Fünfzig Jahre Museumsarbeit (German Edition)

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Funfzig Jahre Museumsarbeit - bahana-line.com

During the time span covered by these publications, Canada witnessed an increasing institutionalization of intersectionality. Recent trends in intersectionality research include, first, a more balanced view on processes of marginalization and privileging, acknowledging that a particular group or person might be disadvantaged in one social context On the one hand, comfort is enshrined as a key ideal in practices from nursing to urban planning.

Healthy home and working environments are characterised in terms of comfort levels; ethical behaviour is seen as including comforting others in times of need. On the other hand, comfort is often also seen as an obstacle towards self-growth and achievement. It thus surprising that there is a scarcity of studies exploring competing conceptualizations of comfort and their implications for practices of the self, ethical relations, consumerism e. While a research tradition on comfort exists in nursing studies, ethnology, anthropology, architecture and social geography, there is a need for an interdisciplinary dialogue that includes further theoretical perspectives on how comfort is valorized in different social fields and discourses.

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Literary and cultural studies can offer a vital contribution in analysing the shaping of comfort as a cultural narrative and emotional touchstone. This symposium seeks to address questions such as the following: Wherein lies the value of dis comfort? How is the concept mobilized by specific discourses or ideologies? How do representations of comfort in literature, the arts or media connect to or complicate existing idea l s of comfort?

Please send your abstract ca. We are planning to publish selected papers from the conference in an edited Erfolgversprechende Bewerbungen zeichnen sich durch folgende Qualifikationen aus: Welf Werner hca uni-hd. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig More information in the attachments and at Bitte senden Sie Ihre Unterlagen im pdf-Format in max. Jens Martin Gurr email: Die Unterlagen sollten enthalten: Jens Martin Gurr, Prof. Diversity Fellowships Travel Grants for Ph.

We especially encourage applications from Ph. Criteria include, among others, social, ethnic, racial, and religious background, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Short description of Ph. In addition to the self-positioning, the quality of the Ph.

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Successful applications will be awarded a Euro fellowship to be used for covering the cost of travel to attend the GAAS annual meeting. Therefore, students from Berlin and Potsdam and other universities in the Berlin metropolitan area cannot apply in but at future meetings outside Berlin. This also includes legal residents of Berlin and its environs.

Because of his theoretical ideas on the economic struggles of the lower classes and on the issue of private ownership, Karl Marx is considered as one of the most influential thinkers on economic justice worldwide. During the 20th century and the liberation movements in the Global South, often memorized traditional-societal and Marxist ideas on modernization were interwoven into utopian visions of the future e. Marxist thoughts had and still have an effect on visions of a fairer world in the Global South and beyond.

The question how more just societies and sustainable modes of production could be designed, is not only a historical and utopian but also a question of contemporary relevance, deserving closer attention in the humanities. The following questions will be addressed, among others: Whereas the organization in nation states is still widely perceived as the primary ordering principle, incisive change has long set in. New patterns of individual as well as group identity formation and social and cultural belonging have emerged as powerful, often transnational force fields competing with more traditional patterns of identity politics and cultural belonging.

With its origins in the migratory patterns going back to Biblical times in Judaism and Greek antiquity, diaspora formations have developed across the globe. With its multi-ethnic and multicultural society, Nigeria is a particularly striking case in point, both as a site of diasporic formations within and across its political, administrative and cultural borders, as well as the country of origin for vibrant Nigerian diasporas around the globe. How do the arts, including literature, painting, music and theatre refract and shape diasporic experience and identity? What is the impact of indigene-settler and diaspora formations on nation building and global peace?

Can diaspora formations which have proved extremely resilient be supportive of constructing peaceful societies? Such and similar questions about diaspora in general and with a special focus on diasporas in Nigeria or Nigerian diasporas world-wide are the focus of this international conference. The conveners invite contributions from suggested multiple sub-themes including but not limited to: DiscoveryDeadline 15 April, https: The Original Series first aired on U. American TV, Star Trek: Discovery is updating the franchise for the 21st century.

Like TOS was in the 60s, Discovery is firmly rooted in the zeitgeist and current political climate—a fact that has led to surprising amount of backlash from some corners of the fandom. Thanks to the advantage of streaming platforms over network television, the series is also updating the largely episodic structure of the earlier installments to a more serial and coherent storytelling that allows for longer narrative arcs as well as a focus on in-depth character development.

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Set 10 years before The Original Series, Discovery is notably darker than any of the previous iterations of the franchise. Depicting the Federation at war with the Klingon Empire, the first season raises questions about identity and othering, war and trauma, and the conflict between idealism and pragmatism. It explores how Starfleet, an organization ostensibly dedicated to exploration and diplomacy, deals with the ethical questions surrounding war, and the lengths people are willing to go to win.

These questions are deepened and complicated by the fact that the series, unlike any of the previous entries in the Star Trek canon, focuses not exclusively on the crew of the U. Discovery and the United Federation of planets, but also presents the events from the point of view of the Klingon Empire. We thus invite contributions to an edited collection to be published with a notable international publishing house or University Press. The deadline for submissions is April 15, Please include an abstract words on the topic you would like to write on, plus a short bio-blurb, and send It is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, inclusive to academic specialties as varied as history, literature, politics, geography, area studies, media studies, ethnic studies, culture studies, law, economics, and linguistics.

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Wilhelm von Bode wurde am Dezember in Calvörde geboren und starb am 1. März in Berlin). Er war ein bedeutender deutscher Kunsthistoriker. Fünfzig Jahre Museumsarbeit (Classic Reprint): bahana-line.com: Wilhelm von Start reading Fünfzig Jahre Museumsarbeit (German Edition) on your Kindle in.

We currently draw manuscript submissions from authors around the world. We want to offer an inviting venue for scholars to publish their latest research, express their ideas, and build a sense of academic community. Send your inquiries and manuscript submissions to the editor Dr.

Janne Lahti at janne. Pirjo Ahokas at piraho utu. The archive informs both history and memory, and thus the archive can claim to be invested with legitimacy and status. The program of the academy is structured into three parts: The program also includes a cultural program in and around Miami. We invite doctoral and postdoctoral students to apply electronically with a statement of purpose CV a 2-page project description one letter of recommendation Please send your application by March 1, to: Acceptance to the Summer Academy includes a full academic and cultural program, accommodation, and a travel grant.

Find more information on the homepage of the BAA: Since their proclamation in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights have become a dominant language in controversies over ethics around the globe and a normative basis for concepts of a just society and ideas of the public good.

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This concerns a variety of issues, from slavery and warfare through fights over indigenous rights and disputes over preserving the heritage of minorities to same sex marriage debates or current conflicts over asylum law and the status of refugees. The doctrine of human rights has been highly influential, both for states as actors in public policy as well as for non-governmental organizations. As law professor Samuel Moyn can show, the modern human rights discourse is largely founded on the natural rights concept that became prominent in Enlightenment thinking and was a pertinent influence on both the American as well as the French Revolutions 8.

The idea and concept of human rights that we know today gained momentum during the second half of the 20th century. S President Jimmy Carter addressed the centrality of human rights in his Inaugural Address, and Charter 77 was published. Pia Wiegmink Obama Institute and Dr. Potential paper topics could address, but are not limited to the following questions: How can cultural performances in contact zones become expressions and negotiations of processes of transnational cultural entanglement?

How can cultural performance act as a platform in which diverse and possibly competing national identities and cultural belongings are negotiated and experienced by a community? How Does the corporeality, physicality, presence, interaction, and communal character of cultural performance enhance, complicate, or change our perspective on transnational contact zones ranging from immediate local encounters to supposedly immaterial and anonymous global processes and digital environments?

How does the study of cultural performance complement and possibly expand prevalent transnational American Studies discourses on, for example, affect, corporeality, memory, public vs. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Onlinebewerbung For the time since it was established in , the TSA is holding its annual conference on the other side of the Atlantic. All transatlantic-themed paper and panel proposals from these and related disciplines are welcome. This conference thus welcomes papers in the following areas: Panel proposals are encouraged to include a discussant. New members and junior scholars are especially welcome.

More often than not, American narratives and performances of mobility celebrate individualism, in line with dominant models of American subject formation, in the service of nation building: Cultural geographers like Tim Cresswell have shown that forms of mobility which are ideologically and culturally legitimized often depend on types of mobility that are illegal ized or socially unsanctioned, as well as on the immobilizing of Others.

We seek papers and panels that problematize dominant scripts of US mobility, reflecting also on an age in which solidifying borders are again on the rise on both sides of the Atlantic and inhibit the mobility of many, while leaving untouched that of a few. Es handelt sich um eine volle Stelle. Konferenzen; Aufgaben zur eigenen wiss. The payment is according to the German tariffs for university employees 13 TV-L.

Contributing to research in the area of literary studies PhD-project ; independent teaching: Experience in the organization of events e.

Fünfzig Jahre Museumsarbeit

Stella Butter butter uni-landau. For positions in organisational units where women are underrepresented, female applicants with equal qualifications and aptitude will be given preferential treatment, provided that the qualities of another candidate do not render him more suitable for the position. Severely disabled candidates will also be given preference in the case of equal aptitude and qualifications. The application deadline is 1st Feb. Data protection destruction after the conclusion of the proceedings is assured. We will not send confirmation of Gero Guttzeit and Natalya Bekhta Anglophone literature in the nineteenth century abounds in monsters that continue to horrify even in the present: Further information on the journal can be found here: Please submit a word abstract excluding bibliography with a brief biography to the guest editors Gero Guttzeit and Natalya Bekhta at literary.

The full Call for Papers can be found here: Call for Papers Monsters and This revaluation of sincerity struck a nerve. Its repercussions were not just limited to the domain of literature, however. In varying forms, sincerity has also become a trending aesthetics in music, film, and visual art. This cultural movement has come to be called the New Sincerity. It is characterized by a yearning for interpersonal connection, affect, trust, and belief. Our conference brings a transdisciplinary approach to the New Sincerity movement. We would like to discuss not only what the New Sincerity stands for, but also what conceptual foundations it is built on.

Why did sincerity emerge as an alternative to postmodern conventions of representation? How does the history of the concept influence its present use? Are there different understandings of sincerity at work in the New Sincerity? Is the movement still productive? Can we agree on a canon of works, or a canon of ideas? Last but not least, we intend to inquire how the New Sincerity is embedded into a specifically North American social and political context.

Contributions can address, but are not limited to, the following topics: How is the aesthetics of sincerity incorporated into, e. How do these authors construct sincerity effects, and to what end? How do they trace the permeable boundary between reality and fiction, authenticity and irony?

How can sincere affect be conveyed through images? How do these artists combine instrumentation, lyrics and paratexts to create Narrating and Constructing the Beach, Munich Abstracts: Michael Taussig, Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University [deutsche Version unten] The beach has recently become the site of important transformations: In this respect, the conference will trace the manifold, changing, and at times competing representations and experiences of the beach in artwork, culture, and society as well as the many cultural imaginaries of the beach in their global and historical diversity.

As such, the beach is at once liminal and multiple, determined by the juxtaposition of land, ocean and sky as well as the blurring of the lines that separate them. It can turn from a representational space to a living space, and is at times perceived as a non-place or a heterotopia. Almost by default, American intellectuals, artists, politicians, and activists have stressed the non-unitary, diversified, and oppositional dynamics of all things public.

In this manner, the US Constitution, while based on enlightened principles of free debate and rational deliberation, already eschewed a philosophy of consensus building in favor of a philosophy of multi-interested checks and balances. Numerous social, political, and aesthetic developments throughout American history can be re described against this background as struggles for publicity, waged against the power of elites to define or usurp the national agenda. Rather, in the United States, the public sphere becomes visible as a multi-agential, commercially embattled, highly mediated, and eventually trans-nationalized aggregate of publics and counterpublics.

Squires—have further refined this self-conceptualization of democratic speech under the conditions of capitalist mass media. In particular, the communication of public trust—within political contexts naturally inclined to distrust—has been a central topic in and for American culture. The Convention of the German Association of American Studies DGfA will deal with questions of publics, counterpublics, publicity, and public dis trust in Heike Paul unter Heike.

Bewerbungen werden ab sofort entgegen genommen.

Bewerbungsschluss ist der 1. The one-month to two-months residence in Worcester, Massachusetts, provides an opportunity not only for research in collections that are extraordinarily comprehensive but also for collegial discussion and exchange with staff and other fellows, faculty in area colleges and universities, and other scholars visiting AAS from all over the United States and abroad.

Many opportunities for collegiality center around 9 Regent St. All fellows have priority in reserving AAS accommodations, but doing so is not a requirement for holding a fellowship. When requested, the staff will do its best to suggest suitable alternative accommodations elsewhere in Worcester.

For more information on the fellowship application process and to request the application form, please contact Prof. Applications must be postmarked no later than March 1, for a grant in Kluge Center at the Library of Congress offers the opportunity for German scholars to work on specific research projects at the Library of Congress. The purpose of this Fellowship is to enable young scholars from Germany to conduct independent research using the collections of the Library of Congress.

At the postdoctoral as well as the Ph. Kluge Center will offer a workplace with in-kind benefits to successful applicants who are able to secure an appropriate level of funding. Information about funding application options in Germany will be available on request. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with nearly million items on approximately miles of bookshelves. The collections include more than 33 million books and other print materials, 3 million recordings, The scholars are based at the John W. Kluge Center, located within the Library. The Center offers high quality research accommodation for scholars from across the world with a shared interest in exploiting the extensive collections held by the Library.

Potential applicants can access the collection catalogue by using the following link: