Mathematics, Models, and Modality: Selected Philosophical Essays

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This selection of his essays, which spans twenty-five years, addresses key topics including nominalism, neo-logicism, intuitionism, modal logic, analyticity, and. Buy Mathematics, Models, and Modality: Selected Philosophical Essays on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.

Michael rated it it was amazing Feb 20, Michael rated it it was amazing Jun 26, Elie added it Jul 25, Tiago added it Feb 24, Zvr added it May 17, Stephen Orr added it Nov 02, Joe Bauldoff marked it as to-read Sep 14, Nitin CR added it Feb 03, CRyan64 marked it as to-read Aug 02, Stephen Robertson marked it as to-read Nov 28, Jason Gordon marked it as to-read Mar 27, Jordan Peacock added it Mar 30, The volume will be of interest to a wide range of readers across philosophy of mathematics, logic, and philosophy of language.

Numbers and ideas 2.

Why I am not a nominalist 3. Mathematics and Bleak House 4.


Quine, analyticity, and philosophy of mathematics 5. Being explained away 6. E pluribus unum 7. Models, Modality, and More: Which modal logic is the right one?

Quinus ab omni noevo vindicatus Dummett's case for intuitionism. Burgess , Princeton University, New Jersey This title is available for institutional purchase via Cambridge Core Cambridge Core offers access to academic eBooks from our world-renowned publishing programme.

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You are now leaving the Cambridge University Press website. Your eBook purchase and download will be completed by our partner www. Please see the permission section of the www. Stephan Leuenberger - - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 2: Essays in the Philosophy and History of Logic and Mathematics. Modal Logic in the Modal Sense of Modality.

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Burgess - - Philosophy of Science 74 4: Charles Parsons - - Cornell University Press. John Burgess - manuscript.

New Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Dummett. Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century: Burgess - - History and Philosophy of Logic 36 1: The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in History and Philosophy.

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