Analysis of James Joyce’s short story Eveline: How can we tell that Eveline is not in love?

Before the start of “The Sisters,” Father Flynn died of what cause?

Moreover, she never mentions that she loves him, and finally she decides not to go with him. Eveline hopes she will have a better, more comfortable life with Frank in Buenos Ayres. She thinks that the life in another country will be totally different from her old life in Dublin, where she lives with her father, who threatens her sometimes, and two younger siblings, she has to take care for.

Moreover she hopes, that when she is married with Frank, other people will have more respect for her. Whereas in her salesjob in Dublin she is little respected. Eveline hopes that she will not live the same pittyful life her mother did, when she leaves Ireland.

How can we tell that Eveline is not in love in "Eveline" from Dubliners?

To escape the destiny of a hard life, she wants to use Frank. This is shown by the sentences: He would give her life, perhaps love, too. Eveline wants to leave with Frank, because she wants to enjoy a better life in Buenos Ayres, not because she loves him.

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Academic Writing I, Mon. Thus, this is the third Dubliners story in a row about a failed quest.

SparkNotes: Dubliners: “Eveline”

The Holy Grail of the boy in "An Encounter" was the Pigeon House, which he never reached; the main character in "Araby" sought the bazaar, closing down by the time he got there. Eveline seeks Argentina, a place where she hopes to avoid the very real threat of her father's violence as well as her dead mother's "life of commonplace sacrifices closing in final craziness. She believes she has a right to happiness, too — that is, until she stands on the shore and confronts the reality of the journey on which she is about to embark.

Then fear and guilt about abandoning her father and her younger siblings overwhelm her, and she stays rather than goes. Though it is as old and dusty as her father's house "She looked round the room, reviewing all its familiar objects which she had dusted once a week for so many years, wondering where on earth all the dust came from" , Dublin is at least familiar, and Eveline is a fearful young woman, obsessed with thoughts of wild Patagonians and remembered ghost stories.

She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition.

Frank seems to have been her last, best chance. Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque —90 a French nun beatified in and canonized in Characters throughout Dubliners refer to songs from this opera. Patagonians inhabitants of Patagonia, a dry, grassy region in south South America, east of the Andes including the south parts of Argentina and Chile ; thought to be nomadic and dangerous.

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