The Cross and the Cinema: The Legion of Decency and the National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures

The Cross and the Cinema

Confessions of Boston Blackie Columbia.. This film contains material morally unsuitable for entertainment motion picture audiences; suggestive situations. Tends to condone the hero's taking the law into his own hands. Excessive brutality; suggestive costuming, dancing and situations. This film contains sympathetic treatment of revenge motive ; low moral tone. False moral philosophy motivates major sympathetic characters.

Excessive gruesomeness and morbidness. Country Music Boy Para. Tends to create undue sympathy for immoral actions. A-II Crime, Inc. Suggestive dialogue and sequence. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; method of crime minutely detailed. Lack of moral compensation. Witches of Salem Fr. Low moral tone; suggestive sequence. Cry From the Streets Br. Dialogue and treatment in this fantasy indicate some acceptance of the possibility of changing a human being into an animal. Suggestive sequences; excessive brutality. Cry Wolf Warners B Objection: This picture contains material which is judged to be morally questionable for entertainment purposes.

The prologue to this picture is objectionable as philosophically unsound. Curse of the Demon Col. Excessive brutality; suggestive lines. Tends to condone immoral actions; suggestive situa- tions, costuming and dialogue. Sordid implications; suggestive and objectionable dialogue; light treatment of marriage. Suggestive remarks and scenes. Suggestive dialogue and sequence; low moral tone. Rank A-I 50 Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Dangerous Game, A Universal A-I Dangerous Intrigue Columbia A-II Dangerous Intruder Producers Releasing Corp.

Suicidal attempt in plot solution; tendency of film to create sympathy for murderer. Suggestive sequences; tends to condone revenge. Jekyll AA B Objection: This film, a representation in part fictional of a period in the life of Christ, is based upon a modern interpreta- tion of a Protestant version of the New Testament.

In This Article

While pre- sented in a reverent and inspirational manner, it contains vari- ances from and omissions of Scriptural and theological truth. This morbid film in which principal plot material centers around the immoral relationships of the various charac- ters, contains not only suggestive dialogue but also a general atmosphere of sordidness and abnormality. The plot is solved through suicide. Light treatment of marriage; tends to arouse undue sympathy for immoral actions. The treatment of the "seal of confession" is sus- ceptible of misinterpretation by the uninformed.

Light treatment of marriage; suggestive sequences; tends to condone immoral actions. In theme and treatment this film is grossly offensive to traditional standards of morality and decency. The morally low atmosphere pervading the story intensifies the sordidness of its presentation. Suggestive song and sequence. Delinquent Daughters Producers Releasing Corp. Misplaced emphasis on moral values. Delinquents UA B Objection: Although purporting to expose a sociological prob- lem of our times, this picture, nevertheless, in treatment con- tains suggestive situations, costuming and excessive brutality.

Tends to justify untruthfulness in plot solution. The subject matter of this film is judged entirely objectionable and morally unacceptable for presentation in enter- tainment motion picture theaters. Moreover, it ignores com- pletely essential and supernatural values associated with questions of this nature.

Suggestive costuming, dancing and situations. This picture in its theme and treatment presents im- morally and indecently a sympathetic portrayal of illicit actions. A sordid and suggestive atmosphere pervades the film. Suggestive dialogue and situations; sympathetic pres- entation of suicide.

In treatment this film seriously offends Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency in situations, cos- tuming and dialogue. Moreover, the portrayal of the illicit use and effect of drugs renders it unfit for entertainment motion picture theaters. Tends to condone illicit actions and to misrepresent religious practices; suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. Suggestive costuming; contains certain religious ele- ments which are susceptible of misunderstanding. Several references to soothsaying are susceptible to misunderstanding. Lustful kissing; sadistic cruelty.

This film presents certain concepts of Catholic theology and clerical life which in the light of traditional teach- ing and practice can be misleading to the uninformed. Diary of a High School Bride Am. Suggestive dancing, costuming and situations. Kingsley B Objection: Suggestive costumes and dances. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive cos- tumes. Dolwyn London Films B Objection: Tends to justify taking the law into one's own hands. This classification is applicable to prints ex- hibited in the United States and Canada.

Don't Knock the Rock Col. Suggestive sequence; tends to condone immoral actions. Suggestive song, dance and costumes. The subject material and treatment reflects some acceptance of the possibility of changing an ape into a human being. Suggestive sequences and costuming; tends to create disrespect for authority. This film, purporting to present in the guise of enter- 60 Year of Review Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review tainment a social problem involving juveniles, contains negative elements brutality, suggestiveness, lack of parental respect which tend to destroy a constructive message.

Reflects the acceptability cf divorce. Suggestive sequences and situations. Suggestive dialogue, songs, situations, and costumes. Immodestly suggestive sequences; glorification of illi- cit love. A film which deals with a subject most objectionable for presentation before general audiences in entertainment mo- tion picture theaters. The film, moreover, presents a treatment of this subject in a most objectionable way. The subject is sex relations and social disease. It has been alleged in the exploita- tion of this film, that the "League of Decency" had expressed approval of the film.

Needless to state, the impression that this allegation leaves is absolutely erroneous. Light treatment of marriage; duelling sympathetically treated. A-II Earth vs. The Flying Saucers Col. Suggestive sequence; low moral tone. Light treatment of marriage; divorce in plot solution. Suggestive sequence; reflects the acceptability of divorce. Tends to create undue sympathy for a wrongdoer; suggestive dancing and situations. Eighth Day of the Week Pol. This film in dealing with the subject matter of frus- tration contains elements which are grossly suggestive and tends to condone illicit actions.

Reflects the acceptability of divorce; light treatment of marriage. A-I Enchanted Island War. Escape From Terror Br. Lack of sufficient moral compensation. Kendis-Continental Pictures B Objection: Suggestive dialogue and implications. Revisions made in this picture are deemed sufficient to warrant a change in classification. Since the changes appear only in prints showing in Continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii, this reclassification is applicable solely to exhibition in these places.

This classification is applicable only to prints shown in continental U. Objectionable allusion; suggestive dialogue; usage of a suggestively vulgar expression. Face in the Crowd War. The treatment of this film contains sequences which are seriously suggestive by reason of costuming, dialogue and situations. Furthermore, it reflects the acceptability of divorce and tends to present the Sacrament of Matrimony as an un- qualifiedly carnal relationship.

Encourages credence in voodooism and superstitious practices; suicide in plot solution. Faces in the Fog Republic B Objection: Accepts the validity of the principle of the so-called unwritten law. Presentation of illicit drug traffic tends to caUse morally harmful social effects. Fall In United Artists A-I 67 Year of Review Title and Distributor Rating Year of Revi Fallen Angel, The 20th Century-Fox B Objection: Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive situ- ation.

Although some effort was made to indict the im- morality of certain actions in this film there are suggestive lines of dialogue plus a tendency to condone some immoral actions. Irreverent use of the Lord's name.

Farewell to Arms Fox B Objection: In the guise of dramatic realism, this film presents material in such a sensational and excessive manner that it is judged to be morally unacceptable for entertainment motion pic- ture purposes. Furthermore, there is not sufficiently clear moral compensation for the undue emphasis on illicit love. Fear in the Night Paramount B Objection: Reflects the acceptability of suicide as solution to human problem. Light Across the Street Fr. The highly questionable subject matter of this film, plus gross and sordid details in treatment, are considered seri- ously offensive to Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency.

A-I Fernandel the Dressmaker Fr. Union B Objection: Suggestive sequences; light treatment of marriage. Suicide sympathetically treated; suggestive sequence. Sadistic sequences; excessive brutality. Tends to condone the taking of the law into one's own hands. The film deals with subject matter unsuitable for exhibition in entertainment motion picture theaters. Fighting Valley Producers Releasing Corp. Tends to condone immoral actions; contains material morally unfit for entertainment motion picture audiences.

Finger of Guilt Br. Suggestive dancing and dialogue; low moral tone. Marriage contracted for a purpose not consonant with the nature and purpose of marriage. The presentation of the obligations inherent in the Sacra- ment of Penance is inaccurate. The classification of this film applies only to prints exhibited in the U. The marital status of the principal character Sam Houston must be judged in the light of the documentary nature of this film. Suggestive dialogue, costuming and situations. Suggestive situations and dialogue; tends to condone immoral actions.

Suggestive sequences; excessive brutality; low moral tone. Flesh Is Weak Br. DCA C Objection: The subject matter, as treated in this him, is morally unacceptable for entertainment motion picture theaters by rea- son of low moral tone throughout, suggestive situations and actions and unmitigated emphasis on sensuality.

This picture, in treatment, seriously offends Christian and traditional standards of modesty and decency. The suicide of the leading character is presented as noble and justifiable. Flight to Nowhere Screen Guild Prod. Suggestive scene and dance. Follies Girl Producers Releasing Corp. Suggestive sequences; contains material morally un- fit for entertainment motion picture audiences ; tends to condone immoral actions. This rating applies only to prints exhibited in the United States, its possessions and Canada.

The version exported to other countries is judged to be morally offensive. Suggestive situation; indication of justification of homicide; excessive brutality. The story is set against the background of the Spanish Civil War. Forbidden Universal-International B Objection: Low moral tone; tends to condone immoral actions. Films Around World B Objection: Tends to misrepresent religion and religious prac- tices; suggestive sequence. Light treatment of marriage; reflects the accept- ability of divorce. Suggestive lines and situations; tends to condone immoral actions. Revisions made in this film are deemed sufficient to meet sub- stantially the original objection of the Legicn that the picture glorified immorality.

Excessive brutality; suggestive sequences. Suggestive dance and sequence. Fountainhead, The Warners B Objection: Suicide in plot solution; suggestive situations. Suggestive situations; tends to glamorize criminals. Suggestive sequences; insufficient moral compensation. Light treatment of marriage; suggestive costuming and situations. Fram For Framgang Swedish A. This film contains grossly obscene, suggestive and indecent action, costuming and dialogue. In incidents of subject matter and treatment it is gravely offensive to Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency and is capable of grave, evil influence upon those who patronize it, especially youth.

This film contains material morally unsuitable for entertainment theaters. Moreover, it seriously offends traditional and Christian standards of morality and decency. This film glorifies crime and criminals. Moreover, it is indecent in treatment. Attempted suicide in plot solution. Certain elements depicted in this film are suscept- ible of conveying impressions misrepresentative of Catholic practice. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; tends to con- done immoral actions; suggestive situations.

An item of dialogue can be interpreted as sympa- thetic to so-called planned parenthood. Lack of regard for human life. Ellis Films C Objection: The theme of this picture is seriously opposed to Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency by reason of a light and farcical presentation of the virtue of purity. In treatment, an atmosphere of suggestiveness in cos- tuming, dialogue and situations permeates this film. Suicidal action in plot solution. This film, formerly classified as A-II, has been re-edited, and is now placed in the A-I classification.

Fugitive Lady Republic B Objection: Suggestive costuming and dance; light treatment of marriage; suicide in plot solution. Fugitive of the Plains Producers Releasing Corp. Suggestive cos- tuming and situations. This classification, however, is applicable only to prints exhibited in the United States of America and its possessions, and Canada. Furies, The Paramount B Objection: Tends to condone immoral actions; suggestive dia- logue and situations.

Honeymoon Monogram B Objection: War Brides Republic B Objection: Certain lines of dialogue concerning the indis- solubility of the marriage contract are subject to misinterpretation. This picture, in the story it tells, condones immoral actions. Moreover, in treatment, it seriously offends Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency by reason of grossly suggestive dialogue, costuming and situations. Methods of crime too minutely detailed.

Gang War Fox B Objection: Low moral tone; tends to condone immoral actions; suggestive costuming. Excessively sordid and brutal; suggestive sequences. The sensational subject matter of this film precludes presentation in entertainment motion picture theaters. More- over, it seriously offends Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency through gross salaciousness and ex- hibitionism. This picture was erroneously classified as A-I — Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage, in our bi-weekly release of July 15, Light treatment of marriage; a suggestive line.

This film, in the story it tells, condones and glorifies illicit actions. Insufficient retribution for crime committed by one of the principals. This film presents offensively subject matter unfit for general motion picture audiences. It contains suggestive sequences; suicide in plot solution. Light treatment of marriage; suggestive situations and remarks. This picture condones and glorifies immorality and is offensive to religion.

Suggestive rendition of song; suggestive costumes, dialogue and dance. Suggestive scenes and dialogue. Tendency to create sympathy for euthanasia. Immoral in theme and treatment. Vice is portrayed attractively; virtue ridiculed. Atlantis B Objection: Suggestive dancing; tends to condone illicit actions. The theme of this picture employs throughout mate- rial morally unsuitable for entertainment motion picture thea- ters.

Moreover, in treatment, it contains offensive and suggestive sequences. Low moral tone; suggestive costuming.

How the Catholic Church censored Hollywood's Golden Age

Glamour Girl Columbia B Objection: Lustful kissing; suggestive remarks and costumes. This classification applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. In its present form it is still morally objectionable by reason of grossly suggestive situations and costuming.

This film of low moral tone, furthermore, tends to glamorize immoral actions. Suggestive sequences; excessive brutality; tends to give credence to superstition. Suggestive situations; light treatment of marriage. Suggestive costuming; light treatment of marriage; tends to condone wrongdoing. Golem Frank Kassler Prod. B Golgotha Golgotha Corp. The low moral character, principles and behavior of the main figures as depicted in the film; suggestive implications; the attractive portrayal of the immoral character of a supporting role in the story.

Good Day For a Hanging Col. Arthur Rank B Objection: A-I Goodbye, Mr. Light treatment of marriage; low moral tone. This film, referring to New Testament events, should not be understood as presenting a full and accurate pre- sentation of the pertinent scriptural incidents. Suggestive costuming; tends to glamorize immoral characters. In the story there is not adequate moral compensa- tion for the murders committed. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; insufficient moral compensation. Tends to glorify a criminal. Tends to condone illicit actions and to glorify cri- minal characters.

Handel, The British-Midfilm, Inc. A-I Great Mr. Light treatment of marriage; unpleasant and vulgar atmosphere. Too detailed method of crime. Especially because of the youth-appeal of this film the following objections should be carefully noted: It also contains suggestive costuming and dialogue. Low moral tone; suggestive sequences; tends to con- done immoral actions.

Gunfire at Indian Gap Rep. Detailed method of crime; suggestive costuming and songs; excessive brutality. Suggestive costuming, song and sequences. Tends to confuse superstition with religion; suggestive sequence. Plot solution involves a series of untruths which are presented as ethically justifiable. Light treatment of marriage; suggestive songs, dia- logue and situations. Certain marital elements present in the treatment of this film must be judged in the light of the general theme.

Suggestive lines; suicide in plot solution. Harder They Fall, The Col. Suggestive scenes and costuming; low moral tone. The story treats of a relationship which apparently is one of free love. The film is unfolded with a general emphasis upon naturalism. Harvest Melody Producers Releasing Corp. Light treatment of marriage; double meaning lines. Plot solved by divorce, light treatment of marriage, suggestive costumes and dialogue. Suggestive dialogue and costuming. Suggestive dance and painting. This film contains story elements susceptible to conveying impressions misrepresentative of Catholic doctrine.

The film contains visualizations of what are pre- sented in the story as incidents of the future life. Excessive brutality; suggestive situations, costuming and dancing. HeUcats of the Navy Col. A-I Hell Drivers Br. Suggestive situations and immodest costuming. Suggestive situations; light treatment of marriage; low moral tone.

Tends to condone immoral actions; excessive bru- tality. Suggestive sequence and dialogue. This film previously classified as A-II has been re- viewed again and reclassified as B for the following reason: Suggestive dialogue and atmosphere. Lustful kissing; suggestive dialogue and costumes. The picture, in the forward, states clearly the fan- tastic nature of this story. Janus C Objection: The sordid and morally degrading atmosphere in which the theme of this film is developed is further compounded by blatant violations of Christian and traditional standards of decency, both in situations and costuming.

Suggestive dialogue; dishonesty glamorized. This film, purporting to expose a sociological problem of youth, contains negative elements detailed method of crime; suggestive costuming and situations; low moral tone that tend to destroy a constructive message. High School Hellcats Am.

Though retribution in the end overtakes the criminal character, the picture treats him sympathetically. This film reflects and tends to justify the acceptabil- ity of divorce; it lacks sufficient moral balance to offset the rationalization for wrongdoing. Low moral tone; excessive brutality; reflects the acceptability of divorce. Contains material morally unsuitable for entertain- ment motion pictures; suggestive sequence.

His Majesty O'Keefe Warners. Suggestions of and illusions to unwholesome abnor- malities which should not be presented on the entertainment screen. This film, classified A-II, Unobjectionable for Adults, presents the evils of the National Socialist regime in Germany as they affect children and women. Among the evils challenged in the film is the sterilization of women. The story told in this film, although purporting to be folklore, is presented in such a manner as to cast ridicule on religious characters and practices.

Moreover, it contains im- modest costuming and condones immoral actions. A-I Hollywood Boulevard Paramount A-II Hollywood Bound Trinity Films A-II Year of Review Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Hollywood Burlesque Continental Films C Objection: This picture in the type of entertainment it presents offends Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency. It contains immodest costuming, dancing and dialogue. Tends to arouse by a strong emotional appeal the acceptance of divorce and justification of remarriage. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive scenes and situations.

Arousing of sympathy for the wrong-doer. Tends to condone immoral actions; method of crime is too minutely detailed. A-I Hot Angel Para. Offensive situations and references; the picture's pre- occupation with and attitude toward suicide. The revengeful murder committed by the main character is approvingly presented and contributes to the plot solution. House of Errors Producers Releasing Corp. The immorality of a sympa- thetic character's entertaining the intention to murder is not indicated. The killing, however, subsequently occurs under cir- cumstances of self-defense.

Suggestive costuming; tends to arou? House on the Waterfront Fr. The substantial revisions made in this picture are deemed sufficient to warrant a change in classification which is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. Excessive brutality; suggestive dialogue and situations. Suggestive dancing, dialogue and situations. How to Make a Monster Am. Morbid and base theme of determinism; plot con- tains as elements — murders, sadism, seduction, immoral rela- tionships; suicide solution. Tends to arouse disrespect for the law. Excessive brutality and gruesomeness; explicitness in depicting methods of committing crime.

Human Wreckage Cinema Service Corp. C Humoresque Warners B Objection: Suggestive costuming; low moral tone. This picture, in the story it tells, condones immoral actions and in treatment seriously offends Christian and tra- ditional standards of morality and decency by reason of sug- gestive costuming and situations. This film in basic story, characterization, dialogue and costuming offends Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency and must, therefore, be judged as wholly unsuitable on moral grounds for all persons, youth and adults.

Glorification of criminals with methods of crime por- trayed; excessive brutality; blasphemous use of religious hymn; personal revenge made to appear justifiable. Tends to justify divorce and remarriage; suggestive dancing. No retribution for crime; revenge motive. Light treatment of marriage; suggestive in dialogue and costume.

A low moral tone pervades this film which tends to create undue sympathy for a criminal. Furthermore, it contains grossly suggestive sequences which seriously offend Christian and traditional standards of decency. Suggestive costumes and sequences. Voodoo practices are part of plot material. I Was a Teenage Werewolf Am. Tends to give credence to certain philosophical theories whose acceptance can lead to serious moral harm.

Film Regulation and the Church in America

Illicit romance sympathetically presented; suicide in plot solution. The marital status of the principal character must be judged in the light of the true life facts and the book upon which this screen story is based. This picture, in the story it tells, condones immoral actions and by reason of gross suggestiveness offends Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency.

I'm from Arkansas Producers Releasing Corp. The suicide of a sympathetic character is presented as justifiable and heroic. Suggestive implication; reflects the acceptability of divorce. Suggestive dancing; reflects the acceptability of divorce. This picture in the story it tells is immoral in treat- ment.

It presents indecent and suggestive situations. Also the dialogue is suggestive and immoral actions are condoned. Excessive brutality; suggestive costuming. India Speaks now titled Bride of Buddha J. Suggestive situations; light treatment of the virtue of purity. The classification of this film is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U.

William D. Romanowski

We will contact you if necessary. DCA C Objection: Moreover, it seriously offends traditional and Christian standards of morality and decency. They were written by industry insiders whose views were shaped by personal experience and prevailing attitudes during Prohibition. Moreover, it is offensive to religion and the name of the Deity. A-I Moby Dick War. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; method of crime minutely detailed.

Inn of the Sixth Happiness Fox A-I Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Inside Detroit Col. Excessive brutality; tends to glorify criminal activity. Sympathetic presentation of divorce and remarriage. Invasion of the Saucer Men Am. Columbia B Objection: Tends to create sympathy for wrong-doing; lack of sufficient moral compensation.

Invisible Woman Universal B Objection: Suggested nudity; some suggestive lines. Isle of Lost Women War. Suggestive songs and situations. Light treatment of marriage; suggestive dialogue and sequences. This picture in the story it tells seriously offends the Christian and traditional concept of the sacrament of matri- mony. Moreover, it is offensive to religion and the name of the Deity. It's Great to Be Youig Columbia ;. This picture contains certain elements which tend to give credibility to the doctrine of reincarnation.

Contains implication against the permanency of the marriage bond. A low moral tone which pervades this film is further accentuated by grossly suggestive dancing and costuming. Only a biographical back- ground upon which the story elements are based averts a more serious classification. Tends to condone immoral actions; suggestive se- quence. Republic A-I Jesse James vs. Suggestive costuming and situations; low mora! Excessive brutality; over-emphasis on gangsterism. Suggestive atmosphere and dialogue. Suggestive costuming and song; light treatment of marriage.

Suggestive sequence; insufficient moral compensa- tion. Suggestive sequences; tends to condone actions inimi- cal to morality and the marriage bond. Jungle, The Lippert Prod. Jungle Flight Paramount B Objection: Changes have been made in the film "Jungle Siren. This classification is ap- plicable only to prints shown in continental USA. Jungle Stampede Republic C Objection: Although this film purports to be documentary and educational in nature, nevertheless, the treatment of the subject matter native customs and habits is considered to constitute a serious moral danger to general motion picture audiences.

Jungle Woman Universal B Objection: The subject material and treatment in this fantasy indicate some acceptance of the possibility of changing through science an ape into a human being. This film totally lacking in moral compensation, pre- sents a glorification of immorality and indecency. Moreover, it contains suggestive situations and blasphemous dialogue. Excessive brutality; suggestive costuming and situations. Tends to glorify an immoral character; excessive brutality. This picture contains material morally unacceptable for entertainment motion picture theaters, and in its treatment constitutes a serious danger to Christian and traditional stand- ards of morality and decency.

Karl Fredrik Reigns Swedish S. The film tends to leave the impression that the lead- ing feminine character, who sought to protect her country and her husband's reputation, and who could have had recourse to lawful authority, acted ethically in omitting purposely to inform him of known mortal danger, and thus contributing to his death.

Suggestive dialogue and sequences. This film, morally unobjectionable, contains state- ments by the leading character, the priest, which are susceptible to meaning not in accordance with Catholic doctrine. Khyber Patrol United Artists A-I Kid Comes Back, The Warners A-I Kid Dynamite Monogram A-I Year of Review Tide and Distributor Rating Kid for Two Farthings Br.

Low moral tone; suggestive sequences; excessive brutality. Low moral tone; suggestive dialogue, situations and costuming. King and I, The Fox A-I Year of Review Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review King and the Chorus Girl, The Warners A-II King Creole Para. Divorce solution of plot. Suggestive dance and situations. Light treatment of marriage; reflects the accepta- bility of divorce. This film tends to glorify taking the law into one's own hands. Moreover, it contains excessive brutality and sug- gestiveness in costuming, dialogue and situations.

Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive cos- tuming, song and dance. Series of suggestive and immoral situations consti- tute principal plot material. Suggestive sequence and song. Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations; re- flects the acceptability of divorce. Tends to glorify a criminal; excessive brutality; suggestive sequences.

Lack of adequate moral compensation. While recording the appreciation of the changes which have been made in adapting the story material to the screen, the Legion finds the film objectionable in part because of divorce and the remarriage after the divorce. There is also a suggestive situation. Kivinnas Ansikte, En Swedish A. This is a documentary film about the Moi tribe of Indo-China. Suggestive costuming, situations and dialogue. Revi- sions made in this picture are deemed sufficient to warrant a change in classification.

This film in the story it tells condones and glorifies immoral actions, and contains suggestive sequences. Tends to arouse undue sympathy for immoral characters. Suggestive sequences and dialogue; inadequate moral compensation. Sympathy created for unrepentant wrong-doer. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive cos- tuming and dancing. This film, both in its development and solution of the plot, condones adultery.

As such it constitutes an un- conscionable attack upon a fundamental tenet of Judaeo-Chris- tian morality. This is all the more reprehensible when such an attack comes through a mass medium of entertainment which in our American society is devoid of reasonable safeguards for the young and the impressionable. Tends to create sympathy for wrong-doing. Film in its solution does not indicate any compen- sating moral value for the crime committed by one of the lead- ing characters.

Suggestive song and costume; reflects the accepta- bility of divorce. Light treatment of marriage; plot reflects accepta- bility of divorce. Suggestive costumes, dances and situations. UA B Objection: Double-meaning and offensive lines; suggestive cos- tume. Crown B Objection: A-I Larceny, Inc. The film contains many very suggestive lewd and sadistic scenes.

Suggestive scenes and dialogue; sensual atmosphere throughout; murder and suicide in the plot solution. Excessive brutality; suggestive situations. The reason for the objection now is as follows: Substantial revisions made in this picture war- rant this change of classification.

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This classification, however, is only applicable to prints shown in Continental U. Last Stagecoach West Rep. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; light treatment of marriage; suggestive costumes and dialogue. Indecent language and suggestiveness. Although this picture might be judged to have cer- tain scientific value, nevertheless, it contains morally unsuitable material for entertainment motion picture theaters and for this reason constitutes a serious danger to Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency.

The Monogram A-I Law vs. This film which consists of a group of episodes, pre- sents in both theme and treatment a sympathetic portrayal of immoral actions. Moreover, it contains material morally un- suitable for entertainment motion picture theatres and is offen- sive to religion. Leonardo da Vinci Pictura Films A-I Year ot Review Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" Eternal Films A-I Observation: This classifica- tion is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U.

Excessive brutality and gruesomeness. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive situ- ations, dialogue and costuming. Disrespect for law; no retribution for wrong-doing; suicidal intention in finale. Although some attempt is made to indict immorality nevertheless this film tends to justify immoral actions. Tohan C Objection: This film, a trilogy, contains in the first two epi- sodes a frivolous, disrespectful and grossly comical presentation of religion and religious characters. Its exhibition in entertain- ment motion picture theaters is seriously objectionable and con- ducive to a misunderstanding of religious practices.

This film seriously offends Christian and traditional standards of decency by reason of gross suggestiveness in costuming. Suggestive costuming, dialogue and sequences. Low moral tone, tends to condone illicit actions. Presents as justifiable essentially immoral actions.

National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures (U.S.)

Life Begins at 8: This film presents certain concepts on the Sacra- ment of Baptism which are contrary to Catholic teaching and practice. Lighthouse Producers Releasing Corp. Light treatment of marriage; suggestive situations. Suggestive dialogue and costumes. Excessive brutality; methods of crime minutely de- tailed; low moral tone. Suggestive costuming and dancing; low moral tone. A substantial part of the subject matter and the treatment of this picture is seriously offensive by reason of a light and farcical treatment of the Sacrament of Matrimony plus suggestiveness in dialogue and situations.

This classification is predicated on a revised version of the film. Suggestive song and dance. Methods of crime too minutely detailed; suggestive situations. Although some indictment is made against the evils portrayed in this film, nevertheless, the picture tends to justify suicide and mercy killing in some instances. Certain elements depicted in this film are suscept- ible of confirming credibility in the erroneous doctrine of re- incarnation.

The Producers Releasing Corp. Suggestive costuming and situations; low moral tone. Light treatment of marriage; suggestive dialogue, situations and costuming. A-I Lost Continent Ital. Lopert A-II Observation: Certain advertising of this film is morally offensive. Suggestive scenes and lines. Suggestive situations, costuming and dancini. This film tends to ridicule the virtue of purity by reason of an undue emphasis on illicit love. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; tends to arouse undue sympathy for wrongdoing.

An unrelieved emphasis on sensuality of a highly gross nature makes this film a serious threat to public and private morality. The suggestiveness in costuming, dialogue and situa- tions is an open flouting at Judaeo-Christian standards of com- mon decency. Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive costuming and sequence.

Suggestive actions and sadistic sequence. The treatment of the film presents as justifiable a sinful course of conduct. Lovers and Lollipops Trans-Lux A-II Year of Review Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Lovers' Net Fr.

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Times B Objection: The story told in this film condones and glorifies illicit actions. Moreover, this picture in treatment is seriously contrary to traditional standards of morality and decency. It contains sequences offensive to religion. This film, in the story it tells, condones immoral motives and actions. It is disrespectful toward religion and contains suggestive sequences. Suggestive sequence, costuming and dance. Suggestive actions and dialogue; light treatment of marriage.

Suggestive lines and scenes. Glorification of the criminal. Suggestive costuming and situations; contains mate- rial morally unsuitable for motion picture audiences. Tends to glorify criminal activity. Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations; low moral tone. Method of crime too minutely detailed; excessive brutality; low moral tone.

The concluding words in the film imply an omni- potence for science in cleansing in time "this world of its evils, its ignorance, its poverty, diseases, wars and heartaches. All the evils in the world, however, are not material evils. There are moral evils. Religion has its God-given role in combatting evil in the world.

This picture, although positive in approach and spiritual in theme, nevertheless, contains suggestive costuming and morally objectionable situations. This picture, in the story it tells, seriously offends in both theme and treatment Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency. Moreover, it dwells constantly on a farcical presentation of the virtue of purity. Mademoiselle Ma Mere French J. Light treatment of marriage and suggestive dialogue. In its heyday within the Nineteen Thirties and 40s, the Legion claimed a club of over 11 million Americans--about one moviegoer in twelve--and introduced motion picture moguls resembling David O.

Selznick and Howard Hughes to their knees in decided campaigns to bar what it deemed wrong leisure. Read or Download The Cross and the Cinema: Thank You for Dying for Our Country: Combining ethnographic, semiotic, and performative ways, this ebook examines texts and accompanying acts of writing of nationwide commemoration. The commemorative customer e-book is considered as a mobilized level, a conversation medium, the place viewers' public performances are awarded, and the place acts of participation are authored and composed.

Jeff Pittam's Voice in Social Interaction: The research of voice presents us with very important insights into human social interplay. This quantity brings jointly the various interdisciplinary views on voice - from acoustic phonetics to voice pathology, from the heritage of vocal functionality to social psychology - and defines them in the context of social interplay. Download e-book for iPad: Election Posters Around the Globe: This publication examines the heritage and position of election posters as some of the most an important varieties of political verbal exchange, specifically in electoral campaigns, in a few nations all over the world.

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