Personal Value

Personal core values help focus and align your life choices

What is a belief?

Want to discover your core values? Browse this core values list to see more than 50 common personal values and beliefs. This core values list contains over personal values, arranged by categories, to use with 7 Steps to Discover Your Personal Core Values.

My core values are stated below 1 self discipline 2. Maryam Reply March 12, at 6: Appreciating the post,I think we must be able to consider these moral value when we are in dilemma,I have seen people who clame these value but when they were in bad situation they put every thing under their foot and forgot everythings and consider only themslves or when we make mistake do we compensate it or we shrink all values.

People who were in dilemma and kept their values they can clame that they have them,otherwise in my idea they clame a dream. And in my idea we must not judge people who put them under their foot somethimes we are the cause of it ,it happened to me apparently the guy was guilty but the root of that action was me,so I forgave him and so did he ,so there is not any formule for it ,it depends!

Mike Reply March 6, at 9: HK Reply January 17, at 5: I love to help people, am well educated, am interested in a wide range of things and do not tend to attract money …. Dariuz Reply October 5, at Rob Reply July 29, at 5: Ali Reply April 14, at 8: To add to my post above — I also would like to reduce the importance of comfort, and take connection down from the top to increase my self responsibility and self dependence. Ali Reply April 14, at 7: I found it very interesting to assess what my core values actually are versus what I would like them to be.

Had a hard time keeping the 2 separate.

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My core values are stated below 1 self discipline 2. Pride—are there things you need to be proud of? Had a hard time keeping the 2 separate. That is why it is so important to have ethical standards, so that we are operating by a professional set of guidelines, not what we personally think is right or wrong. To achieve my personal objectives with a sense that I've done something as well as, if not better than, someone else would have; to experience self-satisfaction when I rise to a challenge, accomplish a task or a job, or solve a problem.

What I think mine are now: I would like to add discipline to that list, as well as increasing the importance of balance and passion, and add family. Fulfillment sure sounds good as well. Lubna wain Reply March 24, at 1: Myrko Thum Reply February 26, at 9: Jor Barrie , I think knowing your values is foremost valuable for yourself as described in the post. Then you have interpersonal, social values like empathy, love and peace which probably makes you a people person easy to be with. Lubna wain Reply February 26, at 5: Effectiveness, knowledge, compassion, health, intelligence, determination.

Thanks great inspiration, health, happiness, peace, family, humanity, cultural positive thinking and creative thanks again padma. Jor Barrie Reply February 24, at 2: Hi Myrko; thanks for a great post! Although to be fair, there are a few more I would have liked to fit into my top ten! Zack Reply February 24, at Oh and by the way that little antidote at the end of your reply was a square hit on the nail of the hammer. I imagine that over-focus on work is the 1 misalignment of values. My bet for why this is so is that work has the appearance of being under our control; we can see immediate results if we work a little later, work a little harder, work our selves to the bone; we can satisfy that creative impulse that way.

But with relationships it is a much slower process. We build them brick by brick when we have the time, the opportunity; and one mistaken move and we can do quite a bit of damage to what took along time to help create. That is so if you are aware that you are creating; building relationships.

Identifying Personal Values

The value-added of our time is not so immediately apparent. I am thankful that recently I have become more aware of the power of the mundane interactions. I will now almost watch a movie or some such other thing that I do not enjoy doing simply to have time with people I enjoy who do. I am working on it at least. Stealing time from career is the difficult part. Sharon Reply February 24, at 4: This was a very helpful and useful exercise. Thank you so much!

Personal values, belief and attitudes

Here are my Top 5 Values: Anyone have a word for that? Myrko Thum Reply February 23, at 9: Zack Reply February 23, at 8: Myrko, you are the man. Every time I read your posts I get the sense of how much work you have put in behind the scenes, but this one is of your best. Way to understand man! Hi Myrko, thx for your great posts, i like them.

  1. Step 1 - Read the values;
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  3. Do You Know Your Personal Values?.

My top3 personal values: This is my top 10 values: Have a nice day. Think about this as you answer the following questions. One of the responsibilities of workers is that we do not impose our own values and beliefs on the people we work with. We should always remember that it is their life and only they should make decisions about how they should live their life. If you try to impose your own moral values on clients, you are likely to make them feel judged and to damage their self-worth. Moreover, they are likely to reject you and to reject your values too. If you are able to accept your clients, with whatever values they have, you may well find that as time passes they move closer to you in their beliefs.

What are values?

This is inevitable because we are, whether we like it or not, models for our clients and we have a responsibility to be good models. Regardless of who the client is, and regardless of his or her behaviour, he or she deserves to be treated as a human being of worth. If you respect your clients, they will, through feeling valued, be given the optimum conditions in which to maximise their potential as individuals.

It is essential that you are aware of your own values and beliefs so that you do not impose them deliberately or unintentionally on the people you are working with. You may find that with such clients you become judgemental or notice that you are encouraging clients to make a decision that reflects what you think they should do based on your values and beliefs rather than working with the client to come up with their own ideas about how to resolve the issue.

Mind Tools for Your Organization

That is why it is so important to have ethical standards, so that we are operating by a professional set of guidelines, not what we personally think is right or wrong. What would you consider to be the values and attitudes that are critical for someone who works in the community services industry?

Everyone is entitled to their own values, attitudes and beliefs. It is important to accept and respect that other people may well have different attitudes, values and beliefs than you. We do not have the right to expect that others change their values, attitudes and beliefs just because they are different to ours. It is quite possible that you may face situations at work that either challenge or compromise your own values, attitudes or beliefs when working to support people with a disability.

It is not always easy to avoid communicating your beliefs and values to clients, but it is something you need to be very aware of. It can be very easy to influence clients in subtle ways. Simple things like body language, gestures, the way you say something, or even actions, can give a client the impression you agree or disagree with their values or beliefs.

A disability support worker, Sally, was assisting Harry, a client, to decide what movie he was going to see on the weekend. Harry loved horror films. During the conversation Sally shook her head every time Harry pointed to a horror film in the paper. In the end Harry decided to go and see a comedy. The support you give to clients should be, as much as possible, in line with their values, attitudes and beliefs, while also in line with your community services organisation and the law.

The way that the above values and philosophies are acted upon in services affects the quality of the service provided to clients. The more these values are promoted and reflected in the way the service operates, the more positive the experience for the client. Identifying the impact of values and philosophies on service provision. Phong is a 29 year old Vietnamese man who was injured in a serious car accident eight months ago and sustained a brain injury.

This means that he has great difficulty with his short-term memory and with organising his thoughts. He also needs to use a wheelchair because of a neck injury. Phong is now living back at home with his family. He is unable to return to work as a mechanic. Phong has been referred to a community access program, designed to help him deal with his brain injury and integrate back into the community.

If the community access program embraces the values and philosophies underlying the CSI, what effect would this have on the service provided to Phong? Personal values, belief and attitudes As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs and attitudes that we have developed throughout the course of our lives. What are some of my values?

Frame the criteria you will use to choose your core personal values

Manners—are they old fashioned? Do they hold a high or low value in your life?

  1. What is personal value? definition and meaning -
  2. What Are Your Values? - Decision-Making Skills from
  3. Rethinking Fundamental Theology.
  4. Categories!

Pride—are there things you need to be proud of? Do you value pride or do you value humility? Clothes—how important are clothes at work? Behaviour on the sports field—what behaviours do you value?

Our values help us build and maintain our identity as unique individuals. Knowing it or not, choosing it or not, all of us have a set of personal core values. Prevent discontent, conflict, frustration and lack of fulfillment by choosing consciously the values by which you want to live. Get Free Tips Whitepaper. Personal core values help focus and align your life choices Choosing your personal core values is one of the critical focusing decisions that can make an amazing difference in how you live your life. What are some of the sources for my personal core values?

Frame the criteria you will use to choose your core personal values When choosing your personal core values it is important to think about the criteria that you will use to make your selection. Inspirational - Personal values should encourage you to fulfill your purpose in life. Great personal values, read every day, will provide an uplift and motivation to take on the day's challenges. Unique - Your values need to speak to you.

Don't hesitate to use values learned from others, but your core values should help define who you are and want to be. They should reflect the priorities for your life and will tend to emphasize your strengths while compensating for your weaknesses. Provides guidance - Personal core values should help you in your everyday decisions, particularly with relationships.

Long lasting - This is about creating your future. Expect that your values will evolve as you grow, mature and gain life experience. However, this is not about following the latest fad.

  • Imprimis Collection 2009.
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  • Reluctant Hearts (Dragon Riders Book 2).

If you expect a personal core value to change next week, it likely isn't very core.