On Holy Ground: A History of The Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry

On Holy Ground: A History of The Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry

Thus she has been able to set the record straight on controversies and assertions that have been made in error.


Her research is meticulous and thorough. She maintains her objectivity. She has no agenda. This book is well documented with a ton of footnotes.

On Holy Ground – A Review | Freemason Information

At the end are a number of full length manuscripts which is a really nice addition to this work and accentuates the ideas and the struggles of this Order. There are many good pictures.

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"On Holy Ground: History of the Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry, the American Federation of Human Rights", tells a story little known outside. Description: "On Holy Ground: History of the Honorable Order of American Co- Masonry, the American Federation of Human Rights", tells an.

Some of the images and documents have never been published before. And Karen Kidd has truly earned the title — Historian. You can find On Holy Ground: Presently, he is a member of Pride of Mt. As a former member of the American Federation in the s and s, I knew all the MPGCs from Helen Wycherley onward and I lived through the events of that time mentioned in this review.

I do not fault the review or the reviewer in the slightest, and indeed accept his review as an accurate representation of what is in the book. It tore many lives, friendships, lodges, and ultimately a Federation apart, and for no necessary reason. What their motives were in doing so I leave to them and their God.

On Holy Ground freemasoninformation. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. What Does Freemasonry Do? Home About Us Gregory B.

On Holy Ground by Karen Kidd. Trackbacks […] Book Review: Leave a Reply Cancel reply. She brings to life the people who shaped the Order and the particular character of the eras in which they lived. It was a joy to find out more about the people in the portraits in Larkspur, and come to know them as Brothers and individuals. Read the paper version until the Kindle version is updated. I am a member of Bro. Karen's Lodge and a friend of hers.

But this is still an amazing work of research, very well presented! Lynn Walker rated it really liked it Aug 25, Mike Moore rated it really liked it Dec 13, Chris Osborn rated it really liked it Jan 11, Joe rated it really liked it Apr 03, Stephen marked it as to-read Jun 29, Shannon marked it as to-read Jan 20, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

French Masonry had long attempted to include women, the Grand Orient de France having allowed Rites of Adoption as early as , [3] [4] by which Lodges could "adopt" sisters, wives and daughters of Freemasons, imparting to them the mysteries of several degrees. One of these Lodges, Les Libres Penseurs The Free Thinkers in Le Pecq , reserved in its charter the right to initiate women as Freemasons, proclaiming the essential equality of man and woman.

On January 14, , Maria Deraismes , a well-known humanitarian, feminist author and lecturer, was initiated into Les Libres Penseurs , after of the lodge withdrew from its Grand Lodge. The Worshipful Master, Bro. Houbron, justified this act as having the highest interests of humanity at heart, and as being a perfectly logical application of the principle of "A Free Mason in a Free Lodge". The main proponent of this was Dr.

Georges Martin , a French senator, advocate of equal rights for women, and also a member of Les Libres Penseurs. They initiated, passed and raised sixteen prominent French women. This was a radical departure from most other forms of Freemasonry, for not only did the new order not require belief in a Supreme Being the Grand Orient de France had discarded this requirement in —it opened its doors to all of humanity who were " As early as the Lodge Le Droit Humain with no number was travelling around—to Vernon, Blois, Rouen and Havre, in what were called selections —it gave conference and started to hold initiations in the presence, every time, of a large audience [6] Lodge Nr.

Three lodges were founded in the provinces: The first News-sheet of co-masonry appeared in January, As a base for comparison: A woman earned half of this sum.

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In a clerk at a Ministry earned — frcs per year. One week's stay in Paris in for the International Exhibition cost about frcs. Henceforth, wherever they took Theosophy , they also introduced Co-Freemasonry. Besant remained head of the Order until her death in The English working, influenced by the Theosophy of its leading members, restored certain Masonic practices not required in the French working, notably that its members hold a belief in God or a Supreme Being.

The permission received from France to reinstate this in the English workings is known as the "Annie Besant Concord", and in a new English ritual was printed, which firmly established this requirement as central to the work. The revised ritual was called the "Dharma Ritual", also known as the "Besant-Leadbeater" and more recently as the "Lauderdale" working. The Dharma Ritual also attempted to restore prominence to esoteric and mystical aspects that its Theosophically-minded authors felt were the heart of Freemasonry, so that it became foremostly a spiritual organisation; Co-Freemasonry of this Order was therefore sometimes called " Occult Freemasonry".

Leadbeater served of the presiding officer of the Sydney Lodge and various lodges and chapters of the York and Scottish Rites. Between the mids and early s a large number of lodges defected from Le Droit Humain , which they charged with infringing upon their constitutional rights. In other words, lodges may choose to work to either or both. The British Federation has always worked to both. It is correct that some Federations within our Order, particularly but not exclusively those in Europe, work to the perfection of humanity and not to the GAOTU.

As you will have seen from the above, Federations may work to either or to both, as the International Constitution permits them to do. On 2 January Le Droit Humain formally expelled four senior members of the British Federation over these disagreements. Following these expulsions, about 70 [10] members resigned.

Upon the decision by some in the American Federation, they withdrew from Le Droit Humain and set up a national body, chartered in Delaware, the existing body established itself as independent and today is called "The Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry, the American Federation of Human Rights. The headquarters of this body's headquarters is in Larkspur, CO. For more details, see below.

On Holy Ground – A Review

The defection of the British Lodges was the latest in the past two decades. However some Lodges have now broken away and have aligned themselves with the new Orders maintaining also the landmark belief in a supreme being. Various lodges were subsequently founded in The Hague Nr.

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One lodge was even installed on the island of Sumatra in Medan.