Hay Fever Relief

Top tips for managing hay fever symptoms

They may be able to recommend other treatments, such as anti-histamine drops that are only available on prescription.

When is pollen season?

On occasions, marked allergic reactions may need review by an eye specialist and treatment with medication that dampens down the immune reaction such as steroids. More information on hay fever is available from NHS Choices.

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Causes Hay fever is a common allergic condition that affects one in five people at some point in their life. Treatment There is no cure for hay fever, but many people find their symptoms improve as they get older. Top tips for reducing symptoms Wearing wraparound sunglasses can help reduce pollen contact with the eyes.

How To Cure Hay Fever Permanently – Natural Home Remedies for Instant Relief

Shower, wash your hair and change your clothes after spending time outdoors to remove any pollen from your skin and hair. Dry washed clothes indoors during the peak pollen season.

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A diagnosis for hay fever would usually only be required: Allergic rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever. If not, the decongestant will only relieve your blocked nose. Some may cause side effects, such as a stinging or burning sensation in your eyes. Consult your allergist if these reactions occur. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen.

Stay indoors when the pollen count is high — different types of pollen can affect different people, although there can be a crossover. Allergy UK has more tips on managing hay fever.

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Speak to your pharmacist if you have hay fever. They can give advice and suggest the best treatments, like antihistamine drops, tablets or nasal sprays to help with:.

This means you'll be given small amounts of pollen as an injection or tablet to slowly build up your immunity to pollen. This kind of treatment usually starts in the winter about 3 months before the hay fever season begins. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, typically when it comes into contact with your mouth, nose, eyes and throat. Pollen is a fine powder from plants. Check the pollen forecast.

What causes hay fever?

Skip to main content. Check if you have hay fever Symptoms of hay fever include: How to treat hay fever yourself There's currently no cure for hay fever and you can't prevent it.