Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind

Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind, by Chellie Campbell

Fast Profits in Hard Times: Igniting Your True Purpose and Passion.

Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind, by Chellie Campbell

You're Too Smart for This: The Lies About Money. How to Shop for a Husband.


U Chic's Diploma Diaries. Supplementing your income with the internet, a practical guide.

Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind, by Chellie Campbell

Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind [Chellie Campbell] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Zero to Zillionaire is a. Editorial Reviews. From Booklist. At first glimpse, it seems like yet another Suze Orman Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind - Kindle edition by Chellie Campbell. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device.

Freedom, Vulnerability, and Love:. The Single Mother's Guide to Success.

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  4. What Havent They Told Me? Practical Tips for Surviving and Thriving During Babys First Year!

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Many wealthy people have no spirit, and a lot of spiritual people are broke. This book helps people live rich — inside and out. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. By Dan Janal T My clients get terrific results from my coaching, developmental editing and ghostwriting. For info, go to http: How to Get Book Reviews on Amazon. March 15th, 0 Comments. September 30th, 0 Comments. You will learn how to implement the 8 successful steps: You can qualify for Zillionaire status, with wealth in your work, happiness in your home, and a balance between the two. Follow these principles and you will have a balanced checkbook, a balanced schedule, a balanced spirit, and a balanced life.

You can be a Zillionaire: Paperback , pages.

Published April 1st by Sourcebooks first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Zero to Zillionaire , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Apr 02, Milda Harris rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I'm currently reading this book And, it's good so far! Very motivational - not just about money, but about life and getting to where you want to be in the world!

I definitely recommend it! Feb 10, Kara rated it did not like it Shelves: For advice on how to reframe your thinking to be more positive? For concrete financial advice? Sep 20, Ali M. I had a lot of mixed feelings about this book. There were certainly some useful pieces of information and ways to frame things, just like any other 'self help' book.

But it was also mostly filled with fluffy pieces of meaningless text, just like most other 'self help' books too. The book starts off by highlighting the importance of positive thinking. This is always something good, and I do think it does make subtle differences that reflect on our body language and state of mind, which do make a I had a lot of mixed feelings about this book. This is always something good, and I do think it does make subtle differences that reflect on our body language and state of mind, which do make a significant difference in how successful we are.

It clearly is not enough, but it is pretty important. The next main idea is the metaphor that you have to send out lots of 'ships' to bring you back treasure.

See a Problem?

It is a nice way of putting a well known truth, that until you actually try and do something about your dreams, you are not going to achieve anything. Furthermore, you are much more likely to succeed the more times you try sending out more 'ships'. You will fail more than others, but the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former fail far more frequently.

Finally, the book makes a distinction between 'sharks' hyper-aggressive cheating type people , 'dolphins' positive people that work hard , and 'tunas' people with low self esteem that always feel sorry for themselves and complain.