Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off!: The Science Museum Book of Scary Things (and ways to avoid them)

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But none of these instruments or tests really hurts. Afterward, you'll probably be given some medicine and sent home, but even if you are sent to the hospital for surgery, most operations don't hurt either. The anesthesiologist will numb the body area or put you to sleep while the surgeon works, and you'll wake up the next day missing your tonsils or appendix, or whatever , but otherwise feeling just a bit sore. My experience tells me that tests CAN hurt, and that many operations leave you with much more than just a feeling of soreness. But seeing as how the author's purpose is to convince the reader that most things are really not as bad as we make them out to be, I can live with these comments.

Later on in the book, Murphy addresses the issue of fears of things that science has yet to identify as real, things such as monsters, aliens, and ghosts. He makes it clear that while there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of such things, the lack of evidence doesn't necessarily rule out their existence. He goes on to explain possible physiological and psychological reasons for the experiences that people sometimes claim to have had. I appreciated that he pointed out the science does not support these stories but that science doesn't have all the answers either.

An interesting book for a reader who finds fear an interesting topic this includes many children, I get asked for scary books every week.


Being text heavy however, may limit the book to better readers. Mar 12, Ms. Yingling rated it liked it. This compendium of things that people find scary covers the science of fear and supports that information with statistics. For instance, in the chapter about fear of animals, it gives statistics about chances of being attacked by a shark as compared to a list of top killers in Heart disease, cancer and strokes.

STUFF THAT SCARES YOUR PANTS OFF! by Glenn Murphy , Mike Phillips | Kirkus Reviews

The book continues with fear of weather, doctors and diseases, and paranormal phenonmena. There is a ton of information; in fact, probably too much for my readers who are drawn to This compendium of things that people find scary covers the science of fear and supports that information with statistics.

There is a ton of information; in fact, probably too much for my readers who are drawn to this type of book.

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Also, the pictures are in black and white with a touch of lime green-- my students would prefer something like the Guinness Book of World Records, with gross pictures. Sep 08, Rachel rated it really liked it Shelves: Science write Glenn Murphy addresses fears ranging from shark attacks to aliens to needles. He explains why each subject is frightening and then provides information to help assuage these common phobias. Anticdotal examples, a bold graffic layout, and pertinante illustrations and photos holds the reader's interest.

This book is a great mixture of fun and facts. Nov 28, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: While this book is chock full of scary things like shark attacks, killer viruses, and poltergeists, it would really benefit from color illustrations. The ones currently included are black and white. There are neon green accents throughout as text boxes, highlighting, and sidebars.

The actual entries are interesting and of a good length to engage struggling and reluctant readers. Feb 15, Jake T.

Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off!: The Science Museum Book of Scary Things (and Ways to Avoid Them)

This book was good. It had some interesting facts in it. Savindi rated it it was amazing Nov 27, Nat rated it did not like it Jan 22, Sarah rated it liked it Jan 11, Laura rated it really liked it Oct 07, Brian rated it really liked it Oct 07, Maria rated it really liked it May 22, Tom rated it really liked it Sep 22, Sadhana rated it liked it Nov 22, Anna rated it liked it Dec 29, A must read for your non-fiction section. Are We Nearly There Yet?

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  5. Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off!: The Science Scoop on more than 30 Terrifying Phenomena!.
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This book is a great mixture of fun and facts. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Do you work in the book industry? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! No trivia or quizzes yet.

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In STUFF THAT SCARES YOUR PANTS OFF! Glenn Off! The Science Museum Book of Scary Things (and ways to avoid them) Macmillan Children's Books. Editorial Reviews. Review. “[An] often-entertaining look at fears and phobias.” ― School Library Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off!: The Science Museum Book of Scary Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Off!: The Science Museum Book of Scary Things (and ways to avoid them).

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