The Communist Movement in the Arab World (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)

It examines how the Brotherhood, working to establish an alternative social, political and moral order through a network of Islamic institutions, made a huge contribution to the transformation of Jordanian society. Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, also known as the 'Sepah', has wielded considerable and increasing power in Iran in recent decades. Established in by Ayatollah Khomeini as a paramilitary organisation charged with protecting the nascent Islamic regime and countering the untrustworthy Imperial….

The Arab uprisings have put Lebanon under increased strain. While the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt caused limited reverberations, the war in Syria echoed in the fine-tuned political and confessional balance of Lebanon. Edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami , Yukiko Miyagi. As the economies of East Asia grow ever stronger, their need for energy resources increases, which in turn compels closer relations with the countries of the Middle East. This book examines the developing relations between the countries of East Asia, especially China and Japan, with the countries….

Edited by Abir Hamdar , Lindsey Moore. Whereas most studies of Islamism focus on politics and religious ideology, this book analyses the ways in which Islamism in the Arab world is defined, reflected, transmitted and contested in a variety of creative and other cultural forms. It covers a range of contexts of production and reception,…. This book presents a comprehensive survey of Moroccan foreign policy since It considers the objectives, actors and decision-making processes involved, and outlines Morocco's foreign policy activity in key areas such as the international management of the Western Sahara conflict and relations….

By Farhan Mujahid Chak. This book explores the ideological rivalry which is fuelling political instability in Muslim polities, discussing this in relation to Pakistan. It argues that the principal dilemma for Muslim polities is how to reconcile modernity and tradition. It discusses existing scholarship on the subject,….

The containment and prevention of nuclear proliferation, especially in…. Edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami , Niv Horesh.

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Central to this are fast-track rail links, funded by the…. After decades of turmoil a new phase is opening up for Afghanistan, in which a new generation comes to the fore as many of the key players from earlier phases, including foreign interventionist powers, leave the scene.

Although this new phase offers new possibilities and increased hope for…. This book serves as a case study of the Sudanese Communist Party and its impact as a grassroots movement that championed the Sudanese people. It accomplishes this by providing a rich narrative that details the SCP's inception, main players, important milestones and values of the Party. Ismael , Jacqueline S. Much has been written about the events surrounding the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq and its aftermath, especially about the intentions, principles, plans and course of action of US policy, but much less attention has been given to the consequences of US policy on Iraqi political and social….

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Whereas most studies of Islamism focus on politics and religious ideology, this book analyses the ways in which Islamism in the Arab world is defined, reflected, transmitted and contested in a variety of creative and other cultural forms. The student resources previously accessed via GarlandScience. It discusses existing scholarship on the subject,…. After decades of turmoil a new phase is opening up for Afghanistan, in which a new generation comes to the fore as many of the key players from earlier phases, including foreign interventionist powers, leave the scene. The Middle East's Relations with Asia and Russia Edited by Hannah Carter , Anoushiravan Ehteshami Carter and Ehteshami consider the significant geopolitical, economic and security links between the Middle East and the wider Asian world - links which are often overlooked when the Middle East is considered in isolation or in terms of its relations with the West, but which are of growing… Paperback — Routledge Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series. Iran-Turkey Relations, Conceptualising the Dynamics of Politics, Religion and Security in Middle-Power States By Suleyman Elik Both Turkey and Iran are large and important countries in the Middle East; how these two countries relate to each other is of crucial importance both for the region and for the wider world. It goes on to trace the impact of 'Arab communism' on a range of issues in the region, arguing that the role of Arab communist parties was highly significant, and disproportionate to the relatively small numbers of communists in the countries concerned.

This book presents a comprehensive, systematic analysis of Russia— Iran relations in the period following the collapse of the Soviet Union in It discusses the key areas — such as trade, arms sales, nuclear developments, and potential areas of friction in the Caspian Sea — where co-operation….

This book explores the long history of the evolution of Arab political identity, which predates the time of the Prophet Muhammad and is characterized by tolerance, compassion, generosity, hospitality, self-control, correct behaviour, equality and consensus.

Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series

The author argues that present-day…. Edited by Elisa Giunchi. This book focuses on Islamic family law as interpreted and applied by judges in Europe, Australia and North America. It uses court transcriptions and observations to discuss how the most contentious marriage-related issues - consent and age of spouses, dower, polygamy, and divorce - are adjudicated…. Edited by Stephanie Cronin. Yet the deeper issues contained within these controversies — secularism versus religious belief, individual freedom versus social or….

While there are many books on Islamic family law, the literature on its enforcement is scarce. This book focuses on how Islamic family law is interpreted and applied by judges in a range of Muslim countries — Sunni and Shi'a, as well as Arab and non-Arab. It thereby aids the understanding of…. The main assumption is that peacemaking that entails territorial compromise is an issue that can only…. Edited by Hannah Carter , Anoushiravan Ehteshami. Carter and Ehteshami consider the significant geopolitical, economic and security links between the Middle East and the wider Asian world - links which are often overlooked when the Middle East is considered in isolation or in terms of its relations with the West, but which are of growing….

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The book argues that despite the…. The recent "Arab spring", with its popular uprisings in many Arab countries, has exposed the ambiguity at the heart of American promotion of democracy in the Middle East. The US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were packaged as democracy promotion, as heralding the beginning of a new phase in the…. The Muslim Brotherhood is one of the oldest and most influential Islamist movements. The Oslo secret negotiations from to were some of the most astonishing and also successful negotiations in the Middle East, leading to the mutual recognition between the PLO and Israel.

Through an in-depth examination of the Oslo negotiations, this book argues that at the core of the….

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By Anoushiravan Ehteshami , Emma C. This pioneering book is the first comprehensive study of the Red Sea as a sub-region of the international system in its own right. Examining the international politics of the Red Sea region from the Cold War to the present day, it argues that the Red Sea area demonstrates the characteristics of a….

Both Turkey and Iran are large and important countries in the Middle East; how these two countries relate to each other is of crucial importance both for the region and for the wider world. This book explores the diplomatic, security and energy relations of these two middle power states since ,….

Edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami , Reza Molavi. Much attention in the West has focused on Iran as a problem country. This book challenges the representations of Iran as a hostile regional power led by ideologues, and goes further by discussing how international relations are viewed from inside Iran itself, outlining the factors which underpin…. Although Christians form a significant proportion of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel, very little research has, until now, been undertaken to examine their complicated position within Israel.

This book demonstrates the limits of analyses which characterise state-minority relations in Israel…. This book discusses the idea that there is a specific Islamic form of entrepreneurship.

1st Edition

Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series. Series Editor: University of Durham, UK Islamism and Cultural Expression in the Arab World book cover The Sudanese Communist Party: Ideology and Party Politics book cover. The Communist Movement in the Arab World (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series) [Tareq Y. Ismael] on *FREE* shipping on.

Based on extensive original research amongst small and medium sized enterprises in Saudi Arabia, it shows how businesses are started and how they grow in the context of an Islamic economy and society. Since gaining independence in , Sudan has endured a troubled history, including the longest civil war in African history in Southern Sudan and more recent conflicts such as the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.

This book explores this history of ensuing conflict, examining why Sudan failed to…. At a time of momentous shifts in the balance of world economic forces epitomized by the current oil price boom, the weakening US dollar and the global credit crunch; the meteoric rise of the Arabian peninsula cannot be understated. Neither, therefore, can their planned monetary union. The position of the Persian Gulf as the main highway between East and West has long given this region special significance both within the Middle East and in global affairs more generally.

This book examines the history of international relations in the Gulf since the s as great powers such as…. This book provides a detailed analysis of China's foreign policy towards the Gulf and Arabian peninsula region from the establishment of the People's Republic of China in to the end of the 20th century. What are VitalSource eBooks? For Instructors Request Inspection Copy. We provide complimentary e-inspection copies of primary textbooks to instructors considering our books for course adoption.

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Toggle navigation Additional Book Information. Description Table of Contents Author s Bio. Summary This book examines the communist movement in the Arab world from the time of the Russian revolution until after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It traces the interaction of the world communist movement which was characterized by an uncritical acceptance of Marxism-Leninism, and local communists, who moved from initial dependence on Moscow to a position more adapted to local circumstances and sensitivities that could be characterized as a distinctive 'Arab communism'. It goes on to trace the impact of 'Arab communism' on a range of issues in the region, arguing that the role of Arab communist parties was highly significant, and disproportionate to the relatively small numbers of communists in the countries concerned.