A Dog Named Rockie

Back in the day, Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. Things got so bad that he even ended up homeless. Yes, he slept at the New York bus station for 3 days. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to any stranger. He says he walked away crying. He wrote the script for 20 hours! He wanted to STAR in the movie.

A Dog Named Rockie - David L. Fourman - Google Книги

But the studio said NO. He left with his script. They wanted his movie. The rest is history! And on the 3rd day, he saw the man coming with the dog. Stallone explained why he sold the dog and begged for the dog back. And the guy refused. And he finally got his dog back! Pessimists might say so, and advise Stallone to try something more sure, like the Irish Sweepstakes. An acquaintance of Rocky's; this name is fitting of a chubby pup. Joe Frazier, former boxer, makes a cameo in the original Rocky. Joe Spinelli played the part of Gazzo; this name fits a hunting dog.

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Votes Name Vote 0 Adrian. Talia Shire played the part of Adrian Balboa in all the Rocky films.

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Brigitte Nelson played the part of Ludmilla; she later married Sylvester Stallone. Sylvia Meals played the part of Apollo Creed's wife; she was also Adrian's friend. One of Rocky's antagonists in the original film; this name is fitting of a Yorkie. Apollo Creed's wife; this name is fitting of a hunting dog.

A feminine version of Ivan Drago's name; this name fits an elegant dog.

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Is your dog spoiled? Renata This name means "reborn;" Rocky's career was reborn after Apollo's death. Are his sleeping quarters made of out of the same memory foam you have been dreaming of owning for yourself for years? Do you have an outgoing personality, and find it easy to strike up conversation with people on the street? Yeva This name means "giver of life;" Rocky fought in memory of his friend. Do you pamper him at every beckon? Fats An acquaintance of Rocky's; this name is fitting of a chubby pup.

Russian name meaning "holiness;" this name fits a loyal dog. A traditional Russian dog name; this name is fitting of a dog with a sweet personality. One of the royal Romanoff girls; this name is fitting of an elegant pup. This name means "reborn;" Rocky's career was reborn after Apollo's death. This name means "harvester" in Russian; this fits a working dog breed.

This name means "giver of life;" Rocky fought in memory of his friend. The Russian princess who was rumored to survive her family's assassination. This name means "wisdom" in Russian; it is fitting of a regal dog. A popular female Russian name; it means "unconquerable". This Russian name means "small;" it is fitting of a Maltese or a Yorkie. This Russian name means "who is like God? This female Russian name means "pure;" it is fitting of a Maltese.

This name can mean "alluring" in some variations; it is fitting of a designer pup. This Russian name means "favor;" it is fitting of a Labrador Retriever. This Ukranian name means "welcoming;" this name is fitting of a Pug. This female Russian name means "dear little one;" it is fitting of a Yorkie. This name refers to the birth of Christ, and is appropriate for a pup given as a Christmas gift.

This Russian name means "peaceful;" it is fitting of the Basenji barkless dog. Written by a Boston Terrier Lover. More articles by Treba.

Rocky The star of the movie; always a tenacious underdog. Paulie Rocky's trainer; this name is fitting of an Italian Greyhound. Apollo Apollo Creed; Rocky's best friend who is killed by Drago. Drago The Russian boxer who will stop at nothing to win. Duke One of Rocky's companions; this name is fitting of a regal dog. Nicoli One of Drago's handlers; this name is perfect for a Russian hound. James Brown The Godfather of Soul makes a cameo appearance in the film.


Igor One of Drago's handlers; this name is perfect for a pup that is strong. Sylvester As in Stallone; he is the primary character in all Rocky films. Dolph Dolph Lundgren; plays the part of Ivan Drago. Mickey Rocky's original trainer; this name fits any tough and wiry pup.

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Butkus Rocky Balboa's dog throughout the movies. Gazzo One of Rocky Balboa's earliest financial supporters. Jergens One of Rocky Balboa's coaches; this name fits a yellow-colored dog. Mike A fellow boxer; also trained by Mickey. Dipper One of Rocky's rival boxers; he seems to be favored by Mickey.

Tony The actor Tony Brown who portrayed Apollo's trainer. Chiptooth A fellow boxer; this name is fitting of a pup who tends to chew. Burgess Burgess Meredith played the part of Mickey; this name is fitting of a small, light-colored pup. Fats An acquaintance of Rocky's; this name is fitting of a chubby pup.

Rocky IV Inspired Dog Names

Frank Sylvester's brother, Frank, makes a cameo in the film. Frazier Joe Frazier, former boxer, makes a cameo in the original Rocky. Stallone Sylvester Stallone often wrote and directed the Rocky movies. Conti Bill Conti composed many of the scores for the movie. Carl Carl Weathers played the recurring role of Apollo Creed. Joe Joe Spinelli played the part of Gazzo; this name fits a hunting dog.

Gene Gene Kirkwood was the executive producer of the movie. Spencer James Spencer was an art director for the Rocky movies.

Adrian Rocky's wife; this name is fitting of a loyal pup. Marie One of Rocky's antagonists in the original film; this name is fitting of a Yorkie. Mary Anne Apollo Creed's wife; this name is fitting of a hunting dog. Gloria Pet shop owner; she is Adrian's boss. Apollonia A female version of Apollo Creed's name. Ivana A feminine version of Ivan Drago's name; this name fits an elegant dog. Olga Russian name meaning "holiness;" this name fits a loyal dog.

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Anna A traditional Russian dog name; this name is fitting of a dog with a sweet personality. Tatiana One of the royal Romanoff girls; this name is fitting of an elegant pup. Renata This name means "reborn;" Rocky's career was reborn after Apollo's death. Zilya This name means "harvester" in Russian; this fits a working dog breed. Danya A Russian variation of Danielle; a very unique name for a pup. Yeva This name means "giver of life;" Rocky fought in memory of his friend.