Remember, Now is the only place from which true answers can eventually emerge. The present moment is your true home, prior to time and space. It is all there is; the calm in the midst of the storm. The real problem begins when we start ruminating on our pain, our sadness, our fears, our anger; brooding over our discomforts, rewinding and fast-forwarding the movie of our lives! We add an unnecessary layer of rumination and resistance to life, and this creates suffering.
Meet the moment on its own terms; see it all as a gift. Show up, for the pleasant and unpleasant, the pleasurable and the painful, without an agenda.
The Joy of Spiritual Awakening: A Beautiful Way of Life Book [Charles Lelly] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Discover the joy of spiritual. The Joy of Spiritual Awakening [Charles Lelly] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
See thoughts and sensations as neutral and impersonal events in awareness. Just like sounds that we hear, thoughts and physical sensations arise and disappear spontaneously, like waves in the ocean of You. They cannot be controlled, deleted, or escaped. Cultivate the same gentle attitude towards thoughts and sensations as you already have towards sounds.
Meet all thoughts and sensations with an attitude of kindness and curiosity. See them as welcome guests in your presence. Thoughts are not you, and they are not reality ; they are only suggestions, possibilities, rumours, propaganda, judgements, voices, images, rewinds and fast-forwards coming and going — clouds in the vast sky of you.
Be the space for them, even if they are very active right now!
Remember, if you notice thoughts, if you are mindful of them, you are not trapped in them. They do not define you.
You are the silent container, not the contained. Breathe into uncomfortable sensations; give them dignity.
Honour them rather than closing off to them, starving them of warmth. In focusing on joy we open up many channels to receive as the universe return what it is given. If we go about each moment with a goal to be joyful we will receive joy in return. It is when you answer your calling in a joyful manner that you bring more joy into your life. I have been sending out direct messages to people to take a moment and visit http: As I focused on the joy that their donation brings to those touched by cancer I realized that my entire attitude changed.
I went from anger to happiness in a matter of moments. It was when we change our focus that our entire perspective changes. In this season of celebration and renewal let us all show joy to others who are making a positive impact on the world.
It teaches us this lesson with its other lessons of fear and security. You do not have to join a cult. You are the silent container, not the contained. Remember, Now is the only place from which true answers can eventually emerge. Take the focus off the 10, steps to come, the 10, steps you have not yet trodden, the 10, things that are missing right now, and remember the present step, this ancient living ground, your own intimate presence. The fears which you see all around you, which the media and the noisy world constantly bombard you with are really created by your mind. We cover it up with sticky plaster but that will only hold for a while, then the entire system will collapse.
Let us be happy for those who are following their passion and taking action thus having success. Let us find joy in what others are doing and celebrate them. Let us become cheerful givers by bring a bit of joy into everything we do. Let us celebrate life and cherish the happy moments so that we can create a ripple effect with peace, love, joy, and understanding rule the day.
Make it a point today and everyday to find a moment to praise GOD and be grateful for what GOD has delivered unto you. Remember it is not about the materialistic things in life it is about being of service and value to others and being joyous in your daily life.
Peace Corps Volunteer in The Philippines It is my hope that you will accept it as a gift and use it to move forward on your journey as you continue to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Mail will not be published required. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Spiritual And Personal Development Materials.
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