Information for Innovation: Managing Change from an Information Perspective

Google Scholar , Crossref. Bennis, Warren , and Burt Nanus Leaders: The strategies for taking charge. Kenneth ' Organizations: A dialectical view '. Bums, Tom , and G. Stalker The management of innovation. Burrell, Gibson , and Gareth Morgan Sociological paradigms and organisational analysis. Child, John , and Chris Smith ' The context and process of organizational transformation — Cadbury Limited in its sector '. Journal of Management Studies Clark, Peter , and Neil Staunton Innovation in technology and organization. Organization studies in the postmodern world.

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Jog ' Innovators, organization structure and management of the innovation process in the Securit ies Industry'. Journal of Produc Innovation Management 8: Google Scholar , ISI.

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Information for Innovation: Managing Change from an Information Perspective. Stuart Macdonald. Abstract. Information is not taken seriously. Much is said about . Information for Innovation: Managing Change from an Information Perspective [ Stuart Macdonald] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Quar terly Review of Marketing 9: Corporat entrepreneurs at work. Evanisko ' Organizational innovation: The influence of individual, organizational, and contextual factors on hospital adoption of technological and administrative innovations '. King, Nigel ' Innovation at work: The research literature' in Innovation and creativity at work. King, Nigel ' Modelling the innovation process: An empirical comparison of approaches '. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Lorsch Organization and environment: Managing differentiation and integration. Levitt, Barbara , and James G.

March ' Organizational learning '. Annual Review of Sociology Mansfield, Edwin Industrial research and technological innovation. Meredith 'The role of customer cooperation in the development, marketing, and implementation of innovations' in The art and science of innovation management.

Martin, Joanne 'Breaking up the mono-method monopolies in organizational analysis' in The theory and philosophy of organizations. Goes ' Organizational assimilation of innovations: A multilevel contextual analysis '. Mintzberg, Henry 'Strategy formation: Schools of thought' in Perspectives on strategic management. New York ; Harper Business. Morse ' Size, centralization and organizational adoption of innovations '.

The American Political Science Review The limits and possibilities of theory and research. Myers, Sumner , and Donald G. Marquis Successful industrial innovations. NSF 69 - Winter An evolutionary theory of economic change. The use of these techniques in the context of Knowledge Management is extremely important to increase knowledge. As examples of these techniques, the following can be mentioned: Technologies rely on information technology infrastructure; they consist of a combination of hardware and software technologies.

Organizations will only adopt technologies for Knowledge Management if there are benefits in terms of business that can be extended throughout the organization. Therefore, it is extremely important that technology developers for Knowledge Management fully understand the processes and working methods of the end users of these technologies. Although technologies are effective tools for searching, storing, manipulating and sharing large amount of information per unit of time, assigning a meaning to information depends on people.

To sustain long-term competitive advantages in the organization, it needs to create an inter-relationship between technological and social systems. A second approach can be taken with regard to the technological systems. Centralized Knowledge Management Systems have some inconveniences; the inflexible structures and centralized control may decrease flexibility and availability of knowledge through processes that standardize knowledge and information and remove context.

The approach here is to include the technology known as Peer-to-Peer P2P , which promises to overcome the inconveniences supporting interaction and knowledge sharing in different contexts Gupta; Bostrom, ; Accorsi; Costa, The Ba knowledge sharing is the context that allows the interaction between this technology and Knowledge Management.

The P2P joins the concept of Ba and gives rise to a new entity called connecting Ba, in which socialization and internalization of knowledge take place. The Knowledge Management tools are increasingly improving and diversifying, whether technically or technologically, as well as providing support to the process.

In the literature, several technological solutions have been proposed to facilitate the processes of Knowledge Management. According Accorsi and Costa , one of the most widely used technological constructs specifically designed for Knowledge Management is the Knowledge Management System KMS ; however, its structural nature makes knowledge and information standardized, removing them from context.

The KMS is often defined as an expensive structure that demands a great organizational effort to function effectively. A few examples are: Another aspect to be discussed, according to Venters , is that there is a range of technologies that have been closely aligned with the initiatives of Knowledge Management which can have two definitions: The second focuses on the emergent and collective nature of knowledge sharing, in which socio-psychological factors are important in determining the success of Knowledge Management Technology KMT and focus on the technology of social networking.

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English Choose a language for shopping. Send me a copy Cancel. Exchanges that occur between the individual cognitive and social systems are the basis for the development of new knowledge. It is illustrated by a very broad and diverse range of examples, that demonstrate the general applicability of the chosen approach. Researching strategic change' in The management of strategic change. Considering that the year of was analyzed up to the middle of the last semester, the call for papers was analyzed until the end of this year. Thus, Figure 1 illustrates quantitatively the observations made by systematic reading.

Thus, new knowledge is developed in the organization where knowledge workers interact with each other using shared digital artifacts. Exchanges that occur between the individual cognitive and social systems are the basis for the development of new knowledge. It is specifically in the processes of socialization and internalization that knowledge transfer occurs in this context. Information management in the context of knowledge management.

Competitiveness has introduced new behaviors leading companies to an uncomfortable situation that are often not capable of adapting to environmental demands Hayes; Wheelwright, Thus, Information and Knowledge Management in organizations are given more importance than the search for the most appropriate ways to meet current demands Goh, Information Management tries to explain the behavior of the organization by examining information flows around it. Previous studies such as the one by Chou et al. However, few studies report empirical tests of the connections between capabilities of Information Management and its effect to the creation of effective knowledge.

Therefore, we recognized the need to further understand how new knowledge are actually developed in the midst of organizational processes. The process of knowledge creation is complex, dynamic but not linear and its characteristics are not always explicit. This fact makes the challenge of understanding it even greater Leonard-Barton; Sensiper, ; Nonaka et al.

The complexity that is currently a characteristic of organizations makes the demand for skills related to information management a need for an overall good performance of Knowledge Management.

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The idea of strategic resource in organizations has required information to be managed as the financial and human resources are managed. Initially called Information Resource Management, Information Management represents the entire value chain of information, in other words, it must include the definition of information needs, collection, storage, distribution and retrieval for subsequent use of the information Cianconi, Information processing generates more information which, in turn, generates knowledge that subsidizes the strategy providing the basis for action and provides the necessary feedback to start the process.

Thus, managing information should be seen as the management of a network of processes that acquire, create, organize, distribute, and use the information in a continuous cycle Choo, ; Popadiuk; Choo, Information management within the context of Knowledge Management is therefore subjected to the following assumptions: Generating and processing information is shaped by the culture and specification of rules, routines and roles. Information and meanings are forged in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individuals in a cyclical process Silveira; Oddone, According to Silva and Menezes , research can be classified as quantitative and exploratory.

A total of 10 journal titles were selected which contained articles from the international literature with A and B ratings according to Qualis Capes and rated as C in the field of Knowledge Management. An initial sample of approximately 2, articles was obtained which addressed one of the major areas in the study: Of 2, studies, only met the requirements established for the review since these selected articles dealt with at least one of the relationships proposed for our discussion: Analysis of relationships according to the number of publications over the years.

To search for the articles containing the proposed relationships, a seven-year period, extending from to , was chosen to allow greater comprehensiveness of the subject.

The broadness of each relationship was addressed quantitatively by adding up the number of articles selected for each relation and the corresponding year. Thus, Figure 1 illustrates quantitatively the observations made by systematic reading. In accordance with Figure 1 , Table 1 shows the specific distribution of the articles analyzed by year of publication. In the period that encompassed the years to , the decrease in the number of published papers that deal with the relationship between Knowledge Management and Information Management in international journals analyzed within the seven-year period is clear.

That is due in large part by the emphasis that was given to this relationship, particularly in the years prior to , with the "Westernization" of the Japanese theory of knowledge creation and the exhaustive search of researchers to explain the phenomenon of transforming information into knowledge and information knowledge as well as the challenges to record it and make it available.

As the data show from to , studies in international journals have shown increasing interest to the field of innovation and technology. The focus of studies on the contributions of Knowledge Management in processes of technological innovation appeared more frequently throughout the study period. The relationship between Knowledge Management and Technology Management was responsible for most publications from to , a result that is due to the development of new supporting tools for the development of Knowledge Management. Considering that the year of was analyzed up to the middle of the last semester, the call for papers was analyzed until the end of this year.

Most call for papers suggest studies on smart technologies and new strategies in Knowledge Management. It is believed, therefore, that the relationship between Knowledge Management and Technology Management will appear with greater frequency in the following year in the journals analyzed, followed by the relationship between Knowledge Management and Innovation Management.

Information for Innovation: Managing Change from an Information Perspective

This result is largely due to the diversification and improvement of these instruments, as well as the influence of digital artifacts in the processes of knowledge conversion. There is a trend to maintain this topic within its discussion space, since there is a continuous creation of new technologies, thus the possibilities of research are never exhausted. Innovation processes have gained increasing significance since , but this is connected to the economic field; when it comes to Knowledge Management, the relationship with innovation changes due to the lack of discernment of researchers and experts in relation to the understanding that one cannot exist without the other.

Although this is well known, between and , further increase concerning Innovation Management occurred, which was confirmed in the literature by networks creating knowledge and the dynamic capacity to renew competences in a changing environment. However, it is noteworthy that effective Technology Management that supports Knowledge Management can only occur from the assessment of preconditions, which are nothing more than the capabilities of Information Management. Another aspect that should be mentioned is the internationalization of economy which considerably influenced studies and research on the topic of Competitive Intelligence that now competes for space with Information Management.

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Proportions of publications in the international journals selected. Ten international journals were selected, most of which are ranked as A and B, with only one title rated as C.

With the purpose of explaining the percentage contribution of each title, Figure 2 shows the results obtained. Overall, considering the time limit between and , the sample pre-selected approximately 2, articles.

Perspectives on Innovation in Organizations

However, after reviewing the abstracts, articles were selected for the study. The observed percentages were obtained through a relationship that encompasses each individual value of the title in addition to the three relationships Knowledge Management and Information Management, Knowledge Management and Innovation Management, Knowledge Management and Technology Management to every year and in relation to the total number of existing articles within the deadline.

As in the literature surveyed, the articles analyzed presented the three relationships with the following emphases: By observing the relationships analyzed by number of publications over the years, as well as the proportion of publications in the international journals selected, it was found that the relationship between Knowledge Management and Technology Management appears in larger numbers throughout the years of. It is noteworthy that the relationship between Knowledge Management and Information Management appeared frequently from to , but decreased significantly in recent years, as of In contrast, there was an increase in studies involving Knowledge Management and Innovation Management in and