Understanding hurt, harm, and abuse

If you know someone else who you think might be being abused, you can help by telling your parent or another adult. There are lots of forms of abuse — including hitting, constant screaming and yelling, or being touched sexually. A kid who is being abused can experience different types of abuse or one kind. It helps to understand the different types of abuse: Physical abuse is hitting hard with a hand or an object like a belt, especially hits that leave bruises or cuts.

Shaking, pushing, choking, painful grabbing, and kicking also can be physical abuse. Your body has private parts. These are the parts that are covered by your bathing suit or underwear: If an adult or another kid touches a kid's private parts or tells a kid to touch his or hers, it is sexual abuse. When this happens, the person might tell the kid that this touching is a secret and that not to tell anyone. But a kid does not have to keep this secret. Tell a trusted adult, or more than one, until someone helps you. To explain sexual abuse, people talk about good touches and bad touches.

How to Handle Abuse

We all know what a good touch feels like. A good touch might be a hug from your mom or dad, a snuggle with your grandma for a story, or a cuddle with your pet. But some touches feel bad or confusing. Your body is yours and you should be able to tell people when you don't like them to touch you. Even if you don't mind doing it or are curious, or want to make that person feel happy, sexual touching between adults and kids is not OK. Verbal or emotional abuse: This kind of abuse can happen without touching. It can be verbal abuse if someone yells all the time, calls the kid mean names, or threatens to leave the kid or have him or her adopted.

All kids deserve to have adults in their lives who love and support them as they grow up. It's common for parents get angry with their kids once in a while, but if there's yelling, punishing, and threatening too much of the time, a kid can start feeling really bad about himself or herself. It's really important to tell a trusted adult this is happening.

What is harm?

Neglect happens when kids live in a home where the adults don't give them basic stuff that all kids need — like food, clean clothes, and a bed to sleep in. When parents or caretakers neglect kids, the kids may not get baths, sleep under warm blankets, or get checkups or medicine when they need them.

It can be hard for a kid to tell someone that he or she is not getting these important things. A parent or caregiver might have troubles such as losing a job, having family problems, or using alcohol or drugs. But no matter why it is happening, a kid needs to tell someone. Over this same period I have been supportive, companionate, outgoing. This has resulted in us having several heated arguments — with volume on my part and cold distance on her part.

She began solo therapy where her therapist immediately diagnosed emotional abuse. I realize that my history while we rarely fought of arguing in this style has a cumulative effect and suppressed "free speech". I expect us to separate more permanently soon. Through counseling and self education I think we both now see what we have to do to have any hope of repairing or stopping the bleeding. I'll take a Band-Aid right now. We know we can't fix overnight. That may or may not be successful and I think it hinges a lot on if we can get through the current mutual pain and mistrust.

Any and all help is needed ASAP! We are both desperate. No winners if we split — it is only degrees of loss. It may be too late, but with two small children, you should try to show her that you can be more compassionate. I am offering a free webinar on chronic resentment, anger, and emotional abuse today at 3 pm Eastern time. I can see that and i am just trying to bring her along without pushing her away in the process.

I see us as way off course in the middle of a storm. The reaction you describe is normal. Continue to be compassionate. That is the only thing that will make her feel safe. You can view the recording of the webinar once it is edited. Send my office an email and they will let you know when it is ready: Hope for some positive feedback soon.

Her therapist reccomended an immediate separation. I'm concerned about unintended concequences, namely that it is easier to devalue me and limit my importance. I understand her need for space, so really just looking for the best path. So, thoughts on how to best manage a trial separation? I keep turning off the tv but want something to occupy myelf so i relax and watch my favorite tv show and it's there. The solution is either ignore it or turn the tv off. When i'm alone most of the day, i want at least more sensory stimulation, but when i see a job ad like lincoln tech, i get angry, blame myslef for b eing lazy, then get angry when i realize what nhas happened, then i want to give lincoln tech and chi a peice of my mind, but i feel that i can't do that and i get angry again.

What do i do? I might be develoing an angefr problem. I know to calm down, but the cycle goes on and on and on. This happens when i am relaxing and the job ads go on. Theb, i turn off the tv and miss part of my tv show. I can toleragte commercials where the focus is something in it for the customers and not the advertizers. I have seen plenty of emotional abuse of late. It primarily comes from damaged people who are probably hurting or suffering in some way. If you do not feel good around this person or experience positive growth in the relationship, take control with the right strategies, keep a quiet distance or fully withdraw.

All my problems came from a lack of experience and information. I was naive, let people cross my lines and then go all the way. At work I would never allow this. In private I did so now I would say care for someone but use the skills you have elsewhere and make sure the person is accountable for their behaviour.

If a loved one hurts you there should be genuine dialogue and obvious concern. It does not matter who they are, how much you want them and how lonely you feel. My sister said that she loved my mother so she accepted the abuse. This ruined her life for years. Abuse is a very private affair often unseen and unexpected. Even a father can fail to see it. In a relationship friends are often wise so get them to help you leave. They saved me twice despite the damage. I am better but it hurts. Get therapy, get informed.

The red flags are always there. One thing I do is to give a full history of the person to a good friend and let them evaluate them after a meeting. I did this for many years. When I did not or did not listen I suffered, badly. In one case a good friend saw it was wrong immediately after a meeting but the second time she did not spot it and this was the most damaging, slow and sustained emotional abuse from someone with a very questionable history which was modified for my consumption.

Like most women I PMS, which includes anger however, I will get mad at things that don't matter, things that I shouldn't be getting mad about. I have made my husband scared of me. I have tried to get through the anger with little success. I also found that the birth control I was taking played a small role in this and so went off of it, however it was not the solution to my problem. One of my biggest problems is my husbands resistance for us to get help, he feels that we can solve our own problems -- I wish it were that easy.

Sometimes I wonder if I am the problem or if he is the porblem but I think we both have issues.

  1. Hannah (A Stepping Stone Book(TM)).
  2. When you feel you might hurt your child?
  3. Understanding different types of harm – ACD PEP Talks.
  4. Jump Into German (Jump Into Languages Book 4).
  5. Complementary/Holistic Medicine for Brain Cancer - Its Your Life, Live It!.
  6. Understanding different types of harm!

His parents divorced when he was 4 and at the time he resented women, he was very hard on his baby sitter. I do not believe he ever let this go and I think it has become an abandonemt issue. I have people in my family who have thyroid issues and both my parents have short fuses and hot tempers. I always try to be possitive and to try not to be mean but sometimes it just comes out in the heat of the moment and you can't take back the things that have been said.

He hates it when I talk to other people but sometimes it's easier than talking to him about it all. We try to talk but it doesn't always work. I am not this way to other people just him. I don't fully understand it. I have to ask, why do you think these things that you get mad over do not matter? Is this how you feel? Or is it what he tells you? I ask because I thought the same thing for a while until I realized that I have the right to feel happy or sad or mad. You can control your reactions, but not your feelings.

One of the signs of emotional abuse is dismissing your feelings, and this is one of the things my husband does to me. We were friends first, and when we were, I always felt that he didn't judge me, and I could talk to him about anything. And now, he criticizes me and ridicules me for everything, including the things I said to him in the past. I am going off on a tangent here because I can relate to your problem. I don't know your situation, and what makes you mad.

Love without compassion is possessive, controlling, and dangerous.

PMS and menopause both triggered it; however, I found that my diet played a major part as well. Neglect happens when kids live in a home where the adults don't give them basic stuff that all kids need — like food, clean clothes, and a bed to sleep in. You are not involved with the emotional side of how this has impacted the kids, I am. Emotional abuse seems more personal than physical abuse, more about you as a person, more about your spirit. Even if you don't mind doing it or are curious, or want to make that person feel happy, sexual touching between adults and kids is not OK. I was always on edge and he was always on attack mode and never seen the wrong in the things he said or did. I am the one who wipes their tears and listens to their concerns.

I just think you should not dismiss what upsets you so easily. My husband claims I "scare him" too, and I have finally realized that this is bs. It is just more words to attack me, and another way to make me feel like there is something wrong with me,. I've dealt with chronic rage myself. PMS and menopause both triggered it; however, I found that my diet played a major part as well. You should be consuming a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids. Try to avoid chocolate - this is a big rage- and depression-inducer for me and a lot of others.

Go easy on any drug-type foods, such as coffee, soda pop, candy, sugar, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, energy drinks, etc. Be brutal about eliminating these from your diet. It will make a difference; I can almost guarantee it. Seeing a therapist on your own might help. You probably have some really good reasons for your anger that should be validated by a therapist.

You don't have to take your husband along. He's wrong about one thing. You can't deal with this alone. You need lots of help. Rage can be a very physical thing that won't go away by itself. I can totally relate to how both genders can be both verbally and emotionally abusive. Men for the most part are physically abusive as was my father. My mother however, was not only physically, verbally and emotionally abusive. She was a master at manipulation and that is something i have seen continue as the years have passed. Men for the most part don't even realize what is happening. I enjoyed your articles and look forward to reading more.

I have been in emotionally and physically abusive relationships all my life, starting with my parents. My mother called me stupid between 10 and 20 times a day, and my dad just called me a bitch ect Every relationship I've had has been with an emotionally, or physically abusive man. The current is both.

I have no hope of finding love in this life. The first thing my husband said to me this morning as he lay in bed and I took care of the kids is "Fuck you, you fat cow" that came out of nowhere, and is pretty much how I start everyday. Still I try to be happy. I do between 20 and 40 hours of volunteer work a week on top of my part time job and being a mom and I meditate daily. I've just given up on this and am trying to endure it, and burn off my karma. You do not deserve that. I don't care what your karma is. I don't care if you were Hitler in a past life, you still don't deserve that kind of treatment.

Everyone is entitled to move forward and heal their lives. My husband is emotionally and psychologically abusive. When I bring it to his attention, he tells me I am crazy. I even printed out literature for him to read, and I don't know why I did this, because he just went through it, turned each line in to something wrong with me, and ridiculed me. To everyone around us, he appears to be the perfect husband. He has his act down so well, that people actually tell me what an incredible husband I have. He doesn't yell or scream, but his subtle attacks are so brutal they leave me in tears feeling so alone, angry and depressed.

The hardest part is that since it is so hard for me to explain or articulate what he does, no one understands, and I just don't even talk to anyone about it anymore, because I fear that they are just going to look at me like I am crazy. I never thought of myself as the type to be in an abusive relationship. I used to be so strong and confident, and I just don't know who I am anymore. He makes me feel like a monster. The question would be: Why don't I leave? If it wasn't for the fact that I have a daughter with him, and I am pregnant with our 2nd child.

I will always have to deal with him, and I feel that if I leave, it will be worse. No one will ever understand, and he will just be the amazing father and x-husband of a crazy lady. At least if I stay, we have the good times, and I just try to cope with the bad and remind myself that it is not me. When my firm closed last year, I had no choice but to start my own business. I had been doing well, but I feel it falling to the ground due to the fact that I have been so depressed.

I spend too many days emotionally distraught and depressed, and unable to concentrate on my work, which leaves be feeling financially insecure. The worst part about it is, he turns my daughter against me. He puts ideas into my daughters head that she repeats. He will wait until we are in an enclosed space, like the car, to brutally attack me, and after I beg him to stop and wait until a better time to have the conversation, he continues, when I raise my voice, he will tell my daughter that I am scaring her and make me look like a horrible mother.

He does this purposely. He did this to me when I was driving home tonight.

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I am a new driver, and had to drive with tears running down my face until I was able to pull over. But the attack never stopped, and I was forced to tune him out and drive as carefully as I possibly could until I got home. Luckily, it was a short drive. He does this often.

He purposely tries to incite anger in me. He will push every button and he will not stop until he breaks me.

Financial harm

I can talk back, but he still goes on. Ignoring it does not stop it either. I have thickened my skin, but it just gets worse. He threatens to call my family, and he has before. We had an argument one night, and he called my parents and told them I was so hysterical that he felt they needed to come watch my daughter. This was NOT true.

  1. Physical harm.
  2. .
  3. .
  4. How to Handle Abuse!

My parents know he has issues. I have told them. My dad hung up on him, but my mother came. I don't know what hurt more, the fact that my husband did that, or that my own mother believed him. This is his goal. He wants my family to think that I am crazy, and that he is the hero, saving me from myself. I have tried so hard to fight this, but I have come to this realization that no one will ever see the truth, and I feel so alone. I just feel like there is nothing to do but lie down and take it. I have nowhere to go.

He doesn't lay a hand on me, so he is not breaking the law. There are no black and blues to show people, and the emotional scars he leaves he easily explains by whichever psychological disorder he claims I have that week. As much as I cannot believe that these words would come from my mouth, I feel physical abuse would be easier. The scars heal, but they are there for people to see before they do. First of all, I needed to vent, since I feel like I have no other way to do so. Furthermore, I have been trying to find support groups that deal with this particular type if abuse, but I am having a lot of trouble, and I would appreciate any guidance as to where I can find these groups either in Brooklyn, NY or online.

I wanted to check in and ask how are you doing after all these years? Does it improve with time or is it the same? When I read your comment, I found it similar to my situation. It is almost always my fault, right? Having a husband who flips each attempt I make to ask him to take a time out and cool off into me abusing him is frustrating. I feel for you. I also have had difficulty finding help. Counselors won't come out and say he's abusing me and he's such a sweet talker to others that they all think I'm the abusive one.

One counselor we have agrees that his behavior needs to change, but she thinks that forcing him into some program will only make things worse and that his mental state will deteriorate even more. This leaves me feeling helpless, really. As a last ditch resort, I asked his previous anger management coach if I could attend her classes.

I have just started these once-a-week classes, but have found them more useful for me than any counselor has been. The leader has such great insight and reminds me that I can choose to feel guilty or not. I can choose to rescue my husband or not and that often the anger from him comes because I am not rescuing him. On a side note, I would have liked the article I read to cover the difference between holding to ones boundaries and retreating. Too often, I hold to my boundary that I have recently tried to regain and then I am accused of being abusive because to my husband, it looks like I am retreating.

Hopefully your situation has improved since you wrote this. I also want to encourage you to remember that you are someone special. My first marriage was constant fear for me. The egg shell thing, I walked on them constantly. I saw the signs when we were dating,but I was only years old. I honestly thought he would change when we said I do. Most of the time I did not even know what he was mad about. He would not speak to me for up to 2 weeks. I would cry and beg for him to tell what I had done wrong, because I honestly did not know. He ignored me completely as if I did not even exist. I was afraid to be 1 minute late, this was a disaster.

The jealousy was awful, if I looked in another direction, according to him I was looking at another man. He knew how vulnerable I was and he used that to control me completely. Recently, I wrote a book, Two Sisters by Arial Green, this book reveals not only emotional abuse, but attempted incest towards my sister and myself.

It also deals with domestic violence. My sister was murdered at the age of 40 by her husband, he was bi-polar, with severe depression. If this book can possibly help just one person to not live the life I lived it will be worth the effort. I have just recently left and emotionally abusive relationship. It has been abusive for maybe 9 months really bad. We have known eachother for the last five years, been together for just over one. I really love the guy, and he says he loves me.. I have left once before-when we were living together and told him to get help, tell his parents and do things for himself.

After a week I had moved back in as I felt like I was missing out.

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How should you be supported to keep safe from harm and abuse? What is Mental . Staff should understand abuse, how people may be at risk from harm and Abuse is when someone hurts you or treats you badly. Abuse is always wrong. This is when a person deliberately hurts someone else by punching, kicking, However, in order to give consent a person must fully understand what they are.

Things were good for a week then went back the same. He was seeing a counsellor then stopped seeing her as she was focusing on something he didnt agree with-his dyslexia. I am now back home with my parents and I have said unless he changes his ways we cannot move forward. I have met him and he is very remorseful. But I know that we need time apart. I feel for me that there will be no end to how I feel.

I know I love him, but I am aware my feelings will not change his behaviour. He thinks that the abusive person is not who he is and he has just been lost-but says he is not trying to make excuses. I am terrified that he will change now that he is in councelling and that we will never be back together. I can't be with him with the abuse, but the person he was before is the person I want to be with. I am so scared that because of this time apart he will change and we will never see or speak to eachother again.

I am worried he will find someone else, and that will kill me. I am scared to lose him. I think I might have RAD and PTSD, all because of my mother's daily mood swings, soft-spoken rage, guilt trips, punishment, hatred, and blame, all aimed at us - her three kids. I don't believe in romantic love anymore, and don't want it. I think of marriage and partnership as a daily living hell, not bliss and companionship. At least I can look back on my life and say I never had kids, never ruined the lives of any innocent children.

I was never raped or beaten. I'm beginning to think emotional abuse is the worst kind. I love my fiancee very much, I do. I said things that has hurt her emotionally by mistake or mentioned a previous relationship that showed I was comparing her. I've said things and made a mistake then I attempt to change it and I lose my creditability. I feel like no matter what I'm doing hasn't helped and I don't know how to resolve it. I know it is up to her when she feels it has resolved.

I feel like our conflicts a year ago would return when it gets brought up into conversation again. I thought I resolved it, but I feel like it hasn't resolved it becomes part of the conversation. I'm not mad at her. She has the right to feel this way because I caused the problems. I just wish or don't know what I can do to help or make things better.