How?When you dont know how

Don’t Know What You Want? Improve These 7 Universal Skills

I had also learned all about creating websites in the past.

2. Be clear about the outcome

The first two goals were easy to achieve, however the third one took me a lot longer to do but I did get there in the end. Choose to get what you want, believe in your abilities, trust the process, and it will happen for you swiftly and easily. And you know what? For example, when setting up a top priority task, you need to switch off the phone and ignore your email first. It grows over time. Sitting on the couch waiting for a million dollars to fall in your lap? I have the clarity to use my life for the greater good.

So it was very easy for me to get started with all of this. In fact, I created a website in a day. And I started writing every day for a month. A book and a bunch of articles. I only knew what direction I wanted to go in. I knew I wanted to make a contribution and do work that I enjoyed.

When you don’t know what to choose, do these three things…

The only thing every person needs is a sense of direction. You often read about people who say they always knew what they wanted. It grows over time. That would not be realistic. I know, it remains intangible. Spend your time usefully. Learn skills you can always rely on. Pick a skill that excites you. Maybe you are afraid because changing the situation will affect your loved ones.

Second, limit the extra noise…

You stick to your job even when you feel sick-and-tired. You are afraid to lose the security you have. In life, you have to take a leap of faith. You are physically present but your mind agonizes somewhere else. Then you have to deal with it again the coming days. Release your emotional burden. Do not beat yourself for your previous mistakes. They cannot be corrected anymore, but you can utilize them to your situation.

2. Take action to wake up your conscious mind

Condition your mind that change is coming. Claim that you can be in a better spot someday. You have to step up and do something about it. To step up, you need to force your frontal lobe to do creative thinking by brainstorming ways on how to change it. Write down the frustrations you have. If there are many, focus on your top priority. Go to a quiet place and time yourself for 15 minutes.

If You Don’t Know What to Do with Your Life, Read These 5 Strategies

Brainstorm possible ways on how you can change them. Write whatever inspiration strikes your mind. Once you have your list, filter the ideas you can use. It starts with education.

1. Put your running shoes on and clear your mind

When you don't know how” was launched, the first self help/ motivation book from an Irish author. As the book title suggests, the spotlight, as in his training is on. Kevin passionately believes that we can design and live the life we have always dreamed of. But only if we take action. “How?” the first penned by Kevin in the.

Not that you need to go to school for this, but seek information that will help you address the problem. Sometimes, ignorance about the topic inhibits a person to do the right actions. When you have good information, you become a step closer to change. Public libraries, books, videos, trusted websites, and blogs can help you.

Facebook groups allow you to find people who experienced the same situation. Your brain can learn anything if you allow it. Then, filter out the unnecessary stuff. Seek a mentor if you want. I had to seek mentors to teach me things that target my objectives. They taught me about resilience and perseverance despite my slow progress. Everything is useless without the commitment to the intense training. I call it training because when you get used to improving yourself, your body craves for it.

Set aside fear for once and tackle your plans one-by-one. Mike came into the office late for the third time in a week.

I Don’t Know How to Tell You That You Will Not Change Your Life Unless You Experience This

My wife asked me to drop her to the office. No woman can be ready in ten minutes.

  • If You Don't Know What to Do with Your Life, Read These 5 Strategies;
  • Radical Walking Tours of New York City!
  • Don’t Know What You Want? Improve These 7 Universal Skills.
  • Sarah My Beloved (Little Hickman Creek Series #2).

Are those excuses legit or excuses to cover up for your inactions? Excuses are the lies you convince yourself as true to avoid pursuing change and actions you need to take. You cannot be perfect all the time. There will be mistakes again in the future. But they should not corrupt your peace and determination to change the situation you do not like. I am not yet on the destination where I want. I no longer nag my husband. He comes home happier knowing I felt fulfilled on the accomplishments I had for the day. Instead, I became busy looking for ways to help my husband and myself.

I have a plan of what to do every day.

  1. Intra-State Conflict, Governments and Security: Dilemmas of Deterrence and Assurance (Contemporary S?
  2. It’s okay you can’t figure out the whole future..
  3. Popular Articles.
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  5. Digital Electronics Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide.
  6. Achieving Excellence in Preschool Literacy Instruction (Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy.

I have the clarity to use my life for the greater good. Some days, I still slip.

When You Don't Know The Name of A Song

I still give some excuses. But when I remember that sick-and tired feeling, it compels me to get up. If failure meets you down the road, worry not. It is just a stray nail that flattened your tire. If you have another plan,you can keep the journey going. Sometimes the hardest place to accurately look is in the mirror. What matters the most to you? It helps you construct a strategic framework to help you make strategic life choices based on what is most important to you. Drowning in possibilities is a terrible way to die.

And free chapters from my debut best-selling book Secrets For Your Twenties. Enter your email below and then check your email for instructions. Like advice from a wiser, funnier, older brother Paul's been there, done that, and wants to save you some pain and some trouble. My passion is to inspire others with overwhelming amounts of truth, hope, and hilarity.