The Philosophy of the I Ching

I CHING PHILOSOPHY: Chinese Laws of Creativity and Wisdom

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The Philosophy of the I Ching — anthony publishing company

With this in mind, let us read the following quote: Hua-Ching Ni In the previous hexagram, Chyan, the universal first nature is discussed. The recognizable trace of the universal nature can be sensed as the qualities, persistence, forwardness, creativity, productivity and positivity. It symbolizes masculinity and fatherhood. It symbolizes feminity and motherhood, and expresses the self-balancing nature of the universe.

Self-balancing means harmonizing with all beings and things that are brought forth. Gentleness is expressed by the soft left hand, while strength is expressed by the strong right hand. Developed people value the left hand; undeveloped people value the right hand. Actually, both hands assist each other in the practical sphere of daily life. Generally, the left side of the brain controls the sequential processes of logic, analysis, rational and scientific behavior, the right side of the body and the special processes of intuition, creativity and dreaming. A dominance of either side of the brain is apparent by observing the behavior and actions of an individual or nation.

The Universal Way leads to the balance and cooperation of both hemispheres of the brain: To lead the world, do not interfere with or otherwise disturb people. Right and left side brain controls are of utmost importance in acupuncture treatment. For example, in the case of someone who has become paralyzed or twisted, acupuncture needles would be applied to the side opposite that of the paralyzed side.

Pulse diagnosis in natural healing uses the different functions of the left and right sides of the brain which influence pulsation, thereby yielding the secrets of the body.

The Philosophy of the I Ching

The most accurate time for reading the pulse is early morning, before any mental or physical activity has had a chance to disturb or change the pulse rate. Ancient integral cultural development was based on a natural balance between the right and left sides of the human brain.

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Edward Shaughnessy describes this statement as affirming an "initial receipt" of an offering, "beneficial" for further "divining". Only the hexagrams and line statements are used. The Book of Wisdom Of far greater significance than the use of the Book of Changes as an oracle is its other use, namely, as a book of wisdom. The "changes" involved have been interpreted as the transformations of hexagrams, of their lines, or of the numbers obtained from the divination. A sizable minority focused on numerology, symbolism, and divination.

Today that balance has obviously been lost. On a more mystical level, the natural evolution of the human race in both the eastern and western hemispheres can be observed. Their tendencies and habits are interestingly contrasted with each other. Since Earth is shaped like the brain, the different developments of the east and west sides of the globe should also serve each other in beneficial ways. It resembles the brain, with even right and left halves, and the globe of the earth, with balanced eastern and western hemispheres.

The Importance of Balance

This symbol of balance, development and integration can be applied to all things and all events. Spiritually, the left hand expresses harmony in the world as well as in human cultures. Earth is not only a mixture of soil, rocks and minerals, but also a vast living organism. For other uses, see The Book of Changes disambiguation.

Title page of a Song dynasty c. Taoist temple Grotto-heavens Mount Penglai. Knechtges , pp. Nielsen , pp. Nielsen , p. The Yijing and Chinese Politics: In Knechtges, David R. Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: From Leibniz to Derrida".

Journal of Chinese Philosophy. The Five "Confucian" Classics. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. Redmond, Geoffrey; Hon, Tze-Ki Teaching the I Ching. The Book of Changes Zhouyi: A Bronze Age Document. University of Hawai'i Press.

The Taoist Teaching about Equilibrium

The Philosophy of the I Ching [Carol K. Anthony] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Chapter 1. This book presents the cosmological. This book presents the cosmological background of the I Ching and its many concepts. It describes the Tao, the binary system of numbers that.

The composition of the Zhouyi Ph. In Loewe, Michael; Shaughnessy, Edward. The Cambridge History of Ancient China: From the Origins of Civilization to B. Researches on the I Ching. Fathoming the Cosmos and Ordering the World: University of Virginia Press. State University of New York Press.

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This page was last edited on 2 September , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I Ching Classic of Changes. Part of a series on. Holy places Taoist temple Grotto-heavens Mount Penglai. Wikisource has original text related to this article: This second edition also contains a new method for clarifying the messages received from the I Ching oracle.

This is another outstanding achievement along with Ms. Anthony's "A Guide to the I Ching". Anthony's work can make a genuine claim to greatness and demonstrates astounding wisdom and insight. They also grant us an opportunity to reliably access the hidden world of the Sage. In fact they seem to speak with the authority of the Sage itself. With these three books and a devoted attitude I believe the highest realizations could be experienced.

What more do I need to say? One could not recommend this book highly enough.

It is meant to be a companion to Wilhelm's "I Ching" and sheds light on the obscure terms that sometimes get in the way for the right internalization of this wonderful book's teachings.