Menopause For Dummies

The glossary is comprehensive and accessible, more than ably demystifying medical jargon - an important consideration for the general reader.

Additionally, the thoroughly researched appendices list excellent other books and reputable websites that allows the more inquisitive reader to access additional information. A nice touch of humour is provided by the cartoons at the beginning of each major section of the book. They provide apt insights into very real issues that affect women in the latter part of their lives.


In keeping with the "For Dummies " format the authors have been able to cover all aspects of the menopausal transition in simple easy-to-read language, without the essence of the message being lost whilst maintaining accuracy of information and providing sound suggestions and guidelines for the general reader. Special mention should be given to the "language " used in this publication.

Understanding the changes in your body, mind, spirit

In keeping with the "For Dummies " format throughout the book, everyday familiar analogies are used to explain medical concepts. Contemporary visual imagery is conjured up when phrases such as "ovaries are jumpstarted", "ovaries undergoing a career change" and "Team Hormone" are used! The authors draw on their extensive experience both as academics and clinicians and their own personal life experiences that helps ground their comprehensive coverage of menopause in terms of a woman's everyday living.

The material is thematically structured into four major parts.

  1. Menopause for Dummies.
  2. Finanzwirtschaft der Bilanzbuchhalter: Mit Übungsklausuren für die IHK-Prüfung (Prüfungsvorbereitung.
  3. ?
  4. The Model Universe And Other Stories!
  5. .
  6. Menopause for Dummies - Australasian Menopause Society.

The first part defines the biology and psychology of menopause. Part two deals with the effects of the menopausal transition on the body and mind as a whole as explained by the individual chapters on reproduction, breast cancer, osteoporosis, sexuality and cardiovascular disease. Part three moves on to providing a detailed analysis of hormone replacement therapy, alternative and complimentary therapies and includes helpful suggestions regarding self-management to prevent the onset of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Lifestyle issues in relation to "the change" are addressed in part four of the book. Good health is promoted by encouraging the reader to manage their weight and general level of fitness and wellbeing. Whereas previous books on the topic of menopause have also dealt with the above-mentioned themes, a welcome feature of this book lies in that it includes a whole chapter that focuses on the menopause from a cultural perspective - the social perceptions and attitudes towards the menopausal phase of a woman's life.

See a Problem?

This will appeal to an even wider reading audience, be they medically trained or not, as contemporary societies in most countries of the world today are multicultural. Particular note should be made of the fact that the authors underline that menopause is not to be regarded as a separate "entity" but as part of the continuum in the hormonal cycles of life. As some readers may have not made the connection that the changing hormonal status affects the whole body not just the reproductive organs, then this chapter is enlightening with its discussion of bodily changes that are not normally seen to be associated with menopause.

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They would benefit from reading not only that section but also about menopause in general. Not only would they find answers to the more troublesome questions regarding health in the older male, but also gain a better understanding of their female partners. Recognizing the signs of menopause Preventing and treating osteoporosis Cardiovascular disease and menopause Vaginal and urinary changes during menopause The effects of menopause on your skin, hair, and nasal cavities Menopause and your sex life Hormone therapy and heart disease, breast cancer, and other cancers Alternative therapies Menopause and good nutrition The benefits of exercise during menopause Menopause is not a disease, and it doesn't have to be a harbinger of accelerated aging and declining health.

Menopause For Dummies gives you the information you need to take charge of your menopause and make this transition as comfortable and healthy as possible. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Menopause for Dummies , please sign up.

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Read Menopause For Dummies

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jan 09, Eliza Fayle rated it really liked it.

  1. Self-Assessment in Pediatric Multiprofessional Critical Care.
  2. Menopause for Dummies by Marcia L. Jones.
  3. Produktivitäts- und Effizienzanalyse: Der nichtparametrische Ansatz (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edit.
  4. Blood and Magick.
  5. Get A Copy.

I am a big fan of the For Dummies books. To date, however, the books I have purchased have been technical. Jones, Theresa Eichenwald, Nancy W.

Hall did not disappoint. Right off the bat, I learned that I did not even know what menopause really meant. I thought it was the entire stage after ceasing to have I am a big fan of the For Dummies books. I thought it was the entire stage after ceasing to have your periods. After that, you are in postmenopause. However, it is common to refer to all stages — perimenopause, menopause, postmenopause — as your menopausal years.

Having cleared that up by page 5, I was ready for the rest of the book. I found this book gave me a good grounding on the changes I will, and potentially could, experience as I go through perimenopause and menopause. To read the full review visit http: Jan 17, Fostergrants rated it liked it.

Mar 11, Mandy Setterfield rated it it was amazing. Very clear, very readable.

Menopause For Dummies

Great book, learned so much. Jan 22, Rose added it Shelves: Jan 17, Carol rated it really liked it. I made copies of key info and shared it with my sisters and others. Aug 20, Ida rated it liked it. I work in a hospital so I thought I knew it all about menopause. This book was very informative as far as educating me further in symptom management. Jean rated it liked it Sep 27, Mrs J E Hodgson rated it really liked it Dec 19, Jane rated it it was ok Aug 09, Kathy Ihde rated it really liked it Apr 18, Traci Palmer rated it really liked it Mar 28, Mrs Linda Dale rated it really liked it Dec 19, Susan Lucas rated it really liked it Mar 17, Trudy Hart rated it it was amazing Mar 12, Aeowin rated it it was ok Mar 28,