1. Hilfe für Second Life®: Erfolgreich im Web 3D (German Edition)

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Posted by David Nordfors at The Role of Communication in the Innovation Ecosystem. By Vilma Luoma-aho and Saara Halonen. As innovations are established in ecosystems of dynamic multi-channel networks of researchers, funders, entrepreneurs and experts, the question of what and who keeps this ecosystem thriving is central. Intangible assets are central for innovation through concepts such as trust, communication and social capital, though little previous research has focused on them. In this paper we look at the role of intangible assets for innovation through a literature review, and suggest that communication is vital, and that the different attention workers maintain the innovation ecosystem by brokering intangible assets, creating a shared language and setting the agenda for the future.

Thursday, April 1, Welcome - you are visiting our new web address! The address of the Innovation Journalism publication series is now here at this site. The picture above is linked to a movie with the keynote speech by Vint Cerf. Posted by David Nordfors at 6: Posted by David Nordfors at 1: A Review of the Innovation Journalism Initiative This article presents a review of the innovation journalism initiative so far.

The novel concepts of innovation journalism, attention work and innovation communication systems are present. Posted by Anonymous at Public relations in innovation companies can strengthen brand value by communicating innovation processes and add value to innovation by developing narratives for new products and services in parallel with technological and business development. The development of innovation communication and PR will benefit from the emergence of independent innovation journalism.

Some new concepts are introduced: News Flash Oct 4 How does journalism link innovation with the public interest? How do innovation ecosystems engage journalists? The project will set the agenda for an international research workshop scheduled for February at Stanford University. Antti Ainamo at the Helsinki School of Business. The group of researchers standing behind the mission, which includes faculty and expert practitioners from leading U.

Posted by Anonymous at 5: Includes abstracts of presentations and links to powerpoint presentations, archived on the IJ website. Includes also bios of the 88 participating speakers and panellists.

Posted by Anonymous at 4: This essay suggests Innovation Journalism as a useful theme through which to explore the interplay of journalism in innovation ecosystems. This involves investigating how journalism plays a part in connecting innovation with public interests and how innovation processes and innovation ecosystems interact with public attention, with news media as an actor. It may also be of interest to study in which ways journalists cover innovation processes and innovation ecosystems, the incentives that may drive innovation journalism and how news organizations may be organized to perform the task.

We outline examples of research project topics to illustrate how this approach can inform studies of innovation, studies of journalism as practice, and possible scipes for the research theme. We have already enlisted speakers and delegations from the U. The main conference themes include: Registrations to the conference can be made via the Internet. See the News Flash for details. Innovation Journalism Fellows from Pakistan will participate in the program starting in Traditional news media are being challenged by innovative sources of news on the Internet, such as blogospheres, or citizen journalism.

Traditional journalism struggles when covering innovation as a topic. While innovation pivots society it is not a key news word. Traditional news beats — such as technology, business or politics — chop up innovation processes to fit their news slots, missing the bigger picture. Who can do it? Posted by Anonymous at 3: It has nominated three people to the Innovation Journalism program at Stanford. News Flash Oct 09 The first innovation communication handbook "Neue Ideen erfolgreich durchsetzen. It has been edited by Prof. Claudia Mast and Dr.

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By June , more than seven million registered users followed this invitation extended by the operators of “Second Life”. Whether as trial. A Multiple Case Study Analysis in Second Life. 2. Contents. 1 . current and future involvement in online social media by outlining the . According to a study conducted by the German research . To what extent does innovation communication in 3D worlds help Ideen erfolgreich durchsetzen.

The book is so far available in German only. It presents for the first time a comprehensive overview of the field of Innovation Communication and encompasses the basic concepts as well as numerous best practice examples from companies such as ThyssenKrupp, Siemens, IngDiBa or IBM. The handbook includes a special chapter on Innovation Journalism by Dr. It will be running intensively during September-October The pilot course has 20 participants.

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It includes 12 h lectures, practical work and a feed-back session. The students will get three credit points from the course. During the intensive course, September-October, every student will write one or more innovation journalistic articles. The grades of the course will be based on the quality of the articles. One aim of the course is also to publish the articles in various Finnish newspapers and magazines. The lecturer of the course is Dr. Turo Uskali, who took part in the first Finnish innovation journalism research and education program — The course will collaborate closely with Dr.

David Nordfors at Stanford University and others interested in innovation journalism education. Business journalism often misses to predict major happenings and frequently plays a part in inflating economic bubbles. Business news often allows no more than one scenario of the future per story, which is not sufficient for discussing weak signals.

This tends to promote mainstreaming which can inflate bubbles. Innovation journalism is future-oriented and needs to discuss weak signals.

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The paper proposes some guidelines for innovation journalists on how to cover weak signals without repeating the mistakes of business journalism. Traditionally, scholars have looked for weak signals in news headlines. But news headlines mostly focus on strong signals.

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The paper proposes some future directions for weak signal research. During the past decade there has been an important worldwide trend in which more research is conducted in private companies or research departments with high ambitions of spin-offs.

The science journalism tradition of mainly giving perspectives on recently published peer reviewed articles is no longer sufficient. Innovation journalism increases the possibilities of covering key factors driving scientific development. This paper describes how a few different science media have chosen to approach the challenge of integrating innovation journalism.

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It discusses the challenges for the modern science journalists, their work environments and editorial organizations. It is the hope of the author that readers will find interesting threads that will become embryos of new stories. As this paper is aimed at journalists, the reader is expected to have journalistic skills and to know how to do research, how to be critical, balanced and accurate and how to handle ethical dilemmas. Basic journalism is beyond the scope of this paper. The industrial reality does no longer match the traditional understanding of innovation based on the assertiveness of creative scientists and entrepreneurs.

Nowadays, an integrative approach is necessary. It also highlights the importance of communication for the implementation of new ideas, products, and services. Following this line of argumentation, the article explains the strategies and measures of Innovation Communication. Several case studies illustrate how communication may foster the ability to innovate and thus strengthen competitiveness in a fundamental way.