Armand Carrel (German Edition)

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The legion on parade. The well-preserved remains of a medieval Jewish building, that could be a yeshiva, were discovered in the s under the Rouen Law Courts. Ceuta Garrison of the legion. The chronicles of the 11th and 12th centuries and a few communal charters provided him with materials for a solid work. In the revolution of July he took part in the repression of the extreme republican party in June

He at once renounced his degree, and, while attending the lectures of P. Rayer and taking a keen interest in medicine, began teaching Latin and Greek for a livelihood. He carried a musket on the popular side in the revolution of February , and was one of the national guards who followed Charles X.

In he obtained an introduction to Armand Carrel, the editor of the National , who gave him the task of reading the English and German papers for excerpts.

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Carrel by chance, in , discovered the ability of his reader, who from that time became a constant contributor, and eventually director of the paper. He soon became a friend of Comte, and popularized his ideas in numerous works on the positivist philosophy.

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In the revolution of July he took part in the repression of the extreme republican party in June Mill, but declared that, while he believed in a positivist philosophy, he did not believe in a religion of humanity. About , after completing his Hippocrates and his Pliny, he set to work in earnest on his French dictionary.

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He also at this time started with G. Wyrouboff the Philosophie Positive , a review which was to embody the views of modern positivists.

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Buy Armand Carrel (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Armand Carrel: Drama () (German Edition) [Moritz Heimann] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This scarce antiquarian book is a.

His life was thus absorbed in literary work till the overthrow of the empire called on him to take a part in politics. He felt himself too old to undergo the privations of the siege of Paris, and retired with his family to Britanny, whence he was summoned by M. Gambetta to Bordeaux, to lecture on history, and thence to Versailles to take his seat in the senate to which he had been chosen by the department of the Seine.

Dupanloup, who resigned his seat rather than receive him. An authoritative interpretation is given of the use of each word, based on the various meanings it had held in the past. He now made himself by his letters and pamphlets one of the most dreaded opponents of the government of the Restoration.

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He advocated a liberal monarchy, at the head of which he doubtless wished to see Louis Philippe. For this he was tried and condemned to suffer a short imprisonment and to pay a fine. Before he went to prison he published a compte rendu of his trial, which had a still larger circulation than the Discours itself. In appeared the Livret de Paul Louis , the Gazette de village , followed in by his famous Pamphlet des pamphlets , called by his biographer, Armand Carrel, his swan-song.

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He also projected a translation of Herodotus, and published a specimen, in which he attempted to imitate archaic French; but he did not live to carry out this plan. In the autumn of , on a Sunday afternoon August 18th , Courier was found shot in a wood near his house. The murderers, who were servants of his own, remained undiscovered for five years. The writings of Courier, dealing with the facts and events of his own time, are valuable sources of information as to the condition of France before, during, and after the Revolution.

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Courier from the O. The despatches which pass between the foreign office and its representatives abroad, and which cannot be entrusted to the postal service or the telegraph, are carried by special couriers, styled, in the British service, King's Messengers.

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It is bounded on the N. The area is 10, sq. The surface is generally low and undulating, and the coast-lands flat and marshy. The interior is characterized by wooded dunes, covered with pine, fir, birch and oak, with swamps and lakes, and fertile patches between. The surface nowhere rises more than ft.

The Mitau plain divides it into two parts, of which the western is fertile and thickly inhabited, except in the north, while the eastern is less fertile and thinly inhabited. One-third of the area is still forest. Courland is drained by nearly one hundred rivers, of which only three, the Dvina, the Aa and the Windau, are navigable. They all flow north-westwards and discharge into the Baltic Sea.

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Owing to the numerous lakes and marshes, the climate is damp and often foggy, as well as changeable, and the winter is severe. Agriculture is the chief occupation, the principal crops being rye, barley, oats, wheat, flax and potatoes. The land is mostly owned by nobles of German descent. In laws were issued to enable the Letts, who form the bulk of the population, to acquire the farms which they held, and special banks were founded to help them.

By this means some 12, farms were bought by their occupants; but the great mass of the population are still landless, and live as hired labourers, occupying a low position in the social scale. On the large estates agriculture is conducted with skill and scientific knowledge.