Chess Fantasy

22 Games of Chess in Fantasy and Science Fiction

Queen to bishop 3 is an illegal move on the board in question ; the correct move would have been queen to bishop 6.


A devoted chess player like Stanley Kubrick would have known that. Or is it unfinished? In Dreamsongs , an anthology of short stories, George R. Martin writes about the repercussions of a missed sacrificing attack during a collegiate chess tournament. Martin, for his part, is a Life Member of the U.

List of chess variants

It makes perfect sense, then, that when IBM engineers built a powerful chess computer in , they borrowed the name. Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov bested Deep Thought in both games of their match. Alice is, of course, a pawn; if she makes it to the eighth rank, she will become a queen. After Bill and Ted are killed, the Grim Reaper promises to resurrect them if they can beat him in a game of chess. They opt for Battleship, Twister, and Clue.

How to Play LOKA - New Fantasy Chess Variant by Mantic Games -

Moves were made rapidly and in silence. The goal is to move the queen along a predetermined pattern; for example from one corner to the other, or visit all squares on the board only once. The same idea is found in the game Hippodrome , which was invented by Andy Lewicki in Then one of the pieces except knights is removed and the game is started. The goal is to move all knights to the opposite rank.

In Robinson also invented a game which Hans Bodlaender named Chess Contradance , as the setup is like a contradance with the two lines facing each other. The pieces are setup as in regular chess, but without pawns. The first and eighth ranks are safe havens, i. The object of the puzzle is to move the pieces such that all pieces move to the opposite back row without ever putting any piece in danger of being captured. Black and White alternate moves.

These variants are very different from chess and may be classified as abstract strategy board games instead of chess variants. Some of these games have developed independently while others are ancestors or relatives of modern chess. The games have their own institutions and traditions.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.

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Chess , one of the possible starting positions. Dunsany's Chess by Lord Dunsany. The anti-king is shown as an inverted king.

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Cannons shown as inverted rooks are on a1, j1, a10, and j Elephants shown as inverted bishops are on a2, j2, a9, and j9. All pieces are placed randomly. All pieces are placed randomly, except for the knights.

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Sittuyin , players elect their own starting setups behind the pawns. Chess variants Shogi variant Xiangqi variant. The Chess Variant Pages. British Chess Variants Society. The Cuban found it 'remarkably interesting' and a match was arranged between him and the Hungarian master Geza Maroczy.

Retrieved 30 July Journal of Information Processing. This will kill another piece. If two mercs from opposing sides are side by side, they both have the ability to slide even if neither is in danger from another piece. If it reaches the final rank, it starts moving forwards the other direction. The bishop is unchanged. The knight attacks by moving n spaces one direction and then n spaces in a perpendicular direction. Vertical and Horizontal only. Can not jump pieces. Originally, one could also shoot arrows, but this did not work well.

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Can move 3 spaces any direction. If one is one space from the end rank, one may take one move to enter the last rank. Capturing pieces is done as so. If the third move takes a piece, the rook can mow down all in his path, Enemy or Friendly. If two opposing golems are touching in any way, they both explode, killing all within one space of themselves and themselves. Other than this, golems are invincible to everything but the adept's Mana Bolt to be explained later unless their adept has died in which case anything can kill them.

Can either teleport to any unoccupied square or attack. Said attack will kill one creature within one space of the assassin. This move will not move the assassin onto the square on which its victim is. Mercenaries can berserk at anytime. First they must spend one turn working themselves up. No piece can move on said turn.

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Player with berserking merc will announce that one merc will be going berserk. He does not have to specify which one. On the following turn, the pawn gets to go on a killing rampage in one direction. He kills everything in his path until he meets a golem whose adept is alive, a shielded player, or the edge of the board. The merc dies at the end of the move.

All pieces that surrounded him when he started can not move for the next 3 turns due to the massive drain of psychic energy. It does not matter whether the surrounding pieces are friend or foe.

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  2. Inside The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: Myths, Mysteries, and Magic from the Chronicles of Narn;
  3. List of chess variants - Wikipedia.
  4. How to play?
  5. Chess Game.

If there is an adept alive, the adept can sacrifice 3 pieces to summon a golem onto an unoccupied space next to him. I hope that you like it. I started it after reading a DragonMirth cartoon in Dragon magazine. In there, a cavalier is saying to a barbarian on the other end of a chess table with all toppled pieces accept for one pawn, "There is no such thing as a berserker pawn!