Buying the Truth

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If you lose your home for heaven, it was a wise investment. Persecution is always worth it. Buying the truth means you will do whatever it takes — leaving friendships, leaving a career, losing the intimacy with your mate, etc. Only those things which are valuable will cost us greatly. Third, it means you buy all the truth. When you come to the Bible, you cannot pick and choose. Do not try to believe half of it, and leave out the other half. You know you have sold the truth if you put an easy life above taking up your cross. And people who sell the truth cower when a difficult obstacle comes.

You know you have sold the truth if you love the pleasures of the world. Too much worldly luxury will lead to apathy and spiritual lethargy. You have sold the truth if the outward is more important to you than the inward.

An Organization for the Promotion of Bible Study

It was no longer a conviction. Buy it, no matter what it costs and when it is yours do not sell it for any price or under any consideration. They hold opinions instead of convictions, because they have given the infallible, unchangeable Word of God little place in their lives. Some of our Two Minutes articles were written many years ago by Pastor C. Stam for publication in newspapers. When many of these articles were later compiled in book form, Pastor Stam wrote this word of explanation in the Preface:.

Rather than rewrite or date such articles, we have left them just as they were when first published. This, we felt, would add to the interest, especially since our readers understand that they first appeared as newspaper articles. To this we would add that the same is true for the articles written by others that we continue to add, on a regular basis, to the Two Minutes library. We hope that you'll agree that while some of the references in these articles are dated, the spiritual truths taught therein are timeless.

Would you like to receive short articles like this one every morning in your email? Subscribe by following the instructions below. To subscribe to email lists, log in or register. Perhaps its something medical. Those things, and they are few, must be purchased at whatever price the seller dictates.

And yet, its value is beyond our resources. The money you drop into the offering box cannot buy Christ, His truth or His eternal home.

Why You Shouldn't Buy a Home

If someone has told you otherwise, then he is a liar and a friend of Satan. Besides the price which He Himself has paid, this Truth costs sinners like us our pride. To become the proud owners of Truth , we must relinquish our self-pride.

We must repent before the owner and dispenser of this truth. Truth , spiritual Truth, the Truth which is in Christ — is one the most hated commodities in the world today. And to possess it ourselves, we must cast aside our prejudice against it. We must be willing to give up our ignorance , and our self-righteousness. The truth may cost us our friends and even our families — our jobs and some of our former joys. Thousands of sinners who have turned to the truth have lost their place in the family burial plot.

To buy this Truth , we have to mean business about giving up sin. For one reason, because its value is constantly increasing. One of the lessons of economics which I have learned — came outside of university.

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

When something is rare it is valuable , and if it can become more rare, it becomes more valuable. But that is not the way of cars — they decrease in value every time we take them on the road. Not only can it never loose its intrinsic value, its relative rarity increases its value. With every passing day, there are fewer and fewer saints of God in this world.

Proverbs 23:23

Oh, there are plenty of imitations and lots of religious hucksters , but fewer people possessing the Truth. The signs of the times suggest that the Lord will be coming soon to collect His people and to pour out His wrath upon this world. That could take place this week. And if it did, there could be people , perhaps some of you, you will come to this place next Sunday morning and find no one here. This pulpit will be empty and there will be no one here to preach the Truth to you.

The first Sunday after the rapture — the translation of the saints — the value of the Truth should be seen more clearly than it ever has been before. Oh, there will still be Bibles laying around — like this big one on the table here.

But the value of the truth contained in its pages will reach astronomical heights. Why should we keep the truth and sell it not? Because it has no value in its resale.

Imagine yourself falling off a bridge into the overflowing Spokane River. You hit the water headfirst and your weight and clothes carry you down into the current. That current sweeps you along and pulls you further down, despite your efforts to swim to the surface. As the seconds pass into the first minute, and the first minute blends into the third, you quickly learn the value of air — oxygen. Clean, breathable air is one of the most precious of all physical commodities. It is ordinarily free. All we need to do is stretch the muscles of our chest and suck in the air. Air is meant to be free.

Why are we instructed to buy the truth and sell it not? Because the moment we put a price on it for resale , it ceases to be valuable.