Choice Words: How Our Language Affects Childrens Learning

Does it help them or hurt them? He now lives in Albany, New York, where he is a professor at the State University of New York at Albany with his wife Tina, and a cat left behind by one of his children returning briefly from college.

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Peter's research and writing spring from his fascination with children's learning and, no less, teachers' teaching. Perversely, he believes that education is not simply about delivering information to children.

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He thinks it is more about building a just, caring society and that doing so will not detract from our more obviously pragmatic educational goals. Noticing and Naming Noticing and naming are key elements in becoming communicative humans, but it is also crucial to becoming capable in particular activities. Teacher have to know how to tell when what is being taught is being properly received and that the child is really learning. Doctors have to know how to distinguish between certain drugs and also know what symptoms cause which illnesses.

As young children, we acquire language. We are not really aware, but we have a great vocabulary. By the time that we reach Kindergarten, we know on average about 1, words. Agency Agency is taking ownership and being active in one's own learning, and not being completely dependent upon others for instruction. When people feel there is no relationship between what they do and what happens, they become depressed and helpless. But for many of the things that we do, there is a delay in the consequence. A teachers language show students that by acting and thinking strategically, they can accomplish things, ant the same time students are shown that they are the kind of person who accomplishes things.

Identity "Teachers' comments can offer them, and nudge them toward, productive identities. Students are taking on many roles at this time that will aid them in figuring out who they are.

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Identities equip students with a sense of responsibility. Inviting a child to attend to their internal feelings of pride Chapter 5: Flexibility and Transfer or Generalizing Generalization: Some children keep their school and home spaces separate, believing that they are unrelated. References Bad teacher First day [Video file]. How our language affects children's learning. Knowing Conversations between teacher and students lead to the premise that students are experienced thinkers who have something to say that is worth listening to. The IRE sequence of conversations is very controlling.

Questions in the IRE sequence suggest that knowledge is composed of fact possessed by teachers, who have the authority to transmit it to children, and children know about the world only through the knowledge that is transmitted to them.

An Evolutionary, Democratic, Learning Community Children grow into the intellectual life around them. They learn better in supportive environments that challenge them. Children must have the experience of communities if they are to know what to aim for in constructing their own environments. Teacher should use language that builds caring and respectful learning communities, communities that are playful, but in which students each others ideas seriously in working towards a goal.

Creating downloadable prezi, be patient. Delete comment or cancel. Cancel Reply 0 characters used from the allowed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Using Language to Change Lives. Pathways to the Common Core: Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Find the Best Colleges for You! News and World Report.

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Real world insights, tips, comparisons, and examples for educators who wish to maximize VR, AR, and mixed reality technologies in their classrooms. Exam Prep Book and Practice Test Level C Box Set: Review "This small book is packed with big ideas about the importance of teacher language. Stenhouse Publishers; 1 edition January 1, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Real Talk About Classroom Management: Visible Learning for Literacy, Grades K Implementing the Practices That Work Be The book that renews our teaching and reminds us of our influence, just in time.

The Guided Reading Teacher's Companion: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention choice words must read peter johnston language affects read this book every teacher easy read quick read affects children say and how we say children develop a learning gives great nothing new great ideas reading and writing great book words and phrases words language words are powerful words you use. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later.

This book is a really great- short read book. It's small, concise, and to the point. For those teachers who don't have a lot of time all of them , this is a good book to use to spend time in reflective practices. What we say to our students has a tremendous impact, make sure your words are powerful and up-lifting. This book also helped my speak kinder to others outside of school, it was a great life-reminder to be gracious in our speech.

Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. As a stand alone self-help book, it is slow, laborious, and boring, though its concepts are interesting and discussion about the points that the author makes are well worth the time invested. I am sad to think this text may be used in classrooms. It needs a rewrite. This book offers helpful, concrete ways to shift your comments toward students so that they give the students more agency and investment in their own learning.

While many of the examples are from elementary classrooms, the types of dialogue themselves are completely transferable to the secondary world as a high school English teacher, I know I can make use of them in my own classroom. Excellent text about the importance of how we talk to students on a daily basis.

The slightest changes in our language can have a huge impact on students' self esteem, motivation, and growth mindset. I am an instructional coach and have used this book more than once in my work with teachers. It is amazing how just a few words can change our perception of other people's comments. This is worth several reads as I implement new things each time. I have seen a positive focus when I follow the concepts in this book in my language with students.

One person found this helpful. Bought this for a grad school class. As a secondary teacher, it seemed a little more geared towards elementary aged students, but the general ideas of how powerful our words are do carry through all levels. Not necessarily new information, but a nice reminder. This book pointed out the importance of the words we choose in everyday interactions with others. There were also a number of examples and why they work.

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He thinks it is more about building a just, caring society and that doing so will not detract from our more obviously pragmatic educational goals. Johnston's book Choice Words is something that every educator needs to read. It is really about creating intellectual environments in which students successfully become competent, more knowledgeable, and more able, but also become more confident, caring individuals who can think critically and logically, problem solve, and collaborate with others to make something greater than they could on their own. Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. Beyond his family, research, soccer, singing, and humor sustain him. As a secondary teacher, it seemed a little more geared towards elementary aged students, but the general ideas of how powerful our words are do carry through all levels. Perversely, he believes that education is not simply about delivering information to children.

This book is important if you want to know how to affect your students by the words you use. Short and to the point with good examples. See all 99 reviews.

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Choice Words How Our Language Affects Childrens Learning

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