and it is one of those things that I just don't like about Judy.

How easily impressionable she is, how she just seems to drop everything if she finds a new role model. It is a shame. I also thought the argument between Judy and her friends was just hilariously stupid and overdramatic. Seriously you don't speak to your friend for more than a week because of some things? She even said sorry though in a Judy way, so maybe that doesn't count , but she at least tried, and she also tried to work on the project.

It really kicked a dent in the way I thought about Rocky and Frank.

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Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days [Megan McDonald, Peter H. Reynolds] on bahana-line.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A brand-new friend. A brand-new friend and a big class project put Judy in an international mood in this comical new adventure. Judy Moody cannot believe her ears. There.

The illustrations were great though, and even during parts that I didn't like, I still kept going because of them. All in all, a pretty good book, and I would recommend this book to everyone. Review first posted at http: Sep 07, Jennifer Fannon rated it really liked it. At first Judy does not like Amy Namey. However it turns out that they have a few things in common.

Rocky and Frank point out to Judy that Amy is just like Judy. For instance both Judy and Amy have names that rhyme. This is a club in which people from all over the world with rhyming names belong. Judy choses to go to this club instead of her other club that she is in with her old friends. Rocky and Frank are angry with Judy but a class assignment brings them back together.

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Judy and her friends are assigned to learn all about Italy. Judy decides to learn about an Italian dance, the tarantella and conveniences the rest of her friends to learn it too. Judy and her group are given an extra day to complete the assignment because Judy missed the dance rehearsal. I enjoyed this book and I will read more from this exciting series in the future. I think it would best suit children who are aged between six and nine years of age.

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This book captures the drama and also the humour of the day in the life of a young girl in school. Sep 12, Aitali63 rated it it was amazing. In the first part the teacher tells the class that they have to do a report on one of the places Nellie Bly went. Judy soon finds out that her class is doing the project with another tird grade class. One day when she was eating lunch and a girl came to the table to ask her friends on the opinion of pizza. She didn't like the girls because the girl just ignored her.

So she decided not to be friends with her. But that night when w In the first part the teacher tells the class that they have to do a report on one of the places Nellie Bly went. But that night when we got home and her dad told her to be the girls friend. When she got to school the next morning the girl started to notice her so she became friends with the girl. She soon started goingto the girls house and playing with her. One day Judy found out about this dance called the taranutalla. She told her friends about it and they all decided to do the dance for there project.

But the day they were practicng Judy missed it hanging out with her new friend. Then on the way to school she realized her frends wouldn't help her. So she did it by herself but that didn't work. She soon became friends with them again and they got an extra day. That's why the title says 8 and a half. Jan 20, Juan-Diego rated it it was amazing. I thought that this book was funny because when Judy was doing the tarantella dance Judy was making funny faces, she made funny faces because she was dizzy from doing the tarantella dance. The dance is a spider dance Judy had to do 8 movements at the same time.

Why did Stink, Rocky, Frank, and Jessica play the tarantella music fast? How did Judy make the worlds biggest pizza? Who put put JM made of gum on the alley wall? Why does Amy say wierd stuff like "check! Who made Amy's club I thought that this book was funny because when Judy was doing the tarantella dance Judy was making funny faces, she made funny faces because she was dizzy from doing the tarantella dance. Who made Amy's club official?

I liked the part when Judy made the pizza at that time I was very hungry pizza reminded me of my fvorite pizza shop. I would rewrite the ending by saying that the big pizza lasted for a month at Judy's school. The story was about that Judy's teacher Mr Todd's class were making a project and Judy didn't go to her group because she went to Amy Namey's house to help her on the news.

The theme is friendship; Judy's friends congratulated her and that what friends do. Also when Amy invited Judy to her club. This book is about a girl name Judy moody she is a third grader and her name rhymes everything about her is that everything rhymes when she met the new girl she couldn't stand her because she does the same thing that Judy moody does. It took place at a school were all her real got mad when at first she didn't like Amy namey and the reason why frank and rocky and the other kids couldn't it was because their names didn't rhyme and they just did other things without Judy moody and she has felt sorr This book is about a girl name Judy moody she is a third grader and her name rhymes everything about her is that everything rhymes when she met the new girl she couldn't stand her because she does the same thing that Judy moody does.

It took place at a school were all her real got mad when at first she didn't like Amy namey and the reason why frank and rocky and the other kids couldn't it was because their names didn't rhyme and they just did other things without Judy moody and she has felt sorry for what shes done but there was nothing she couldn't do for them.

Jan 31, Emily rated it really liked it Shelves: I chose to read this book because although I have read Judy Moody books in the past, I have never read this one before. The story takes the reader through trials Judy faces being a third grade student. The book is great for early readers, containing small words, rhyming words, context clues, and more. Judy and her classmates are giving projects to the class about different countries around the world.

The project must be complete within eight days, but something happens to push the plan back to e I chose to read this book because although I have read Judy Moody books in the past, I have never read this one before. The project must be complete within eight days, but something happens to push the plan back to eight and a half days. Readers must wait until the end to see the reason the half day is so important, but it is great to see what happens.