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Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Mira's tweets were funny I loved reading hers! Tao's were just ugh.

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Each one stands inches high and inches wide and features up to of your tweets, one per page, starting from the most recent. Laconia: 1, Tweets on Film and millions of other books are available for . The tweets that constitute Masha Tupitsyn's LACONIA are, each one.

I wish I had stopped reading after I was done with Mira's side. Plus there are over 10 pages in my book that were exactly the same in 2 different sections of Tao's side. Printing error I hope. In the end it felt like a total waste of time and money. If it was just all Mira I would have given this book 5 stars.

These people are talented.


I read the Tao's tweets first, and they were brilliant. I assumed Mira's be less interesting, but once I got into them, I started thinking they were at least as brilliant. One person found this helpful. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Mira Gonzalez is a goddess but Tao is overrated. This is one of the five or six best books of tweets I have ever personally read in my life. When I'm not tweeting myself and not reading others tweets online, I'm reading books of tweets like this. And so I consider myself an experienced tweeter and reader of tweets, and I can say without qualification that these two young writers one is really young, the other about ten years older have compiled their favorite and best-loved tweets on many everyday subjects drugs, relationships, boredom, odd things, drugs, etc.

Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Twitter is mindless messaging, right? As author Masha Tupitsyn shows, Twitter has created a concise and relevant snapshot of modern society. The nature of Twitter requires succinctness, something not often found in media.

While several books have been published now about the astonishing success of Twitter, only Laconia goes into the study of film through tweets. How is that possible? First, the author has written about film before Movies are created to entertain-the message they send is put out there, but it's up to viewers to process it and decide how they will react.

Success depends on the reaction, at times more than the film itself. So, given her background, she sorted through massive bits of Twitter to find the short little remarks made about film, the ones that are stunning in their simplicity and depth. A part you can start playing at any point. While part of the book shows the silliness of "private" celebrities sharing their most intimate details, she avoids making this all about pop culture-it's about film and media.

Be sure to read her introduction, it really helps set the scene for what you read and recognize the importance that is possible in an unexpected place. Excerpted from a longer review at Big Other: How can we begin today to think about the relationship between virtual memory and cultural memory; between digital memory and embodied memory?

In an interview, the filmmaker Eugene Green said: And digital image is a virtual image, there is nothing real there, so there cannot be any real spiritual presence either. Nevertheless, there is a sort of economic pressure to abolish film, to make it impossible to shoot in film.

So much of what is moving in Tupitsyn's criticism is her way of locating, animating, and mourning the loss of the material, the loss of texture, the loss of the real "abolish film, make it impossible to shoot in film" --where material, texture and realness are qualities as spiritual and moral as they are embodied; where fidelity to those qualities can be a way of calling out a culture of violent alienation and commodification From careful observation of the change in Al Pacino's eyes posts, to the disappointment of hearing about Sibel Kekilli's nose job I grieved it, too!

12+ Gems of the Pacific Northwest Coast (Plus: 200 Tweets – My Thoughts on Practical Twitter Use)

LACONIA, however, is not so much steeped in religious mysticism as much as it is a demystification of image, celebrities, and consumerism. Fragments and Alfredo Jaar's photography installation, Lament of the Images, Tupitsyn writes in her introduction that Laconia is "a lament of the overproduction of language, a communication overload we're incapable of keeping up with or making sense of.

Instead, LACONIA ebbs and flows, often incorporating quotes from films and various cultural theorists and threading them into a larger cultural fabric. Each statement is executed with precision, while revealing a personal intimacy and at times, deep sadness in her mode of thought. See all 3 reviews.

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Containing jokes, this book will not fail to make your muttonchops smile. What to do with the extra time in retirement? Absolute Best Adult Party Jokes: Sponsored Products are advertisements for products sold by merchants on Amazon.

James Meek

Print edition purchase must be sold by Amazon. Thousands of books are eligible, including current and former best sellers. Look for the Kindle MatchBook icon on print and Kindle book detail pages of qualifying books. Print edition must be purchased new and sold by Amazon. Gifting of the Kindle edition at the Kindle MatchBook price is not available. Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.

Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention parenting tweets laugh out loud science of parenthood highly recommend loud funny advanced copy every parent stocking stuffer copy of this book perfect gift time to read baby shower laughed out loud big book advanced copy every single good stuff best part social media shower gift. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I know what you're thinking. Within reach of the commode Coffee tables with solid, see-through, and wine cork tops In that magazine holder with the handle that falls off you bought at the flea market, currently holding all your copies of Southern Living, Forbes, or Family Fun Granite counter tops or laminate ones you tried to paint because you saw the idea on Pinterest, even though your spouse was like, "Umm, not sure that's the best idea.

What's Pinterest and why are you waiving that paint brush at the stove? Is that polcrylic you just poured down the sink? But also because the jokes lovingly curated from Twitter are hilarious, relatable, and so much shorter than starting A Tale of Two Cities. Unless you're reading that right now. In which case, go ahead finish because it's a classic and you want to be well-rounded, but then buy this book afterwards.

Because you know there's a decorative bowl of fruit you'd just love to set it next to after you're finished laughing uncontrollably. With two kids running around, I don't get much time to read, much less figure out how The Twitter works and find the funniest tweets on it. This book has curated the best of the best so that you can spend your precious second breaks reading only the funniest Twitter has to offer. I literally laughed out loud more times than I could count, and read every tweet twice because they were that good.

Well, I purchased this as a Christmas gift for someone, but now I'm going to have to purchase another copy. I started just peeking in the pages and reading a few selections, but then I couldn't put the book down.

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I found it laugh out loud funny and if I wasn't laughing, I was nodding my head in agreement. As another reviewer mentioned, you do not need to understand twitter to get this book and find it highly entertaining.

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Although, I'm off to update my twitter feed with new people to follow!! I've been giving this book to everyone I know so they'll finally understand my Twitter obsession. If you're a parent who is sick of the usual judge-y, unhelpful parenting books, Twitter and this book is the secret to happiness. You HAVE to laugh about parenting, or you'll go crazy! Well, you'll probably go crazy anyway, so you might as well go down laughing. I follow these writers every day on Twitter, so I can assure you from personal experience, they will make you laugh yourself silly!

Buy it, read it, give it--you'll be happy you did! One person found this helpful.