The Reading Workout: A 30-Day Plan That Turns Teenagers into Readers

You can do this by serving as a scribe for him, writing what he tells you to write, or you could get speech-to-text software for your computer. Many phones have speech-to-text capabilities in many apps as well. By removing the physical act of writing from the creative act, he can show his intelligence in writing and can build up his physical abilities separately.

Having a diagnosis can help both him and his teachers to have better expectations and to work toward improving his skills. He should be able to receive help in his struggling areas as well.

Dysgraphia: How can I help my child?

I hope this helps some. This blog post contains many ideas for helping your son too. Please let me know if you have additional questions. My son is seven, yes he struggle with dysgraphia,am just identifing this name,it has being difficult for me. Please let me know if you have any questions about dysgraphia or anything else. After reading this article I believe that my son who is in 5th grade has dysgraphia.

He has adha and also at school has an iep but I am not inagreemet with how the school handles teaching students. After reading this I know we will be teach our kids next year. Joyce and Jason, Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or need help with placement or anything else as you begin teaching your kids next year! We are the parents of a 16 year old high school junior, and we are beginning to think that our daughter may have dysgraphia.

Her handwriting is horrible and she has always struggled with English in school and it seems like she has to put twice the effort to get a good grade. When she was in 4th grade we brought the topic of her handwriting to her doctor and he just said that some kids just have bad handwriting and that we could look into occupational therapy, which we did, but did little to improve her handwriting. She is a very smart girl and she has good grades, especially in math and science, but she hates subjects where she has to write a lot. She does ok in them, but with college around the corner, we want to make sure that she succeeds and that this will not prevent her from reaching her full potential.

We would appreciate and suggestions and tips on how to proceed with this. We just hope that it is not too late for her. Alex, High school can be difficult enough with added struggles. I feel for you and your daughter. When you say she has always struggled with English, do you mean just with the physical act of writing or has she also struggled with reading, spelling, and so on? If she struggles with reading and spelling as well, the approach you need will be different. Building up her reading skills would be the absolute priority. However, I am thinking it is just writing at this point, as you mention that she does okay in classes she has to write a lot in and poor reading would hinder her doing well in other subjects like science too.

It might be worth speaking with her physician again and pursuing a diagnosis.

Symptoms of Dysgraphia

Things like computerized or oral testing instead of having to handwrite answers on tests could make a large difference for her. Definitely work with her on being able to type quickly and accurately as this will help immensely in college. It is never too late to help a willing person improve. However, without knowing more details about how she struggles and not having examples, I am having trouble giving concrete suggestions on how to begin helping her. Her struggles are with writing. She is not an avid reader, but she reads ok and has no problems in her math and science classes at school.

Her difficulties are when asked to write. It seems to me that she has the ideas, but have difficulty putting it on paper. We are planning to talk to her doctor about this. Alex, Thank you for getting back to me. I do think following up with her doctor is a good idea. Consider working with her on pre-writing, things she does before she attempts to put sentences together. Pre-writing can take many forms, but I think she may find things like graphic organizers and outlining the most helpful.

Inspiration 9 software for computers or Inspiration Maps for iPads and iPhones allows students to put together very visual representations of what they want to write, a type of graphic organizer, and when they are finished the software puts it into an outline for them. They offer a day free trial. It allows students to do all the thinking of what they want to say and how they want to say it before writing a single sentence. After the Key Word Outline is complete, writing the first draft of a paper is straight-forward and even simple.

Institute for Excellence in Writing has great customer service that can help you get started. In short, look for ways she can plan out what she wants to write before he actually starts writing. After she has a plan, writing should be easier, especially if she focuses on typing or speech-to-text software. My son is almost 16 and has struggled with Dysgraphia his whole life but only got the diagnosis at We homeschool him and always have. Our bigger problem than handwriting is getting ideas out of his and on paper. He can type and dictate but his brain works far quicker than his mouth can get things out.

The mechanics are easier to solve than the thought processes. Any help you can give would be appreciated!!! Jennifer, Organizing thoughts into clear and logical writing is difficult for many students. Consider working with him on pre-writing, things he does before he attempts to put sentences together. Pre-writing can take many forms, but I think he may find things like graphic organizers and outlining the most helpful.

Inspiration 9 software for computers or Inspiration Maps for iPads and iPhones allows students to put together very visual representations of what they want to write and when they are finished puts it into an outline for them. There is a 30 day free trial for each. In short, look for ways he can plan out what he wants to write before he actually starts writing. After he has a plan, he can easily refer to it whenever his mind gets ahead of his writing.

Our daughter is 11 and in 5th grade and we have been concerned for awhile about her handwriting and spelling. She is misspelling the simplest of words that I know she knew and trying to spell them phonetically with out any success. At conferences the teacher mentioned these to concerns but told us not to worry as everything will be done on computers and through spell check. We left not agreeing and wondering what to do next. We are just getting the runaround and no one wants to help us. She is diagnosed with SPD, poor core strength and according to a psychologist is high up on the hyperactivity but because she has no concerns in school cannot diagnos ADHD positive she has.

Also because of concerns with younger brother all have had genetic testing and apparently I passed a deletion that may cause learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD and other neurological disorders. She is smart and very creative and just want the best for her. Jennifer, I am very happy this came up on your news feed! I agree that relying on spell check is not ideal. In addition, handwriting has not and is not likely to go completely away in the digital age. Lastly, people judge bad spelling. Work with her daily on her b and d confusion.

Our blog post Letter Reversals will help. Spend time daily doing the air writing. It may feel silly, but it is effective especially for those that have had problems with letters for a long time. Please note, however, that with older children like your daughter, it can take daily work with confused letters for a long while before they finally master them for once and all. My co-worker worked with her daughter for five minutes or so every day for most of her 4th-grade year.

Look at this comment to the blog post by a teacher that specializes in helping students with learning disabilities. She has a unique approach that works wonders for her students and I think it is worth considering as well. For her spelling problems, I think you will find All About Spelling to make a difference.

We recommend just 15 to 20 minutes a day , so it can be done around her school schedule. Also, short lessons filled with a variety of activities keeps even ADHD students focused! All About Spelling breaks every teaching down into its most basic steps and then teaches the lessons in a logical order, carrying students from one concept or skill to the next. Each step builds on what the student has already mastered.

Even better, All About Spelling has built-in review in every lesson. Students that struggle generally need lots of review in order to retain concepts for the long term.

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Your daughter will have a Review Box so you can customize the review. This way, you can concentrate on just the things that she needs help with, with no time wasted on reviewing things that she already knows. We do recommend that struggling spellers start with level 1 to build a strong foundation in spelling. Pull out several words as examples. Make sure she understands the concept being taught, and then move on. This blog article has a good example of how you might fast track. I hope this helps give you an idea of what to do next. Please let me know if you have more questions or need anything.

In what ways is he having problems? Since you wrote this on our dysgraphia blog post, I think he is having trouble with writing. Does he read well? Partway through Level 3, the Writing Station activity is introduced. In this exercise, students write sentences of their own that they make up using some of their spelling words. In this way students have begun to use words in a more real-world context through dictation and writing, to help them transition to longer writing assignments. Hello , My son is 8 and diagnosed with ASD. He recognise letters and copy well.

Adam, It is so hard when your child struggles! Once your son has a good start in reading, then he will be ready to begin spelling and then writing. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am wondering- I have felt for 3 years that my now 8 year old second grade son has dysgraphia. BUT, he reads two levels ahead of his peers, always gets on spelling tests, even bonus words, with no studying, and is considered very bright by his teacher.

When not rushed, he actually has pretty good handwriting. He does appear to have trouble seeing the tv at times and is color blind despite passing a regular eye exam but not the color blind part. It seems to be all on the computer which I think might be best for him. Melanie, I sorry to hear your son is struggling with writing, but the details of his strengths and weaknesses are very interesting.

Were you able to show your doctor an example of his writing that shows all of the things you listed here? Maybe that, with a letter from his teacher saying that his writing is behind his performance in all other areas, will convince your doctor to refer your son for evaluation from an occupational therapist. Having had a perfectionist 8-year-old, what you are describing does not sound like perfectionism to me.

I think you may find our article on Vision Problems interesting.

The Reading Workout: A 30-Day Plan That Turns Teenagers Into Readers

However, I do know you can adapt any curriculum to fit the needs of a child that struggles with writing. This article outlines many ways. I look for if she is showing an understanding of the science, not how well she wrote the answer. I save focusing on her writing for when we are doing spelling dictation and writing curriculum. Of course, my daughter is 11 now. When she was 8 I had her do her science questions orally and focused on hands-on experimentation and reading for science. Let me know if you have questions or need anything.

My son is 9 years old and he is a typical boisterous boy. Lots of energy which can be problematic however he can focus when he needs to. We work a lot with his spellings, doing writing and verbal repetition which appears to be working as he is doing well is his spelling tests. However the second he needs to write a sentence or paragraph it all goes out the window and spells basic words wrong, even getting letters confused like b and d. It feels that any substantial writing undoes all our hard work. I thought I better add that he is also behind with his reading level.

Any help on what to do next would help. There are many aspects and foundational skills of spelling that are required to be successful at it. Repetition does not address these foundational skills. Thank you for adding that he is also behind in reading, as that gives an even clearer idea that your son most likely needs to work on foundational skills in order to be successful with both reading and spelling. Students that struggle like this are better served by going back to ensure that all the gaps in their knowledge are filled. You may find our blog post on Signs of a Reading Problem informative.

It sounds like your son would benefit from our level 1 of All About Spelling. Level 1 has specific techniques to solve these problems. For reading, we have placement tests for All About Reading to help you decide which level would be best. Also, we recommend having your son read the sample stories from the previous level online as a further confirmation. You want him to be reading fluently with good comprehension before going to a higher level. Level 1 sample story Level 2 sample story Level 3 sample story Level 4 sample story. Evaluate without correcting your son for the following… His ability to decode the words in the story.

His ability to comprehend the story. Could he fluently read the story with expression? Did he understand the words from a vocabulary standpoint? My son is eight years old in the second grade he has been in speech since he was 3 his handwriting is bad. He can not take good notes for studying because I can not understand his writing he is a great reader he can not spell words on his level. He struggles with math also. His teacher say verbally he knows the information but can not put it on paper so tests scores or low what should I do.

Once you understand a cause for his struggles, you can look into ways to help him, such as occupational therapy. His school should be able to provide him with help as well. In the meantime, remove the physical task of writing from learning as much as possible. For example, he can tell you what he wants to write and you write it for him. He could also start to learn how to type. The other ideas in this blog post can help as well. My son is in fifth grade. He has been in speech therapy since he was 18 months.

He did not speak until he was 5. We had him public school with an IEP until fourth grade. He made limited progress in reading, writing, and spelling. He is a solid math student. We just had his second conference at his new school which is a specialty school for kids with language based learning disabilities. We feel he is making better progress in reading, writing and spelling; yet it is still quite slow. In math, the small class size and individual attention has allowed him to flourish he went from scoring in the 50th percentile on national tests to th percentile.

At the conference, the teacher said he was a leader in class and there was no doubt he knew the material. He consistently and correctly answers questions in class. However, when asked to pen to paper to answer the question; the answers are illegible or unintelligible. I walked out of the conference wondering do you keep pushing or do you start thinking creatively and asking for things such as oral assessments, a scribe, multiple choice tests only, etc.

I am someone who is always looks ahead. It is my hope if he wants to he will become a college graduate. I do not want to give him crutches now he can never shed but I also do not want let him fall behind when in fact intellectually he can comprehend the material. Funny thing about crutches, no one uses them unless they really need them and then they lay them aside as soon as they can. It is much the same with accommodations to help with learning. Students naturally desire to do things as everyone else does them.

However, using audiobooks so the student can move forward with learning about science, history, literature, and more while also continuing to work on reading is best. Children that struggle with dysgraphia to the point of being unintelligible, as you described, may need occupational therapy to help them overcome the difficulties. However, using accommodations, such as oral assessments and allowing him to use speech-to-text software and such, while continuing to work on his physical ability to write, will allow him to make the most progress in all areas.

I tutor an 8th grader who has moderate dyslexia and mild dysgraphia. When I give her a sentence from AAS, if I change it up and just tell her the target words to use, she makes up her own sentence. Her school has a great student portal for several subject areas. For example, they are reading a graphic novel about Frankentein by Gus Grimsby I think. She can read and listen online. Then, the short answer and essay questions are also online, with prompts of various kinds.

She will type her response, and then dictate to me or her mom during homework to expand it. I still work on writing skills with her. In a test situation, it can be hard to juggle spelling, grammar, vocabulary, ideas, etc all at the same time, which leads to messier work! I hope it helps. Nancy, Yes, it does sound the school is really making an effort to accommodate her needs in such a helpful way!

My son is in 5th grade and excels in reading. When he has to write out an original thought, his handwriting is illegible. Can someone with dysgraphia copy letters neatly but write illegibly when composing original thought? Shawna, There is a LOT going one when someone writes their own original words. When writing original writing you have to focus on content, creativity, organization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, capitalization, what kind of audience you are addressing, and much more. When copying, most or even all of these things go away and you only have to focus on handwriting and copying correctly.

Can he read his own handwriting when writing originally? Have him write a first draft. Or he could even type the final draft. Note, not every paper will need this two-step process, but it is a good habit to develop. Even students without learning difficulties benefit from doing a first draft and then a final draft. It is very commonly required college English classes. What do I do is giving me sleepless night,gave him a home teacher over the years no improvement.

However, there are many helpful tips in this blog post. My son is almost 8 years old. He is good at reading and spelling. His handwriting is appalling and he hates writing. His tutor has noticed that he doesnt hold his pencil properly. Is it too late to change the way he holds his pencil?

Also he writes very short sentences and struggles with story writing and adding creativity to it. Rather, you would need to change his grip in order to protect his joints, reduce hand pain, or improve writing speed, as ineffective grips can cause locked joints and other problems. Also, it is normal for a 7-year-old child to not do well with story writing and creativity. Pretty much all 7 and 8-year-olds are bad writers. Some children do much better with cursive. Handwriting Without Tears was developed by an occupational therapist and uses a simplified cursive style that makes neater writing much easier.

My son in 9th class. He has a problem in writing the spelling. Either leaves the last letter of the word or jumble the letters in the word or mis our a letter in the word. What is the solution. It sounds like your son is having difficulty hearing each sound of a word in order. Learning to segment words may help him. This is also covered in All About Spelling level 1. Those that struggle with spelling need to start at level 1, regardless of age, although he can fast track through the things he knows and only focus on the concepts that he needs to master.

Hi, Can I please use your image regarding posture. I am doing a class poster and this imagine would be perfect. Kind regards, Hannah King. Hi my son is 7 year old, he is gr8 in reading he read high level than his grade, he is very good in math all correct,he is nice, polite ,well mannered boy.

His handwriting is good nitlley perfect spece in between to letter he always want n try to write correct spelling n he did……….. But her teacher told me he his very slow in writing,he take 3 times more than normal kid……. Thank u for ur help. Gar, A child that is carefully writing and wanting to be perfect is not lazy.

It is a child that putting more work into than other children. He may be having a problem, but he is still young so he may just need more practice and encouragement. Consider speaking with his teacher about her thoughts. She may have an idea of your son is having difficulty with writing, or if he is a perfectionist. Sometimes children that are advanced in some areas, like reading, think they ought to be advanced in all areas.

Hi my daughter is 7 years old and her teacher thinks she has dygraphia. Just trying to get my head around it. She can refer your daughter to an occupational therapist for evaluation and therapy, if needed. Who would diagnosis a child for dysgraphia? My grandaughter is struggling with spelling and writing. Also using her pencil correctly. She is ahead of schedule in her reading.

She is in 3rd grade! Do we start with her dr. Or seek occupational therapy etc.? Lisa, Typically, you start with her pediatrician or family doctor referring her for evaluation from an occupational therapist or psychologist who specializes in learning disabilities. My 2nd grade son refuses to write paragraphs at all, he can only write short sentences and yet he reverses letters , he is always accused by being lazy and slow at school and this really affects his self steam and attitude towards school and his mates But the thing he also refuses to obey many rules at home acting like an angry teenager , how could I be sure that dysgraphia is the cause of this stress or difficulty in writing is rather caused by other psychological issues?

First, reversing letters and not being able to write more than a couple short sentences is not uncommon for a 2nd-grade student. His behavioral and emotional responses seem more concerning to me. It does sound like he is struggling with something that is affecting how he acts and responds. Consider discussing your concerns with his teacher and his pediatrician. Vinayak, Most students will be perfectly willing to write, although they might not enjoy it, if they are not struggling. Students that are compliant in all areas except one typically have a very good reason, often a learning disability, for that one area of unwillingness.

He has a very high IQ and does very well on standardized tests. Being tired or stressed will make problems worse, for example. It may be worthwhile to speak with his pediatrician about a consult to an occupational therapist for an evaluation for dysgraphia. If he gets a dysgraphia diagnosis, the school will need to accommodate him for that. Hello,i am a single mum i have a 9 yrs old son his in primary 5. I am so sorry your son is struggling in this way.

I can tell that you highly value education for your son, but the best way to help him may not be more of the same teaching with more discipline and less play. He may need to be taught in a different way that allows him to learn easily, much like he learned the guitar so very fast. Please take a look at our Signs of a Reading Problem blog post and see if any of the signs there are things your son struggles with. If your son has a learning disability, like dyslexia or auditory processing disorder or something else, he may need a different approach to learning in order to have full success.

With the right learning approach, full success is possible! I would love to help you further with this. I am available here, or through email at support allaboutlearningpress. Hello, this page has really been helpful to me. My 3years old son David, has been showing these symptoms too, i can generally say that he is orally sound but cannot express his thoughts in written form compared to children of his age. He has a poor pencil grip, bad writing, with inverted numbers and letters.

It is just so unfortunate that most teachers are not educated about this subject in Nigeria where i stay so handling him has been so discouraging. I will try all that i have learnt from this page and see how far it helps him. I will also see how i can secure a good school for him in the USA or any other advance country where he can fully be handled and understood. Bukky, 3 years old is very young, and it is within normal range for children that young to have poor fine motor skills. In fact, many 3-year-olds cannot write letters at all.

Also, it is normal for children to invert letter and numbers until they are near to 8 years old. I understand your concern for your son, but he may develop better writing skills as he ages. Thanks Robin, your reply is a great relief to me now. Just that a lot is expected from him here in his school.

I was in fact advised by his school head to allow him repeat kindergarten 1 since he could not meet up with his fellow colleagues who are of same age so i actually became discouraged and so we began to expect alot from him. My 10 year old daughter has a number of the symptoms listed in the checklist.

She has trouble with — spelling words correctly — organizing thoughts and ideas into written expression. She is very bright and very good with Math above grade. She reads a lot and has good reading comprehension. However, she has trouble with spelling words phonetically.

See a Problem?

When she reads aloud, she would missed small words, replaced words with other words e. Her writing often have missing words. She struggles with writing anything more than a few sentences. Her handwriting is poor. Claire, It does sound like your daughter may have dysgraphia. However, some of the things you mention are also symptoms of dyslexi a as well. It is possible to have both dyslexia and dysgraphia as well. You will have to decide of pursuing an official diagnosis is worth the cost, a cost often not covered by insurance.

However, you can help her even without a diagnosis. Both All About Reading and All About Spelling are Orton-Gillingham based, which is a proven approach for helping students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. She is also a member of Pro Literacy, has previously served on the Board of Directors of the Literary Task Force in Wisconsin, and tutored students for more than 20 years. You might like to visit our Dyslexia Resources Page. Here are some ways that All About Spelling can help kids with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning difficulties:. AAS breaks every teaching down into its most basic steps and then teach the lessons in a logical order, carrying students from one concept or skill to the next.

Research has shown that when a child is taught through all three pathways at the same time, a method known as simultaneous multisensory instruction, he will learn significantly more than when taught only through his strongest pathway. Working with the letter tiles can make the difference between understanding or not understanding a concept.

The script is very clear, without excess verbiage. Children with learning difficulties generally need lots of review in order to retain concepts. This way, you can concentrate on just the things that your child needs help with, with no time wasted on reviewing things that your child already knows. All About Spelling has a one-year guarantee. Hi, I have a year-old son who has a fair amount of these symptoms. He has excellent spelling, however. He only seems to have problems with the actual handwriting aspect. He gets tired easily and gets cramps and sore fingers from writing.

He hates showing his handwriting at school because the teachers constantly berate him and make him feel useless. Is there a chance he could have this, even with good spelling? Logan, Dysgraphia can exist without spelling issues. It may be worth it to see into getting him evaluated for dysgraphia.

His physician will be able to give him a referral. I do thank God for have landed on your blog the information is very helpful. My son who is eight year born was with a lot of difficulties. During delivery his head come out and the rest of the body got stuck for 45 minutes.

Am grateful to God because he is alive. The challenge with my son is he cant copy notes from the board some letter like s write like,pand 9,d andp,writing a sentence its too hard he gets frustrated and cries. I took him to Kenya institute of special education for assessment,they advised not to take him to special school let him in the schools with other normal kids.

Please advice what should i do will greatly appreciate. God has a plan for him. Is your son going to school now? If homeschooling is an option, I would consider that—then you would be able to work with him one on one, and might be able to help him overcome his handwriting struggles.

The ideas in this blog article can help. Work on letter formation with your son so that he can become more automatic with those letters he struggles with. Definitely check out our article on letter reversals for the letters he confuses p and 9, d and p, etc… Many of those same methods like air-writing and tactile methods are also helpful for reinforcing correct letter strokes, which will in turn help his handwriting. When he can become more automatic with individual letters, that will help him with writing words and sentences.

Help him build up his stamina. Encourage him to do what he can and not give up! Thanks Merry for the reply,yes my son goes to school. I will use the information provided to help him. Thanks and God bless you for your kindness. Hi, I am a retired High School teacher and was asked by the parents to help their 11year old with writing.

By the time a reader finishes the book, he or she will have also read one of their own choosing. Aug 14, Sean Kottke rated it really liked it Shelves: This is an excellent self-described self-help book for turning non-readers into engaged readers. It embraces solid principles of learning, presenting a program of spaced, varied and interleaved practice in different habits of expert engaged readers, applying the best of what we know about cognitive learning to affective learning. Not a bad blueprint for the first month of school, should you find yourself tasked with getting a classroom full of disengaged teens or adults to read.

Feb 16, Terri rated it really liked it. Beatty has great advice for those who want to be readers but have never found enjoyment in it. Very practical, easy steps could make huge changes in students and adults. Now if he only had a fix to make them want to do it! I'm not sure reluctant readers will be willing to start, much less stick with Beatty for 30 days. Feb 16, Lynn Green rated it really liked it Shelves: Beatty's book gives a lot of good advice on developing good reading habits including read what you like and read everyday. The book is designed to appeal to non-readers, so the language is informal, personal, and humorous.

I am considering getting some copies of this and trying it out on some of my students. Sep 08, Mrs. Krajewski rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a good book for new teachers, or any teachers trying to come up with ways to encourage their students to read. It's a little too formulaic for me in some ways not allowing reading on some days, not allowing reading ahead, etc. Georgia rated it really liked it Jul 30, Alicia Farley marked it as to-read Mar 04, Gabrielle marked it as to-read Jul 05, Autumn Ouellette marked it as to-read Sep 09, Andrea Geist marked it as to-read Jan 03, Katie Day marked it as to-read Feb 18, He makes me want to keep teaching to use his ideas and make them mine Jun 25, Thebookisthething rated it really liked it.

Not a bad way to get kids who hate to read to think otherwise. It's a tough audience, but this book shows the non-reading kid who has the courage to pick up this book to begin with that reading SHOULD be a personal experience filled with books that are personally interesting. There is a web site for the book, but it is mostly informational about the book.

A book finder might be helpful. Overall, the day plan is simple and to the point. By the time a reader finishes the book, he or she wil Not a bad way to get kids who hate to read to think otherwise.

  1. A Teacher-Focused Approach to Prevent and Reduce Students' Aggressive Behavior;
  2. The Reading Workout: A 30-Day Plan That Turns Teenagers Into Readers.
  3. !
  4. The Reading Workout: A Day Plan That Turns Teenagers Into Readers by Chris Beatty.

By the time a reader finishes the book, he or she will have also read one of their own choosing. Aug 14, Sean Kottke rated it really liked it Shelves: This is an excellent self-described self-help book for turning non-readers into engaged readers. It embraces solid principles of learning, presenting a program of spaced, varied and interleaved practice in different habits of expert engaged readers, applying the best of what we know about cognitive learning to affective learning.

Not a bad blueprint for the first month of school, should you find yourself tasked with getting a classroom full of disengaged teens or adults to read. Feb 16, Terri rated it really liked it. Beatty has great advice for those who want to be readers but have never found enjoyment in it. Very practical, easy steps could make huge changes in students and adults.

Now if he only had a fix to make them want to do it! I'm not sure reluctant readers will be willing to start, much less stick with Beatty for 30 days. Feb 16, Lynn Green rated it really liked it Shelves: Beatty's book gives a lot of good advice on developing good reading habits including read what you like and read everyday. The book is designed to appeal to non-readers, so the language is informal, personal, and humorous. I am considering getting some copies of this and trying it out on some of my students. Sep 08, Mrs.

Krajewski rated it really liked it Shelves: