Beyond Behavior: Construction of an Overarching Psychological Theory of Lifestyles

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The Functional Model Motivation and Learning. Perceiving Processing and Managing Threats to Survival. On the Outside Looking In. Construction of an Overarching Psychological Theory of The influence of positive affect on the decision rule in risk situations: Focus on outcome and especially avoidance of loss rather than probability.

Disordered eating attitudes and behaviors, psychological adjustment, and ethnic identity: A comparison of Black and White female college students. Individual differences in locus of control during the second half of the life span for identical and fraternal twins reared apart and reared together. Journal of Gerontology, 44, National Committee for Injury Prevention and Control. Am J Prev Med. Reducing the burden of injury: National Academy Press, Progress and potential in injury control. Am J Public Health. Increasing the use of bicycle helmets: A conceptual framework for developing and evaluating behavior change interventions for injury control.

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Integrating perspectives on the prevention of unintentional injuries. Integrating behavioral and social sciences with public health. American Psychological Association, Rothengatter T, Vaya EC. Traffic and transport psychology: Injury and domestic violence prevention. Sleet DA, Lonero L.

Behavioral strategies for reducing traffic crashes. Encyclopedia of public health. McMillan Publishing Company, Bibliography of behavioral science research in unintentional injuries. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, J Public Health Policy. Behavior and injury prevention: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, You are dangerous to your health: Int J Health Serv.

Bennett P, Murphy S. Psychology and health promotion. Open University Press, Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center. Systematic review of childhood injury prevention interventions.

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Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, Last accessed August 19, Handbook of clinical health psychology. Medical disorders and behavioral applications. The roles of legislation, education and reinforcement in changing road user behaviour. Gorin SS, Arnold J, eds. Health education and injury control: Health promotion in childhood and young adolescence for the prevention of unintentional injuries.

Health Education Authority, Green LW, Kreuter M. The case for more active policy attention to health promotion. Using the Haddon matrix: Behavior change approaches to deterring alcohol-impaired driving. Advances in health education and promotion: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd, Oxford University Press, Health behavior and health education: Nutbeam D, Harris E.

Theory in a nutshell: Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research.

Navigation menu Beyond Behavior: Construction of an Overarching Psychological Theory of Lifestyles (): Glenn D. Walters: Books. Beyond Behavior: Construction of an Overarching Psychological Theory of Lifestyles: Glenn D. Walters.

Institute of Medicine, Committee on Health and Behavior. Exposure to urban violence: The contribution of social and behavioral research to an understanding of the distribution of disease: Sallis JF, Owen N. An ecological perspective on health promotion programs. Glanz K, Rimer BK. Theory at a glance: National Cancer Institute, Ecological foundations of health promotion. Am J Health Promot. Rating our progress in population health promotion: Community health education methods: Central Michigan University, Mayfield Publishing Company, Developing computerized tailored health messages.

Glenn D. Walters

Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: Media advocacy and public health: Minkler M, Wallerstein N. Improving health through community organization and community building. A five-stage community organization model for health promotion, empowerment and partnership strategies. Health promotion at the community level: Sleet D, Hopkins K. Working group on behavioral science and unintentional injury prevention: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Grossman D, Johnston B.

Behavioral approaches to injury control: Application of behavioral sciences to injury control. University of Montreal Press, The health belief model: Fishbein M, Ajzen I. Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Stages and processes of self change of smoking: J Consult Clin Psychol. Behavior analysis and public health perspectives: Perceived self-efficacy in the exercise of personal agency.

Psychol Bull Br Psychol Soc. Parental injury prevention endeavors: The theory of planned behavior. Organ Behav Hum Decision Processes. Factors associated with the use of child restraint devices.

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Working toward freedom from violence: The process of ending abuse in intimate relationships. Strategies for motivating safety belt use: Applying behavioral principles to motor vehicle occupant protection. Feedback interventions and driving speed: J Appl Behav Anal.

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Ragnarsson RS, Bjorgvinsson T. Effects of public posting on driving speed in Icelandic traffic. The effectiveness of parents in promoting the development of road crossing skills in young children. Br J Educ Psychol. Intervening to improve the safety of occupational driving: J Organ Behav Management.

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Modifying driver behavior with passenger feedback. Transport Res Part F: Elaborative and behavioral rehearsal in the acquisition of fire emergency skills and the reduction of fear of fires. Emergency fire safety skills: Behavioral approaches to preventing childhood injuries. Intervention with alcohol-impaired drivers by peers, parents and purveyors of alcohol.

The human side of accident prevention: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, The behavior-based safety process. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, The psychology of safety. Behavior change counseling in the emergency department to reduce injury risk: Alcohol problems among emergency department patients: Psychological interventions to prevent HIV infection are urgently needed: Evaluating HIV prevention interventions.

Factors influencing behavior and behavior change.


National Institute of Mental Health, Kanfer R, Kanfer FH. Advances in motivation and achievement. Values, attitudes and interpersonal behavior. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation University of Nebraska Press, Developing effective behavior change interventions: