Original Sin: Clarence Thomas and the Failure of the Constitutional Conservatives (Critical America)

Clarence Thomas

Samuel A. Marcosson

The Divided Soul of Clarence Thomas. The Lynching of Language: University of Illinois Press.

Clarence Thomas and the Tough Love Crowd: Counterfeit Heroes and Unhappy Truths. Critical Judicial Nominations and Political Change: The Impact of Clarence Thomas.


Wayne State University Press. The Beginning of the End of Affirmative Action?

The Supreme Court and Health Care: Christian Legal Society v. Civil and Criminal Procedure.

Gay Rights and Sexual Orientation. Marcosson Professor of Law. Constructive Immutability , U.

Paul Salamanca, Transylvania University, September 17, Liberty and Justice For All? James Blumstein on Fisher v. The Beginning of the End of Affirmative Action?

Clarence Thomas and the Failure of the Constitutional Conservatives

Your carefully limited responding claims that color-blindness could be consistent with the EPC's original understanding are revealing. And yet, you've just told me that you favor allowing the Court to amend the constitution outside of Article V, because that's what it does and does so well. I think it is clear our constitutional order is better off with the transformative processes that have developed over time, as well as with the substantive changes those processes have brought about. Clarence Thomas and the Failure of the Constitutional Conservatives. Not solely because I think it leads to results like overruling Loving and Brown. Second, you mention separation of powers.

The Supreme Court and Health Care: Christian Legal Society v. Civil and Criminal Procedure.

Professor of Law

Gay Rights and Sexual Orientation. Marcosson Professor of Law.