Create Your First Book Trailer

How to Make a Book Trailer

How to Leverage the Power of Free & Bargain Book Promotions Effectively

After graduating from UCLA with a degree in screenwriting, she worked in entertainment as an independent producer. In , she moved to Houston, Texas to write a book. Contact her on Twitter or Facebook. In the fast paced world we live in, tweets come and go in the blink of an eye, and most people just scroll through the vast majority of them.

Word-of-mouth is still the best way to promote your books. So where does the book trailer come in?

Writer's Digest Magazine

How did you create your first video book trailer? “My year-old son introduced me to PowToon, as he'd used it for school projects, and it was a perfect match. How to create a book trailer by scripting your idea, choosing images, video and Here's my book trailer for Pentecost and below are the steps I went . I am just getting started, having just self-published my first book, with not.

Well, having a one-minute visual reel to show people makes it easier for your readers to quickly show their friends how awesome your book is. When will an agent want to be the ONLY one reading your work?

If you have technical friends or creative friends ask them to help you. Just pulling images off of Google searches and adding title cards is a bad idea. Think about the kinds of movies they might go to see and look up the movie trailers to get ideas. A book trailer can serve as a great marketing tool in creating a pre-release anticipation for your book.

For authors, writers and publishers, book trailer acts as a promoting medium to reach your book to a larger audience. Book trailers are easy to make. Using images, music, text, video, and voiceover, a minute-long book trailer can give away just enough about your book to leave viewers excited for more. Especially with animation, you can make it provocative by a combination of attractive visuals, characters and audio.

Here is a book trailer video which is created using Animaker.

Done Right.

The captivating visuals and the suspense it creates, lures the audience to read the book. To make your own fascinating book trailer video, Use this editable book trailer template from Animaker Click here to edit and see the response it can create.

HOW TO MAKE BOOK TRAILERS (an iMovie tutorial)

Before you start making your book trailer video, you must have an idea of who your viewers are. Knowing your demographics is very important as every class of the viewers have a different taste and understanding.

How to make a book trailer video using Animaker?

A clear cut idea of your target audience will help to create a tailored book trailer effectively. Before jumping into the storyboard, you must have a rough plan about the book trailer you are going to make.

Character Worksheets

Music, images, and other graphic elements are mostly copyrights protected. Avoid coming up with a trailer that is just a summary of your plot or blurb. Erase from your mind the ambition to make a movie trailer. Keep an idea in mind as to what character, scenes and theme you are going to portray. Marketing your book and letting the people know about your work is as important as the book itself.

Keep an idea in mind as to what character, scenes and theme you are going to portray. Decide the logical sequence of your video. Then use the characters from Animaker to give life to the character you have imagined.

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We have a great collection of characters, backgrounds and effects that adds glitter to your video. There are two components of a soundtrack. One is the dialogue and another is the music. Nothing is alive without music. Music adds an emotion to your video. Select an appropriate sound track that defines your video. When the video and the music is played together, you must feel the emotion stirred in your video.